María Hernández Hernández


El secano mejorado y la agricultura aterrazada. Paisajes significativos con un gran valor socio-ambiental y didáctico

En los últimos veinte años, en las denominadas sociedades postproductivistas se ha producido un redescubrimiento del paisaje asociado a su identificación como un elemento identitario y de calidad. En la provincia de Alicante, representativos resultan el denominado secano mejorado (aprovechamiento de turbias) característico de la comarca de l’Alacantí y los paisajes aterrazados (Montaña de Alicante). Los objetivos de esta investigación son: 1) Analizar la ordenación tradicional de los paisajes derivados del uso de turbias y los aterrazados; 2) Analizar las estrategias de adaptación al medio y cómo el proceso de abandono ha repercutido ambientalmente en el área de estudio; 3) Poner de manifie…

research product

Water and Flood Adaptation Education: from Theory to Practice

The risk of flooding is the main natural hazard that affects the European region. This hazard has worsened in the recent decades due to the urban occupation of flood areas and the effects of climate change. Therefore, in Spain, interest in this subject is accentuated in the case of future teachers because this issue is mandatory to teach in primary education (grades 1–6; social sciences subject). The aims of this research are to explore the instruction about flooding received by future teachers during their school and university period and propose the instruction curricular activities to do in classroom (primary education). Methodologically, a questionnaire was distributed among future teac…

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The Use of Non-Conventional Water Resources as a Means of Adaptation to Drought and Climate Change in Semi-Arid Regions: South-Eastern Spain

Drought is a climatic risk with notable repercussions on water supply systems. The aim of this study is to analyze the principal measures for management and planning implemented during recent decades in south-eastern Spain (Segura River Basin) to respond to drought situations, focusing on the role played by non-conventional water resources (desalination and treated water). The results demonstrate that the study area (despite being one of the driest places of Spain) is less vulnerable to drought than regions with an Atlantic climate and greater availability of water. This has been possible thanks to the integration of non-conventional water resources as a means of adaptation to confront this…

research product

Inter-basin water transfer conflicts. The case of the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct (Spain)

Since its inauguration in 1979, the Tagus-Segura Aqueduct has become one of the hydraulic infrastructures that have given rise to the highest number of inter-regional conflicts in Spain during recent decades. The aim of this paper is to analyse the political, social, environmental and economic conflicts presented in the donor (Tagus) and recipient (Segura) basins of this infrastructure. To this end, through the holding of interviews with the main stakeholders and an analysis of the regulations, an assessment has been made of the results (for and against) of those who defend maintaining this infrastructure, owing to its far-reaching social and economic impact, and those who advocate its imme…

research product

What Do School Children Know about Climate Change? A Social Sciences Approach

One of the subject areas that is currently most prominent in the field of education (Social Science) is climate change, given its implications for raising awareness and training the present and future society. The objectives of this study, focused on school children (Primary Education—10 to 12 years old; third cycle, Secondary Education—12–16 years old; and pre-university, Baccalaureate—17–18 years old) in the Region of Valencia (Spain), are to analyse the following: the main information channels through which children receive information on climate change; the causes and consequences that they identify with respect to this phenomenon; and the main greenhouse g…

research product

Urban Stormwater Management, A Tool for Adapting to Climate Change: From Risk to Resource

The effects of climate change on rainfall in the Mediterranean region are manifested in an overall decreasing trend, and greater irregularity in annual volumes and the city of Alicante is no exception. In addition, there has also been a spread of the urbanised area, which has led to an increase in the flood risk in urban areas (due to a greater runoff and the occupation of flood hazard areas) and drought events due to an increase in the water demand. In light of these new scenarios, the Mediterranean cities should design adaptation systems based on rainwater harvesting within the framework of a circular economy. This study analyses the integration of rainwater in flood and water demand mana…

research product

Gestión de las sequías en la planificación hidrológica. Aplicación al sureste español

