Alessandro Codello
Investigating the Ultraviolet Properties of Gravity with a Wilsonian Renormalization Group Equation
We review and extend in several directions recent results on the asymptotic safety approach to quantum gravity. The central issue in this approach is the search of a Fixed Point having suitable properties, and the tool that is used is a type of Wilsonian renormalization group equation. We begin by discussing various cutoff schemes, i.e. ways of implementing the Wilsonian cutoff procedure. We compare the beta functions of the gravitational couplings obtained with different schemes, studying first the contribution of matter fields and then the so-called Einstein-Hilbert truncation, where only the cosmological constant and Newton's constant are retained. In this context we make connection with…
Fixed points of nonlinear sigma models in d>2
Using Wilsonian methods, we study the renormalization group flow of the Nonlinear Sigma Model in any dimension $d$, restricting our attention to terms with two derivatives. At one loop we always find a Ricci flow. When symmetries completely fix the internal metric, we compute the beta function of the single remaining coupling, without any further approximation. For $d>2$ and positive curvature, there is a nontrivial fixed point, which could be used to define an ultraviolet limit, in spite of the perturbative nonrenormalizability of the theory. Potential applications are briefly mentioned.
Polyakov effective action from functional renormalization group equation
We discuss the Polyakov effective action for a minimally coupled scalar field on a two dimensional curved space by considering a non-local covariant truncation of the effective average action. We derive the flow equation for the form factor in $\int\sqrt{g}R c_{k}(\Delta)R$, and we show how the standard result is obtained when we integrate the flow from the ultraviolet to the infrared.
Functional and local renormalization groups
We discuss the relation between functional renormalization group (FRG) and local renormalization group (LRG), focussing on the two dimensional case as an example. We show that away from criticality the Wess-Zumino action is described by a derivative expansion with coefficients naturally related to RG quantities. We then demonstrate that the Weyl consistency conditions derived in the LRG approach are equivalent to the RG equation for the $c$-function available in the FRG scheme. This allows us to give an explicit FRG representation of the Zamolodchikov-Osborn metric, which in principle can be used for computations.
Fluid membranes and2dquantum gravity
We study the RG flow of two dimensional (fluid) membranes embedded in Euclidean D-dimensional space using functional RG methods based on the effective average action. By considering a truncation ansatz for the effective average action with both extrinsic and intrinsic curvature terms we derive a system of beta functions for the running surface tension, bending rigidity and Gaussian rigidity. We look for non-trivial fixed points but we find no evidence for a crumpling transition at $T\neq0$. Finally, we propose to identify the $D\rightarrow 0$ limit of the theory with two dimensional quantum gravity. In this limit we derive new beta functions for both cosmological and Newton's constants.
Low energy Quantum Gravity from the Effective Average Action
Within the effective average action approach to quantum gravity, we recover the low energy effective action as derived in the effective field theory framework, by studying the flow of possibly non-local form factors that appear in the curvature expansion of the effective average action. We restrict to the one-loop flow where progress can be made with the aid of the non-local heat kernel expansion. We discuss the possible physical implications of the scale dependent low energy effective action through the analysis of the quantum corrections to the Newtonian potential.