Pressure ulcers’ incidence, preventive measures, and risk factors in neonatal intensive care and intermediate care units
Epidemiological studies on pressure ulcers (PUs) in hospitalised infants are scarce. Spain lacks comprehensive research studies providing data on the prevalence or incidence in this population. This work was developed to determine the incidence of PUs in hospitalised infants admitted to intensive and intermediate care units, along with relevant risk factors and preventive measures. A prospective study appraising the incidence of PUs in infants was performed. The risk factors and preventive measures were evaluated using a multivariate logistic regression model. A sample of 268 infants was included. The cumulative incidence of PUs was 12.70% (95% confidence interval, CI(95%) = [8.95%‐17.28%])…
Evaluation of a Commercial PhotoDiode Array for Radiation Detectors Readout
The aim of the present work is the characterization of the new S8866-128-02 PhotoDiode (PD) array from Hamamatsu Photonics. This work includes the implementation of a readout system as well as electronic noise estimation in PDs under several conditions varying integration times and clock frequencies.
A Matlab based interface for infrared thermographic diagnosis of pediatric musculoskeletal injuries
Abstract Background and objective One of the main causes of emergency medical consultations done by children are musculoskeletal injures. In such cases, radiological tests are a common practice to diagnose the gravity of the trauma and determine the likely existence of a fracture. In order to avoid, or at least to reduce, the use of ionizing radiations with children, the infrared thermographic technique was studied as an alternative solution, since it is a non-harmful, non-invasive and non-contact technique, without excessive technical complications and moderate cost when compared to other types of imaging tools. Methodology When an infrared thermographic diagnostic test is performed, and o…
In-home versus hospital preoperative balance and proprioceptive training in patients undergoing TKR; rationale, design, and method of a randomized controlled trial.
Abstract Background Severe knee osteoarthritis, as well as the surgical procedure of total knee replacement that aims to reduce its symptoms, cause great deterioration on the proprioceptive system. Taking this fact into account, and considering that balance abilities positively influence the capacity to perform basic functional tasks, this trial aims to find the short and mid-term effects of a preoperative balance and proprioceptive training when conducted by patients undergoing total knee replacement. Along with the effects, it is intended to determine whether in-home based training can be as effective as hospital training. The results will help to conclude whether the possible benefits ma…
Study of different surfaces for neonates in hospital
Evidence of risk of pressure ulcers in neonates pro is related to the type of bearing surface on which the neonate lays. To prevent pressure ulcers is necessary to know which of the available commercial surfaces is the most convenient. The goal of this work is to evaluate the interface and redistribution pressure of five constant low pressure devices (special surfaces for pressure management [SEMP] both static and mixed) for neonates. Next step will be the study of the properties of the new support surface with healthy subjects under clinical conditions.
Use of physical restraint in nursing homes in Spain and relation with resident characteristics: a retrospective multi-centre cohort study with a self-organised maps approach
AbstractThis is a retrospective cohort study based on data from five nursing homes which aims to appraise how physical and cognitive characteristics of nursing home residents were associated with the use of restraints, and to provide information on their prevalence in Spain. The goal was to assess, in a visual way, the possible interactions between the nursing homes residents’ characteristics and their association with the use of restraints. Motivation, risk factors, characteristics of the residents analysed by validated rating systems that assess mobility, level of dependence, cognitive condition and nutritional status, and their association with the use of restraints, were described by me…
Thermographic imaging tool for children fracture detection
The feasibility of thermographic imaging to diagnose pediatric fractures has been studied in the last years. The advantages lie in being a cost-effective, non-harmful, non-contact and non-invasive technique, since ionizing radiations are not used to get the image. Once the pictures of the affected limb are taken, the processing becomes necessary. In order to reduce the waiting time, a software tool has been developed to provide a diagnosis shortly after taking the image. Sin financiación No data (2016) UEV
A capacitor selector tool for on-board PDN designs in multigigabit applications
This paper presents a capacitor selector software tool for a proper on-board Power Distribution Network (PDN) design in those high-speed applications which have strict requirements on voltage noise up to the first hundreds of megahertz. Current commercial tools for PDN design only offer a manual choice of the capacitor value and their number simulating the board impedance profile. This manual resolution becomes very hard when the design has high power consumption and noise requirements are very strict. The aim of this software is to solve a basic on-board PDN design minimizing the number of "change simulate-analyze" iterations that have to be carried out in the manual PDN design. This softw…
Balance training versus balance training and foot and ankle mobilization: a pilot randomized trial in community-dwelling older adults
Background: Balance limitations and foot and ankle problems are common in older adults. Objective: To determine the impact of augmented balance training with foot and ankle mobilizations (FAMs) on ...
