P. Renda
The Palermo (Sicily) seismic cluster of September 2002, in the seismotectonic framework of the Tyrrhenian Sea-Sicily border area
The northern coast of Sicily and its offshore area represent a hinge zone between a sector of the Tyrrhenian Basin, characterized by the strongest crustal thinning, and the sector of the Sicilian belt which has emerged. This hinge zone is part of a wider W-E trending right-lateral shear zone, which has been affecting the Maghrebian Chain units since the Pliocene. Seismological and structural data have been used to evaluate the seismotectonic behavior of the area investigated here. Seismological analysis was performed on a data set of about 2100 seismic events which occurred between January 1988 and October 2002 in the Southern Tyrrhenian Sea. This paper focuses…
The interation of compressional and extensional tectonics during the Sicily Chain building
Middle Triassic carbonate platform-basin system from Sicily. New evidence from the Madonie Mountains
Boulder coastal deposits at Favignana Island rocky coast (Sicily, Italy): Litho-structural and hydrodynamic control
Boulders are frequently dislodged from rock platforms, transported and deposited along coastal zones by high-magnitude storm waves or tsunamis. Their size and shape are often controlled by the thickness of bedding planes as well as by high-angle to bedding fracture network. We investigate these processes along two coastal areas of Favignana Island by integrating geological data for 81 boulders, 49 rupture surfaces (called sockets) and fracture orientation and spacing with four radiocarbon dates, numerical hydrodynamic analysis, and hindcast numerical simulation data. Boulders are scattered along the carbonate platform as isolated blocks or in small groups, which form, as a whole, a disconti…
Elevation of the last interglacial highstand in Sicily (Italy): A benchmark of coastal tectonics
Well-preserved MIS 5.5 terraces in Sicily are identified primarily by the index fossil Strombus bubonius, and dated by amino acid racemization (AAR), electron spin resonance (ESR), Uranium/Thorium (U/Th) and thermo luminescence (TL) methods. This review of published data and new results for the island of Sicily and neighbouring small islands of Egadi, Ustica and Lampedusa identifies areas of rapid uplift in the east (up to +175 m, elevation above sea level), slower uplift in the north (+29 m), and relative stability in the northwest (+2/+18 m). In contrast, about 250 km of the southern coastline of Sicily does not appear to contain MIS 5.5 outcrops. In eastern Sicily, correlation of MIS 5.5…
Sedimentary basins evolution and olistoliths formation: The case of Carpathian and Sicilian regions
Abstract Comparative research carried out within two different basins, one in the Carpathians of Poland (Late Jurassic to Early Miocene) and another in the Apenninic-Maghrebian mountain chain of Sicily (Triassic-Miocene), indicate significant similarity not only in their evolution but also in the sedimentary features of horizons with olistoliths. The olistolith-bearing units are genetically related to stages of tectonic evolution and are independent of the size of the basins and of duration of these stages. However, the observed differences in composition and size of olistoliths suggested, among the others relationship with the size of source areas and thickness of their sedimentary cover.
Mesozoic volcanics of western sicily
The Mesozoic lavas and minor intrusions in the thrust sheets of western Sicily have the following characteristics: 1. The lavas in the Triassic Mufara Formation in the north were broken into fragments which rotated independently within the incompetent strata that enclose them. This behavior is characteristic of igneous rocks found within the more internal (northerly) thrust units. 2. The Jurassic lavas in the more external (southerly) units have consistent directions which agree with those of the Ammonitico Rosso limestones in the same zone and lie about 30° clockwise from those of coeval autochthonous formations in Tunisia.Schult's presumed Cretaceous directions from Custonaci on the north…
Palaeogeographical evolution of the Egadi Islands (western Sicily, Italy). Implications for late Pleistocene and early Holocene sea crossings by humans and other mammals in the western Mediterranean
Abstract The continental shelf morphology offshore of western Sicily suggests that during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM, 20 ka cal BP), two of the Egadi Islands, Favignana and Levanzo, were connected to Sicily by a wide emerged plain, while Marettimo was only separated from the other islands by a narrow channel. We studied the relative sea-level variation from the LGM until today, focussing on two important time slices: the Mesolithic (9.5–13 ka cal BP) and the Neolithic (6.5–7.5 ka cal BP). In this research, we discuss a sea-level rise model by means of geomorphological, archaeological and geophysical observations and new radiocarbon dating of marine and terrestrial fossil fauna. The resul…
Contribution of HVSR measures for seismic microzonation studies
The HVSR method applied to seismic noise can be a very useful technique to map the site effects of the territory, to identify the thickness of the soft covering and so the depth of the seismic bedrock. The case of the urban area of Oliveri is presented. Because of its high seismic hazard this area has been subject of first level seismic microzonation. The town lies on a large coastal plain made of mixed fluvial/marine sediments, overlapping a deformed substrate. In order to identify points on the area probably suffering of relevant site effects and to define a preliminary Vs subsurface model, 23 HVSR measurements were performed. A clustering technique of continuous signals has been used to …
Fluid storage and migration properties of sheared Neptunian dykes
Abstract Neptunian dykes are widely reported along the Tethyan carbonate platforms and are commonly considered as subsurface baffles or barriers to fluid flow. However, the fluid storage and migration properties of sheared Neptunian dykes are poorly known. For this reason, we investigate the inner structure and fluid flow properties of two Neptunian dykes, which can be characterized by different architectures if involved or not in brittle shearing processes. The dykes strike ca. WNW-ESE and crosscutting the tight Jurassic limestones exposed at Maranfusa Mt., NW Sicily, Italy. The unsheared and sheared Neptunian dykes are almost sub-vertical and at high-angle with respect to the horizontal p…
The southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin an example of lithospheric scale strike-slip duplex
The southern Tyrrhenian Sea margin is dominated by deformations whose kinematics are relatively poorly constrained, and different models have been proposed to account for its recent evolution. Analysis of new structural and space geodesy data, combined with available geophysical information, reveal a deformation field characterised by subhorizontal NW-SE directed shortening and SW-NE directed extension. The main recognised regional-scale structure comprises E-W trending fault zones, namely the Ustica-Eolie Line and the Mt. Kumeta-Alcantara Line, connected by the NW-SE trending Marettimo, Trapani, San Vito, Palermo, Gratteri-Mt. Mufara and Eolie faults. This fault network displays a remarkab…
Long-term earthquake potential of active faults by using coastal and off-shore geological and morphological indicators
Seismogenic fault models and active deformation ones coupled with models of both earthquake rate and earthquake probability were recently used in a time-independent modelling. The integration of models allows to estimates the magnitude, location, and likelihood of potentially damaging earthquake ruptures in regions with high natural seismic hazard. Improvements of these models imply the recognition of the spatial geometry of the larger, active faults, deemed to be the source of the most damaging future earthquakes. However, identifying active faults and calculating their geologic slip rates for deriving earthquake rates are not easy tasks in regions inaccessible to direct field studies like…
Markers of the last interglacial sea level high stand along the coast of Italy: Tectonic implications.
