Gioacchino Miccichè
Thermo-mechanical analysis of irradiation swelling and design optimization of the IFMIF target assembly with bayonet backplate
Abstract The availability of a high flux neutron source for testing candidate materials under irradiation conditions, which will be typically encountered in future fusion power reactors (ITER, DEMO, FPR), is a fundamental step towards the development of fusion energy. To this purpose, the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) represents the reference option to provide the fusion community with a DEMO-relevant neutron source capable of irradiating samples at a damage rate of up to 20 dpa/fpy (in steel) in a volume of 0.5 l. In the framework of the engineering design activities of IFMIF, ENEA is committed in the design of the lithium target assembly (TA) with removable (…
Study of the thermo-mechanical performances of the IFMIF-EVEDA Lithium Test Loop target assembly
Abstract Within the framework of the IFMIF R&D program and in close cooperation with ENEA-Brasimone, at the Department of Energy of the University of Palermo a research campaign has been launched to investigate the thermo-mechanical behavior of the target assembly under both steady state and start-up transient conditions. A theoretical approach based on the finite element method (FEM) has been followed and a well-known commercial code has been adopted. A realistic 3D FEM model of the target assembly has been set-up and optimized by running a mesh independency analysis. A proper set of loads and boundary conditions, mainly concerned with radiation heat transfer between the target assembly ex…
Start-up and shutdown thermomechanical transient analyses of the IFMIF European lithium target system
In the framework of the current IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (IFMIF/EVEDA) phase, ENEA is responsible for the design of the European concept of the IFMIF lithium target system which foresees the possibility to periodically replace only the most irradiated and thus critical component (i.e., the backplate) while continuing to operate the rest of the target for a longer period (bayonet backplate concept). With the objective of evaluating the performances of the system in terms of temperature, stress and displacement fields evolution during start-up and shutdown phases, an uncoupled thermomechanical transient analysis has been performed in close collaboration w…
Hydraulic characterization of the full scale divertor cassette prototype
In the frame of the activities related to ITER divertor R&D, ENEA C.R. Brasimone was in charge by Fusion For Energy (F4E) to perform the assembly, the hydraulic tests and the theoretical simulation of the hydraulic behavior of the full scale divertor cassette prototype. The objective of these activities was aimed at the investigation of the thermal-hydraulic behavior of the full-scale divertor cassette both under steady state condition and during draining and drying operational transient. In particular, the steady state tests were focused on finally check whether the hydraulic design of the divertor components is able to ensure a uniform and proper cooling for the plasma facing components, …
Electrical Aging Tests on Enameled Wire Exposed to Gamma Irradiation
Determination of a pre-heating sequence for the DONES Target Assembly
Abstract Within the activities promoted by the EUROfusion consortium in support of the design and construction of the DEMO Oriented NEutron Source (DONES), a mock-up of its Target Assembly (TA), based on the configuration with a “bayonet” Back-Plate (BP) and available at ENEA Brasimone labs, is being adopted for the execution of experimental activities aiming at the validation of specific aspects of the target design. Despite the “integral”-TA concept is the current reference, experimental tests concerning the TA pre-heating phase are not significantly affected by the TA concept and are still representative even though conducted on the bayonet-TA concept. Indeed, the main objective of the p…
On the thermomechanical behavior of the European target assembly design of IFMIF-EVEDA lithium test loop under start-up transient scenarios
Uncoupled thermomechanical transient analyses have been carried out to investigate the behavior of IFMIF-EVEDA lithium test loop bayonet backplate target assembly under two selected start-up transient operational scenarios. The first transient scenario considered foresees that the target assembly, starting from the initial uniform temperature of 50 C, is heated up uniquely by convective heat transfer with lithium, flowing from inlet to outlet nozzle at its reference nominal temperature and pressure, until its nominal steady state thermal field distribution is reached. The second transient scenario foresees, more realistically, that the target assembly, starting from the uniform temperature …
On thermo-mechanical issues induced by irradiation swelling inside the back-plate of the IFMIF target assembly