Based on Compton Camera
Compton Cameras have been proposed as an alternative to SPECT imaging with Gamma Camera, mainly due to factors such as the electronic collimation, which allows a bigger field of view and provides further information from the acquired events if compared to devices with mechanical collimation. By contrast, this involves a higher amount of data to be processed. In medical devices this leads to waiting times that are generally higher than desirable by the health-care professionals. In this work we have assessed the reconstruction of Compton images by making use of iterative and non-iterative techniques, and also evaluated its performances as a SPECT imaging technique.
Association ankle function and balance in community-dwelling older adults.
Background and purpose Ankle function declines with age. The objective of this study was to investigate the association between ankle function and balance in older adults, with a focus on range of motion (ROM) and strength. Methods This was a cross-sectional study that included 88 healthy community-dwelling older adults. Ankle mobility was measured while bearing weight (lunge test) and not bearing weight. The plantar-flexor muscle strength was assessed using a hand-held dynamometer. Balance was measured in terms of dynamic balance and mobility (timed up and go test), monopodal and bipodal static balance with open and closed eyes (single-leg stand test and platform measures), and margins of…
The effects of preoperative balance training on balance and functional outcome after total knee replacement: a randomized controlled trial.
Objective: To assess the effects of preoperative balance training on the early postoperative balance and functional outcomes after total knee replacement surgery and to test whether an outpatient intervention may be as effective as a domiciliary intervention. Design: This is a three-arm randomized controlled trial. Setting: University hospital. Subjects: Eighty-six individuals were recruited. Seventy-seven were analysed, aged 72.1 (SD 7.6) years, of which 68% were women. Outcome measures: Overall state of balance, as measured with the Berg Balance Scale, and patient-perceived functionality, as measured with the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score Function in Activities in Daily Liv…
A New Front-End High-Resolution Sampling Board for the New-Generation Electronics of EXOGAM2 and NEDA Detectors
19th Real Time Conference (RT) -- MAY 26-30, 2014 -- Nara, JAPAN WOS: 000356458000028 This paper presents the final design and results of the FADC Mezzanine for the EXOGAM (EXOtic GAMma array spectrometer) and NEDA (Neutron Detector Array) detectors. The measurements performed include those of studying the effective number of bits, the energy resolution using HP-Ge detectors, as well as timing histograms and discrimination performance. Finally, the conclusion shows how a common digitizing device has been integrated in the experimental environment of two very different detectors which combine both low-noise acquisition and fast sampling rates. Not only the integration fulfilled the expected …
Evaluation of interface pressure and temperature management in five wheelchair seat cushions and their effects on user satisfaction
Abstract Background Factors such as the manufacturing materials, shape or even the mechanical and thermal response of sitting Pressure Redistribution Support Surfaces (PRSS) can be potential contributors to pressure ulcers. However, few studies have compared a number of characteristics of the most frequently used devices. Objective To compare three potential contributors to pressure ulcers in five commercial PRSS: pressure redistribution, temperature and perceived comfort. Method: Study with a cross-over randomized design in healthy volunteer participants. Data was collected in a temperature and relative humidity controlled environment. To assess thermal response, the temperature (Flir-E60)…
Instability training, assessing the impact of level of difficulty on balance: A randomized clinical trial
Background: Most human movements are executed while in a state of postural instability. For this reason, instability training is a highly-specific method that is intended to improve balance and postural control. This research aimed to determine the effect of instability training on the balance of individuals with similar baseline abilities, who initiated training within different stability conditions. Research question: Does the level of difficulty with which instability training is performed determine improvements in balance? Method: A two-arm randomized trial was undertaken, for which 22 and 21 participants were included in the experimental and control groups, respectively. The experiment…
Design of a mezzanine card with bandwidth aggregation for HPGe gamma spectroscopy
In experimental nuclear physics, HPGe segmented detectors are used to provide high energy resolution of the gamma rays. Besides, 4pi configuration is common to get a full coverage of the interaction point and detection of all the products of the collisions. In this type of experiments, the number of electronic channels can be high (>100) and also the sampling frequency of the digitizing system (>100 Msps). This results in a high data rate per channel (> 2 Gbps) and thus a high aggregated bandwidth to process. In principle, this problem can be solved using a parallel data acquisition system where the input channels (commonly arriving through optical fibers) are read and processed accordingly…