A compilation of the Marine Isotope Substage (MIS) 5.5 high stand (similar to 125Ka) sites spanning the coastline of Italy allows a picture of the vertical displacement pattern affecting the Central Mediterranean coasts since the Late Pleistocene to be drawn. For each of the 246 listed sites, the accurate elevation of the high stand is defined through well-known markers. Coupled with a refilled age assessment locally Supported by new radiometric dating, these markers provide robust constraints oil deformation. Significant alongshore differences in site elevation between + 175 and - 125 m a.s.l. resulted from the interplay of regional and local tectonic processes, including faulting and volc…
Osgillazioni eustatiche, biocronologia dei depositi continentali quaternari e neotettonica nella Sicilia nord-occidentale (penisola di San Vito lo Capo - Trapani)
Vengono presentati i risultati di uno studio interdisciplinare condotto nella Penisola di San Vito lo Capo, Sicilia nord - occidentale. In questa area i terreni quaternari sono rappresentati da depositi marini e di spiaggia distribuiti a varie quote e da depositi continentali contenenti resti di vertebrati. Questi terreni si rinvengono all'interno di solchi e grotte marine, dove sono state riconosciute anche fasce a fori di litodomi, o costituiscono corpi sedimentari che giacciono sopra superfici di abrasione marina. Le associazioni a mammiferi presenti in tali terreni appartengono al complesso faunistico a Elephas falconeri del primo Pleistocene medio, al complesso a Elephas mnaidriensis d…
Active faults and inferred seismic sources in the San Vito lo Capo peninsula, Northwestern Sicily, Italy.
Two independent active faults, capable of generating medium-sized earthquakes in the San Vito lo Capo peninsula, northwestern Sicily (Italy) have been identified as a result of detailed field studies. In western Sicily, instrumental seismicity is low; in fact, except for the 1968 Belice earthquake (Ms = 5.4), historical records indicate that this area is relatively quiescent. Most of the seismicity is in the offshore sector of the Sicilian Maghrebian Chain, which is characterized by several medium- to low-magnitude events. The main shock of the 2002 Palermo seismic sequence (Mw = 5.9) represents the largest earthquake felt in the area in recent years. The deformation pattern characterizing …
Growth pattern of underlithified strata during thrust-related folding
Abstract Asymmetric anticlines with overturned or steeply dipping forelimbs and gently dipping backlimbs are generally interpreted as thrust-related folds. Fold asymmetry occurs as a consequence of forelimb rotation. If deformation takes place in environments dominated by submarine sedimentation, the limbs coincide with the slope (depositional surface) and rotation reflects slope steepening. If folds are nucleated in poorly or unlithified deposits, growth geometry also depends on the properties of the media, such as cohesion and the angle of internal friction. For cohesionless deposits, the tilting of the slope influences the equilibrium of the soft sediments, resulting in gravity-driven fl…
The goal of this work was to test a methodology, based on multi-criteria analysis and geographic information systems, aimed at identifying areas potentially suitable to host landfills for Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). Although the above-mentioned methodology was applied to three different areas (Western, South-western and Eastern) of Sicily, in this paper, we present the results of the western sector. The first step consisted of the division of the study area in excluded and potentially suitable sites, on the basis of the Italian current legislation. The suitable sites were subsequently re-evaluated based on additional criteria in order to choose the most suitable ones. This second step cons…
Extensional deformations during Neogene chain building in Sicily
ABSTRACT In the Madonie-Nebrodi Mts (Northern Sicily belt) both Mesozoic carbonate platform/basin-derived deformed successions and Neogene foredeep deposits outcrop. Thrust sheets piled-up southwards in thin-skin piggy-back sequence. The chain building process began during the Oligo-Miocene. The syntectonic deposits involved in the compressional tectonics give evidence that syn-sedimentary extensional faults developed during fold nucleation and amplification. Syn-sedimentary extensional faults affect the foredeep strata at different stratigraphic levels, which are bounded by unconformities. Normal faults and bedding show constant cut-off relationships and are progressively tilted youngwards…