Abstract Within the framework of the IFMIF R&D program and in close cooperation with ENEA-Brasimone, at the Department of Nuclear Engineering of the University of Palermo a research campaign has been launched to investigate the thermo-mechanical issues potentially induced by irradiation swelling in the threaded connections between frame and back-plate of IFMIF target assembly. The main aim of the research campaign has relied in the assessment of the maximum swelling-induced volumetric strain that may be accepted in order to allow screws to withstand thermo-mechanical stresses and work in safe conditions or to avoid unduly high unscrewing torques during back-plate remotely handled maintenanc…
The design of the DONES lithium target system
Abstract In the framework of the EU fusion roadmap implementing activities, an accelerator-based Li(d,xn) neutron source called DONES (Demo-Oriented early NEutron Source) is being designed within the EUROfusion Work Package Early Neutron Source as an essential irradiation facility for testing candidate materials for DEMO reactor and future fusion power plants. DONES will employ a high speed liquid lithium jet struck by a 125 mA, 40 MeV deuteron beam to generate the intense neutron flux used to irradiate the material samples up to the desired level of displacement damage (˜10 dpa/fpy for iron in 0.3 l) and He production rates (˜10-13 appm He/dpa). In order to rapidly achieve a sound and stab…
Engineering design and steady state thermomechanical analysis of the IFMIF European lithium target system
In the framework of the current IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (IFMIF/EVEDA) phase, ENEA is responsible for the design of the European concept of the IFMIF lithium target system which foresees the possibility to periodically replace only the most irradiated and thus critical component (i.e., the backplate) while continuing to operate the rest of the target for a longer period (bayonet backplate concept). In this work, the results of the steady state thermomechanical analysis of the IFMIF EU target assembly are briefly reported highlighting the relevant indications obtained with respect to the fulfillment of the design requirements. © 2013 IEEE.
Thermomechanical analysis supporting the preliminary engineering design of DONES target assembly
Abstract The design of the Demo Oriented NEutron Source (DONES) is the main objective of the Work Package Early Neutron Source (WPENS) of EUROfusion Power Plant Physics and Technology (PPPT) programme. DONES is an IFMIF-based neutron source with the goal of testing and qualifying candidate materials to be used in DEMO and future fusion power plants. In the framework of these activities, a research campaign has been carried out at the University of Palermo, in close cooperation with ENEA labs, in order to assess the thermomechanical performances of the DONES target system, endowed with an integrated Target Assembly (TA) when it undergoes the thermomechanical loads typical of its nominal oper…
Design, manufacturing and testing of a fast disconnecting system for the European target assembly concept of IFMIF
The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) will be equipped with a lithium target assembly to produce the required neutron flux for the irradiation of candidate fusion materials up to a damage rate of 100 dpa (cumulated damage in five years). The present European target assembly design is based on the so called replaceable backplate bayonet concept that was developed with the objective to simplify the maintenance operations for its refurbishment/replacement and to reduce the material for disposal as well. To this purpose it was also conceived to be attached to the lithium pipes and to the beam line by means of remotely operated connections based on clamped flanges with …
Analysis of the thermomechanical behavior of the IFMIF bayonet target assembly under design loading scenarios
In the framework of the IFMIF Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities (IFMIF/EVEDA) phase, ENEA is responsible for the design of the European concept of the IFMIF lithium target system which foresees the possibility to periodically replace only the most irradiated and thus critical component (i.e., the backplate) while continuing to operate the rest of the target for a longer period (the so-called bayonet backplate concept). In this work, the results of the steady state thermomechanical analysis of the IFMIF bayonet target assembly under two different design loading scenarios (a "hot" scenario and a "cold" scenario) are briefly reported highlighting the relevant indications…
The European contribution to the development and validation activities for the design of IFMIF lithium facility
The International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF) is an accelerator-driven intense neutron source where candidate materials for fusion reactors will be tested and validated. The high energy neutron flux is produced by means of two deuteron beams (total current of 250 mA, energy of 40 MeV) that strikes a liquid lithium target circulating in a lithium loop of IFMIF plant. The European (EU) contribution to the development of the lithium facility comprises five procurement packages, as follow: (1) participation to the experimental activities of the EVEDA lithium test loop in Oarai (Japan); (2) study aimed at evaluating the corrosion and erosion phenomena, promoted by lithium, for …