Adrián Ponz
Spatiotemporal patterns of dunlin (Calidris alpina) in continental lakes of the Iberian Peninsula
AbstractSpatiotemporal dynamics may present different levels of regional or local stability, generally attributed to local habitat and landscape factors, reflecting the tolerances and ecological requirements of the populations. In this study, we examined the variations of dunlin abundance and occurrence in twenty-three wetlands of the “La Mancha Húmeda” Biosphere Reserve, central Spain, between October 2010 and July 2017. In addition, we observed the variations of local abundance in the lakes of the Manjavacas lagoon complex, seeking to understand the factors that determine the local movements of the wintering individuals. Eleven lakes had records of dunlin, but most of individuals (ca. 90%…
Presence of plastic particles in waterbirds faeces collected in Spanish lakes
Plastic intake by marine vertebrates has been widely reported, but information about its presence in continental waterfowl is scarce. Here we analyzed faeces of waterbirds species (European coot, Fulica atra, mallard, Anas platyrhynchos and shelduck, Tadorna tadorna) for plastic debris in five wetlands in Central Spain. We collected 89 faeces of shelduck distributed in four lakes, 43.8% of them presented plastic remnants. Sixty percent of 10 faeces of European coot and 45% of 40 faeces of mallard contained plastic debris. Plastic debris found was of two types, threads and fragments, and were identified as remnants of plastic objects used in agricultural fields surrounding the lakes. Differe…
El uso didáctico del diablo cartesiano en la formación inicial de maestros
La relación didáctica entre profesorado y estudiante es esencial para alcanzar que éste construya su saber a partir de una transposición de los conocimientos. El primero debe plantear qué propuesta metodológica es la apropiada para que el alumnado alcance las competencias previstas. Los contenidos transpuestos no han de contradecir sustancialmente los planteamientos científicos que explican los fenómenos, independientemente del nivel educativo. El trabajo que se presenta propone la utilización de textos históricos para implicar al alumnado en la comprensión de los fenómenos físicos-biológicos a partir de actividades prácticas similares a las que condujeron a interpretar la función de la vej…
Seasonal differences in drivers of species richness of waders in inland wetlands of La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve
This study forms part of the doctoral thesis of M. S. S. G., supported by a grant from Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior, Brazil. This study was jointly supported by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain (MINECO) and Competitiveness and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) ‘One way to make Europe’, through the projects: ‘CLIMAWET’ – Climate change mitigation and adaptation in the main types of Iberian Mediterranean wetlands: carbon budget and response models of species and habitats (CGL2015‐69557‐R); and ‘ECOLAKE’ – Ecological patterns in endorheic lakes: keys to their conservation (CGL2012‐38909).