M. C. Martí
Simulation and control of dissolved air flotation and column froth flotation with simultaneous sedimentation.
Abstract Flotation is a separation process where particles or droplets are removed from a suspension with the aid of floating gas bubbles. Applications include dissolved air flotation (DAF) in industrial wastewater treatment and column froth flotation (CFF) in wastewater treatment and mineral processing. One-dimensional models of flotation have been limited to steady-state situations for half a century by means of the drift-flux theory. A newly developed dynamic one-dimensional model formulated in terms of partial differential equations can be used to predict the process of simultaneous flotation of bubbles and sedimentation of particles that are not attached to bubbles. The governing model…
Some techniques for improving the resolution of finite difference component-wise WENO schemes for polydisperse sedimentation models
Polydisperse sedimentation models can be described by a system of conservation laws for the concentration of each species of solids. Some of these models, as the Masliyah-Locket-Bassoon model, can be proven to be hyperbolic, but its full characteristic structure cannot be computed in closed form. Component-wise finite difference WENO schemes may be used in these cases, but these schemes suffer from an excessive diffusion and may present spurious oscillations near shocks. In this work we propose to use a flux-splitting that prescribes less numerical viscosity for component-wise finite difference WENO schemes. We compare this technique with others to alleviate the diffusion and oscillatory be…
A system of conservation laws with discontinuous flux modelling flotation with sedimentation
Abstract The continuous unit operation of flotation is extensively used in mineral processing, wastewater treatment and other applications for selectively separating hydrophobic particles (or droplets) from hydrophilic ones, where both are suspended in a viscous fluid. Within a flotation column, the hydrophobic particles are attached to gas bubbles that are injected and float as aggregates forming a foam or froth at the top that is skimmed. The hydrophilic particles sediment and are discharged at the bottom. The hydrodynamics of a flotation column is described in simplified form by studying three phases, namely the fluid, the aggregates and solid particles, in one space dimension. The relat…
Hybrid WENO schemes for polydisperse sedimentation models
International audience; Polydisperse sedimentation models can be described by a strongly coupled system of conservation laws for the concentration of each species of solids. Typical solutions for the sedimentation model considered for batch settling in a column include stationary kinematic shocks separating layers of sediment of different composition. This phenomenon, known as segregation of species, is a specially demanding task for numerical simulation due to the need of accurate numerical simulations. Very high-order accurate solutions can be constructed by incorporating characteristic information, available due to the hyperbolicity analysis made in Donat and Mulet [A secular equation fo…
Flotation with sedimentation: Steady states and numerical simulation of transient operation
Abstract A spatially one-dimensional model of the hydrodynamics of a flotation column is based on one continuous phase, the fluid, and two disperse phases: the aggregates, that is, bubbles with attached hydrophobic valuable particles, and the solid particles that form the gangue. A common feed inlet for slurry mixture and gas is considered and the bubbles are assumed to be fully aggregated with hydrophobic particles as they enter the column. The conservation law of the three phases yields a model expressed as a system of partial differential equations where the nonlinear constitutive flux functions come from the drift-flux and solids-flux theories. In addition, the total flux functions are …
WENO Schemes for Multi-Dimensional Porous Media Flow Without Capillarity
In this work we derive a numerical technique based on finite-difference WENO schemes for the simulation of multi-dimensional multiphase flows in a homogeneous porous medium. The key idea is to define a compatible discretization for the fluxes of the convective term in order to maintain their divergence-free character not only in the continuous setting but also in the discrete setting, ensuring the conservation of the sum of the saturations through time evolution. The one-dimensional numerical technique is derived in detail for the case of neglected capillarity effects. Numerical results obtained with one-dimensional and two-dimensional standard tests of multiphase flow in a homogeneous poro…