Effects of balance and proprioceptive training on total hip and knee replacement rehabilitation: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Abstract Backgound Balance and proprioceptive deficits are frequently persistent after total joint replacement, limiting functionality and involving altered movement patterns and difficulties in walking and maintaining postural control among patients. Research question The goal of this systematic review was to evaluate the short- and mid-term effects of proprioceptive and balance training for patients undergoing total knee and hip replacement. Methods This is a systematic review of literature. MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, PEDro, and Scopus were the databases searched. The review included randomized clinical trials in which the experimental groups underwent a training aimed at improvin…
Use of thermography in the diagnosis of pressure ulcers category I: A protocol proposal
ressure ulcers (PU) category I are defined by intact skin with non-blanchable erythema of a localized area, usually over a bony prominence. Although they are often underdiagnosed, they may indicate “at risk” persons. There are available different procedures to diagnose pressure ulcers category I, such as but these methods can produce a misdiagnosis. Infrared thermal imaging may be helpful to resolve his conflict. We propose a protocol to observational and prospective study for the diagnosis of PU category I using thermography. Sin financiación No data (2016) UEV
Sensorimotor training prior total knee arthroplasty and effects on functional outcome: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
Abstract Background Altered muscle activation patterns and proprioception, loss of strength, and weight bearing asymmetries are common limitations after total knee arthroplasty, which can also affect balance. Therefore, preoperative sensorimotor training has been proposed to enhance surgical outcome. Research question Is preoperative sensorimotor training effective in improving functional outcome in patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty? Does preoperative sensorimotor training affect secondary outcomes such as balance, pain, and quality of life? Methods A systematic review and meta-analysis were conducted by searching PEDro, MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Library, and Scopus databases from…
Prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population and in primary health care: An epidemiological study conducted in Spain.
Abstract Aim The primary goal of this study was to estimate the prevalence of pressure ulcers in the paediatric population cared for in primary health care. Materials The data of this epidemiological study were extracted from the records of the 24 departments that attended to an approximate population of 1 million inhabitants between 0 and 18 years old from 2012 to 2015. The study included children requiring assistance to reduce pressure ulcer incidence. The paediatric population was categorised into neonates and infants (0–2 years), young child (3–6 years), child (7–12 years) and adolescents (13–18 years). The primary outcome was information on the prevalence of pressure ulcers. Secondary …
Training, management, and quality of nursing care of vascular access in adult patients: The INCATIV project
Background:More than one billion of peripheral venous catheters are inserted into hospitalized patients every year. This study sought to identify the status of nursing care in vascular accesses in different hospitals and to evaluate the impact of a series of informative and formative interventions aimed at their care.Methods:Quasi-experimental, multicenter study. A total of 54 nursing professionals of 19 hospitals participated. The intervention consisted of informative talk and three training sessions related to the care and maintenance of vascular accesses and intravenous therapy in the hospital-admitted adult population. This was delivered in four years, with eight periodic cross-sectiona…
Balance Training With a Dynamometric Platform Following Total Knee Replacement: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
Background and Purpose: Sensorimotor training has proven to be an efficient approach for recovering balance control following total knee replacement (TKR). The purpose of this trial was to evaluate the influence of specific balance-targeted training using a dynamometric platform on the overall state of balance in older adults undergoing TKR. Methods: This was a randomized controlled clinical trial conducted at a university hospital rehabilitation unit. Patients meeting the inclusion criteria were randomly assigned to a control group or an experimental group. Both groups participated in the same 4-week postoperative rehabilitation training protocol. Participants in the experimental group per…
A Randomized Controlled Trial Assessing the Evolution of the Weight-Bearing Ankle Dorsiflexion Range of Motion Over 6 Sessions of Talus Mobilizations in Older Adults.
