A. Dax

The proton radius puzzle

High-precision measurements of the proton radius from laser spectroscopy of muonic hydrogen demonstrated up to six standard deviations smaller values than obtained from electron-proton scattering and hydrogen spectroscopy. The status of this discrepancy, which is known as the proton radius puzzle will be discussed in this paper, complemented with the new insights obtained from spectroscopy of muonic deuterium.

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Test of Special Relativity in a Heavy Ion Storage Ring

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New access to the magnetic moment distribution in the nucleus by laser spectroscopy of highly charged ions

Abstract The availability of high intensity, high quality beams of highly charged ions has started a new application for laser spectroscopy. High resolution spectroscopy can now be applied to a study of hydrogen-like atomic states in heavy elements. In principal, this will allow a determination of the hyperfine splitting with an accuracy in the 10 −6 -range or better. Presently this exceeds the limits given by the uncertainties of the nuclear quantities, especially the distribution of the nuclear magnetization in the nucleus. Since the new approach can be applied to a family of test cases, it can provide a wide experimental basis for the separation of nuclear and QED effects. This is especi…

research product

Ion beam preparation of 7Li+ for precision experiments at heavy ion storage rings

Abstract Heavy ion storage rings allow for tests of the structure of local space time via the Doppler effect. At the TSR/Heidelberg an experiment with high resolution laser spectroscopy at 7 Li + is performed. To gain the maximum resolution for saturation spectroscopy new methods of relativistic ion beam preparation and diagnostics have been developed. The laser cooling of the beam allows for precision determination of the mean velocity of the ions. A novel phase synchronous detection scheme, ultimately sensitive to single ions, gives insights into the cooling mechanism and dynamics. With an additional synchronous excitation scheme systematic uncertainties of the test experiment can be dras…

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