Comment on Medication-Related Osteonecrosis of the Jaw: MASCC/ISOO/ASCO Clinical Practice Guideline Summary
Immune-checkpoint inhibitors in non-small cell lung cancer: A tool to improve patients’ selection
The identification of reliable predictive biomarkers of efficacy or resistance to immune-oncology (I–O) agents is a major issue for translational research and clinical practice. However, along with PDL1 and molecular features other clinical, radiological and laboratory factors can be considered for the selection of those patients who would not be the best candidate for immune-checkpoint inhibitors (ICPIs). We examined these factors, emerging from the results of currently available studies in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), aiming to provide a useful and manageable tool which can help Oncologists in their everyday clinical practice. A thorough patient evaluation and close clinical monito…
Definition and estimation of osteonecrosis of jaw (ONJ), and optimal duration of antiresorptive treatment in bone metastatic cancer patients: supplementary data from the denosumab extension study?
To the Editor, In their recent article, Stopeck et al. [1] concluded that denosumab confirms its known safety profile even after longterm exposure, or after switching to it from zoledronic acid, and that osteonecrosis of jaws (ONJ) rates increased with increasing exposure to antiresorptives, consistent with previous reports. This is based on the open label extension phase of two phase 3 studies in patients with breast and prostate cancer with bone metastases who were randomized to receive denosumab or zoledronic acid (ZA) [2, 3]. The patients were offered open-label denosumab for up to an additional 2 years after the results of the primary analysis, favorable for denosumab on several aspect…