La sequía es un riesgo climático con grandes repercusiones sobre los sistemas de abastecimiento para usos urbano-turísticos y agrícolas. Los objetivos de este trabajo son: 1) llevar a cabo una revisión y diagnóstico de las medidas llevadas a cabo en el sureste de España (cuenca hidrográfica del Segura) desde la planificación y la gestión del agua para usos urbanos; y 2) valorar su grado de adaptación durante el episodio de sequía de 2015-19 en relación a las medidas implementadas. Para ello se ha consultado y revisado diversas fuentes documentales. En primer lugar, normativas y leyes que regulan los recursos hídricos en términos de disponibilidad y demandas tanto en situaciones de normalida…

research product

Social Representations of Flooding of Future Teachers of Primary Education (Social Sciences): A Geographical Approach in the Spanish Mediterranean Region

The risk of flooding is the main natural hazard that affects the European Mediterranean region. This hazard has worsened in recent decades due to the occupation of flood areas and the effects of climate change. Therefore, understanding and gaining a more in-depth knowledge of social representations of flooding is important. In addition, interest in this subject is accentuated in the case of future teachers. This is because it is mandatory to teach this subject in Primary Education (Grades 1&ndash

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Rainwater Interest in Urban Areas of E urope, the State of Art (1980–2016)

research product

Are Future School Teachers Qualified to Teach Flood Risk? An Approach from the Geography Discipline in the Context of Climate Change

The aims of this research, based on a case study (trainee teachers of Primary degree and Secondary Education–MAES of the University of Valencia, Spain), are to analyse the students’ memories and perceptions of their training about floods

research product

Assessment of natural hazards in urban planning policies of the municipalities in the province of Alicante (Spain). Legislation and risk mapping

Los espacios urbanos se han convertido en territorios proclives al daño económico y pérdida de vidas humanas con ocasión de episodios de rango extremo de origen natural. Ello es debido a la acumulación de población y actividades en el medio urbano y a la deficiente planificación urbana, que no ha tenido en cuenta, hasta fechas muy recientes, el problema de la peligrosidad natural y sus efectos territoriales en los procesos de asignación de usos en el suelo. El objetivo de esta investigación es analizar el grado de cumplimiento de la obligación de incorporar cartografía de riesgo en la documentación de planeamiento urbanístico en la provincia de Alicante a partir de 2008. Para ello, se ha co…

research product

Water Consumption and Management in Schools in the City of Alicante (Southern Spain) (2000–2017): Free Water Helps Promote Saving Water?

Studies on water in cities usually focus on household consumption. However, little attention has been given to non-household consumption and schools from a geographic perspective. The objectives of this research are to examine water consumption trends in schools in the city of Alicante (Southern Spain) between 2000&ndash

research product

El uso y consumo de agua en los jardines de las viviendas del litoral de Alicante (España)

El jardín es el elemento que ha adquirido una mayor difusión en los modelos urbanos extensivos en la costa de Alicante (España). En este territorio, a diferencia de otros ámbitos, los jardines unifamiliares se asocian a las urbanizaciones que se han ido configurando desde 1960 a raíz de la expansión del denominado turismo residencial. Los objetivos de esta investigación son identificar las principales características de los jardines unifamiliares y, a partir de ellas, estimar sus necesidades hídricas y determinar el volumen de agua doméstico consumido por el jardín en el hogar. Profundizar en estos factores resulta prioritario para determinar sus repercusiones en la demanda de agua presente…

research product

Rainwater harvesting in urban areas of developed countries. The state of the art (1980-2017)

Many urban areas suffer from water scarcity although paradoxically, a local source such as rainwater is mostly treated as a risk rather than a valuable resource. This change of paradigm is included in the 'integrated water resources management' and 'demand management' approach. The aim of this research is to identify and analyse studies that explore subject matters concerning rainwater in the integrated management systems of water resources into developed countries. The research methodology consisted in a literature review (from the 1980s to 2017) of territorial studies that examine rainwater harvesting in urban areas of the developed countries. To this end, a bibliometric analysis has been…

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