Viktor A. Ivanov
Orientational ordering transitions of semiflexible polymers in thin films: A Monte Carlo simulation
Athermal solutions (from dilute to concentrated) of semiflexible macromolecules confined in a film of thickness D between two hard walls are studied by means of grand-canonical lattice Monte Carlo simulation using the bond fluctuation model. This system exhibits two phase transitions as a function of the thickness of the film and polymer volume fraction. One of them is the bulk isotropic-nematic first-order transition, which ends in a critical point on decreasing the film thickness. The chemical potential at this transition decreases with decreasing film thickness ("capillary nematization"). The other transition is a continuous (or very weakly first-order) transition in the layers adjacent …
Phase transitions of single polymer chains and of polymer solutions: insights from Monte Carlo simulations
The statistical mechanics of flexible and semiflexible macromolecules is distinct from that of small molecule systems, since the thermodynamic limit can also be approached when the number of (effective) monomers of a single chain (realizable by a polymer solution in the dilute limit) is approaching infinity. One can introduce effective attractive interactions into a simulation model for a single chain such that a swollen coil contracts when the temperature is reduced, until excluded volume interactions are effectively canceled by attractive forces, and the chain conformation becomes almost Gaussian at the theta point. This state corresponds to a tricritical point, as the renormalization gro…
Monte Carlo Simulations of Semi-Flexible Polymers
We present Monte Carlo simulations on the phase behavior of semiflexible macromolecules. For a single chain this question is of biophysical interest given the fact that long and stiff DNA chains are typically folded up into very tight compartments. So one can ask the question how the state diagram of a semiflexible chain differs from the coilglobule behavior of a flexible macromolecule. Another effect connected with rigidity of the chains is their tendency to aggregate and form nematically ordered structures. As a consequence one has two competing phase transitions: a gas-liquid and an isotropic-nematic transition potentially giving rise to a complicated phase diagram.
Conformational Changes of a Single Semiflexible Macromolecule Near an Adsorbing Surface: A Monte Carlo Simulation
The properties of a single semiflexible chain tethered to a planar surface with a long-ranged attractive potential are studied by means of Monte Carlo simulations. We employ the bond fluctuation lattice model and the Wang-Landau sampling technique. We present the diagram of states for semiflexible chains consisting of N = 64 and 128 monomer units as a function of temperature T and strength of the adsorption potential, epsilon(w), and also compare this with the diagram of states for flexible chains of these two lengths. The diagram of states consists of the regions of a coil, liquid globule, solid isotropic globule, adsorbed coil, and quasi-two-dimensional solid globule with nematic bond ord…
Equation of State for Macromolecules of Variable Flexibility in Good Solvents: A Comparison of Techniques for Monte Carlo Simulations of Lattice Models
The osmotic equation of state for the athermal bond fluctuation model on the simple cubic lattice is obtained from extensive Monte Carlo simulations. For short macromolecules (chain length N=20) we study the influence of various choices for the chain stiffness on the equation of state. Three techniques are applied and compared in order to critically assess their efficiency and accuracy: the repulsive wall method, the thermodynamic integration method (which rests on the feasibility of simulations in the grand canonical ensemble), and the recently advocated sedimentation equilibrium method, which records the density profile in an external (e.g. gravitation-like) field and infers, via a local …
Structures of stiff macromolecules of finite chain length near the coil-globule transition: A Monte Carlo simulation
Using a coarse-grained model of a semiflexible macromolecule, the equilibrium shapes of the chain have been studied varying both the temperature and the chain stiffness. We have applied Monte Carlo techniques using the bond fluctuation model for a chain length of N = 80 effective monomers, and two different types of interactions: a potential depending on the angle between successive bonds along the chain to control the chain stiffness, and an attractive interaction between non-bonded effective monomers to model variable solvent quality. In a diagram of states where chain stiffness and inverse temperature and used as variables, we find regions where the chain exists as coil, as spherical glo…