Abstract Background Ankle range of motion declines with age, affecting mobility and postural control. Objective The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of a talus mobilization-based intervention among healthy community-dwelling older adults presenting with limited weight-bearing ankle dorsiflexion range of motion and determine how ankle mobility evolved over the treatment. Design This was a randomized clinical trial. Setting This study was conducted in an outpatient clinic. Participants Community-dwelling, older adults over 60 years of age who had limited ankle mobility participated in this study. Interventions The experimental intervention consisted of 6 sessions of manu…
Validation of the Monte Carlo Simulation of a Siemens Biograph mCT PET
Geant4 Application for Tomography Emission (GATE) is a simulation platform based on GEANT4. It is designed to perform numerical simulations in medical imaging and radiotherapy. It is also used to simulate Emission Tomography (Positron Emission Tomography, PET and Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography, SPECT), Computed Tomography (CT) and Radiotherapy experiments. The purpose of this study is to validate a GATE model of the commercial PET/CT Siemens Biograph, the latest acquisition of the Clinical Hospital of Salamanca. The geometry of the system has been implemented in GATE, including the detector ring, the crystal blocks, the PMTs etc. Radionuclides for all measurements shall be \(^{1…
Study and simulation of the read-out electronics design for a high-resolution plastic scintillating fiber based hodoscope
Abstract This work presents the study and simulation of a high-resolution charged particle detection device for beam positioning, monitoring and calibration, together with its read-out proposal. To provide the precise positional information of the beam, the detection system has been based on Plastic Scintillating Fibers (PSF), while the read-out on a Silicon-PhotoDiode (Si-PD) array. To carry out the study, a PSF prototype with one detection plane has been experimentally tested with a β particle source. Besides, Monte Carlo simulations of the complete system have also been conducted. Both simulations and experimental tests give consistency to the results obtained. The work presented in this…
Effectiveness of mechanical diagnosis and therapy in patients with non-specific chronic low back pain: a literature review with meta-analysis
Abstract Objective To determine the effectiveness of mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT) in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) compared to other traditional physical therapy interventions. Methods Randomized controlled trials investigating the effect of MDT compared to other traditional physical therapy interventions in individuals with CLBP were considered eligible. For the purpose of this review, MDT was compared to active and passive physical therapy interventions. Independent reviewers assessed the eligibility of studies, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias. The primary outcomes investigated were pain and disability. Results Fourteen studies were included in the rev…
A new preprocessing and control board for the phase 2 electronics of AGATA experiment
The electronics of AGATA HPGe segmented gamma ray detector faces a new challenge in the search of a bigger integration and cost reduction for the phase 2 of the experiment going beyond 45 crystals. This opportunity can be used to introduce a new architecture based on commercial standards while keeping backward compatibility with current electronics. In this sense, new FPGA devices and fast Ethernet links can be used to ease the preprocessing and control task and allowing for processor farms to distribute the processing load. At the same time, modularity should be a key feature of the design in the aim to make it upgradable in time and technology. This paper presents the design of a new prep…
The condition of the contralateral knee may induce different degrees of knee extensor strength asymmetry and affect functionality in individuals with unilateral or bilateral osteoarthritis
Abstract Background Loss of knee extensor strength in individuals with knee osteoarthritis (KOA) may induce inter-limb strength asymmetries and alter functionality. The aims were to analyse whether the condition of the uninvolved knee (advanced to severe KOA or no affection) may induce different degrees of knee extensor strength asymmetry in individuals with KOA and to study whether functionality may differ in cases of unilateral or bilateral KOA. Methods Sixty-eight subjects with advance-to-severe KOA were categorized into two groups (unilateral or bilateral KOA). The knee extensor strength ratio (KESR), and self-reported and performance-based functionality were analysed and compared. Sex …