Study of the leisure influence on attitude for leisure and mental health in a sample of portuguese seniors
Increased human longevity has been attributed to technological and medical advances, as well as improved hygiene and nutritional conditions, access to health care, changes in eating habits and cognitive development strategies (Osório, 2007). The present study examined the influence of leisure actions in the psychological well-being, leisure attitude and distress of seniors. The sample consisted of 403 participants (37,2% male; 62,8% female). Concerning the perception of health condition, 82,6% subjects were considered independent and 17,4% participants were considered dependent. The instruments used were the MHI (Ribeiro, 2001) and the LAS (Freire & Fonte, 2007). Main results exposed that p…
Nota Introdutória: Educação ao longo da vida
Análisis del nivel de educación en participantes de turismo de tercera edad en Portugal
El presente trabajo hace una caracterización de nivel de educación de participantes de turismo senior en Portugal. Así, se realizaron entrevistas a turistas mayores de diversas regiones de Portugal (Norte, Centro, Lisboa, Alentejo, Algarve e las Islas de Azores y Madeira). Para tal, se ha hecho un cuestionario acerca de comportamientos, lo cual se aplicó en 343 participantes. Los datos muestran que los turistas son, en su mayoría, mujeres, con edad media de 69.43 años (dp=5.28), casadas, que viven en la región norte de Portugal; y tienen como principal nivel de educación la enseñanza secundaria. La principal motivación para participar en el programa de turismo es el interés en las actividad…
Bem-estar psicológico na reforma: a importância da preparação dos trabalhadores para a transição
O envelhecimento da população é uma realidade atual da nossa sociedade e, portanto, torna-se fundamental a criação de estratégias para que esta fase da vida seja vivida de forma positiva e saudável. Não obstante, é impossível evitar certas perdas que vão ocorrendo ao longo do envelhecimento, pois fazem parte do próprio processo. A reforma é uma dessas perdas, a nível social, com um grande impacto na vida dos indivíduos e nas famílias uma vez que todos nós somos profssionalmente ativos durante grande parte das nossas vidas. Torna- se, assim, importante a criação de estratégias precoces que habilitem as pessoas adultas e profssionalmente ativas para prepararem o seu próprio processo de reform…
Relationship Between Mental Health and the Education Level in Elderly People: Mediation of Leisure Attitude.
Purpose The present study intends to explore the influence of education on the mental health of retired people and the mediating role of a leisure attitude in this relationship. Design/methodology The sample was simple random, and a confidentiality agreement was established. The sample was composed of 403 Portuguese participants (37.2% male; 62.8% female). The participants completed the MHI and the LAS. Findings The hypothesized mediation model showed that a leisure attitude mediated the association between education and well-being. In addition, higher levels of distress were found in participants with higher levels of education. Scientific contribution Our results suggest that old-aged peo…
Study of the perception of active workers in preparation for retirement
In a reality where we assist aging population, it is important to create more strategies to make this stage of life more positive and healthy. We know that many losses occur in this process on social and individual levels. The retirement is one of these losses, this one with great impact on the elderly people, once they've been professionally active during a great part of their lives. Thus, emerges the interest on creating early strategies that able adult and active people to prepare their retirement process, to the transition from active work to retirement. We proposed a study that permit us to examine the impact that education for retirement (with, for example, courses) could have in how …
Lifelong education
In a society where population aging is a very present reality, it is urgent the adaptation of social policies and strategies for promoting the well-being of this age group [7]. Learning lifelong and adult education are strategies that aim to achieve social, cultural and economic development [4]. They are, undoubtedly, strategies that have a positive impact on society. Intergenerational learning is a practice that allows us to include not only the older, as far as the younger population, benefiting from this strategy two disparate generations. Learning throughout life, through intergenerational sociability, has added value, encourages the closeness between the generations: the younger ones, …
A depressão geriátrica e sua relação com a solidão numa amostra de utentes com serviço de apoio domiciliário
O Servico de Apoio Domiciliario (SAD) tem sido implementado na sociedade como um apoio social as pessoas idosas. Com carateristicas de intervencao semelhantes ao Centro de Dia, o SAD carateriza-se por uma deslocacao ao domicilio de tecnicos com a perspetiva de promover suporte basico diario ao idoso. Este estudo, realizado em Coimbra, teve como objetivo perceber se o Servico de Apoio Domiciliario evita a Solidao e, consequentemente, a existencia de sintomatologia depressiva. Metodologicamente foi estudado um modelo preditor da sintomatologia depressiva geriatrica tendo por base a Satisfacao com o Servico de Apoio Domiciliario e a Solidao. Observou-se, atraves de um modelo ajustado, que a So…
Analysis of the impact of leisure on well-being and distress in ageing
This research aimed to study the effect of leisure activities in the psychological well-being, attitude for leisure and distress of seniors. The sample consisted of 403 participants (male -- 150; female -- 253), with a range age between 53--93 years. Regarding the perception of health condition, 333 subjects were considered independent (81.4%) while 70 participants were considered dependent (17.1%). Research is quantitative, with a design-cross. The instruments used were the MHI and the LAS. Main results showed that subjects that are involved in leisure activities presented high level of well-being and attitude for leisure (p[Hotelling's Trace = 0.077; F (3,341) = 8.733; p = 0.00]. The resu…