Manuel Güdel
New Pre-Main Sequence Candidates in the Taurus-Auriga Star Forming Region
Aims. We have studied the X-ray source population of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (TMC) to search for new members of the Taurus-Auriga star forming region. Methods. Candidate members have been selected among the X-ray sources detected in 24 fields of the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, having an IR counterpart in the 2MASS catalog, based on color-magnitude and color-color diagrams. Their X-ray spectral properties have been compared with those of known members and other X-ray sources in the same fields but without a NIR counterpart. A search for flare-like variability in the time series of all new candidates and the analysis of the X-ray spectra of the brightest candi…
High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of T Tauri Stars in the Taurus-Auriga Complex
Differences have been reported between the X-ray emission of accreting and non-accreting stars. Some observations have suggested that accretion shocks could be responsible for part of the X-ray emission in Classical T Tauri stars (CTTS). We present high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy of nine pre-main sequence stars in order to test the proposed spectroscopic differences between accreting and non-accreting pre-main sequence stars. We use X-ray spectroscopy from the XMM-Newton Reflection Grating Spectrometers and the EPIC instruments. We interpret the spectra using optically thin thermal models with variable abundances, together with an absorption column density. For BP Tau and AB Aur we deriv…
What Makes a Planet Habitable?
Antes de que la vida pueda surgir y desarrollarse en una superficie planetaria, son necesarias muchas condiciones de naturaleza astrofísica. La radiación y las partículas provenientes de la estrella central, el campo magnético del planeta, la acumulación o disipación de la atmósfera en un planeta joven, y varios otros factores deben actuar conjuntamente y de manera equilibrada para dar a la vida la oportunidad de florecer. En este artículo describimos estos prerrequisitos cruciales para la habitabilidad y exponemos el estado actual de nuestro conocimiento.
GJ 357 b: A Super-Earth Orbiting an Extremely Inactive Host Star
Aims. In this paper we present a deep X-ray observation of the nearby M dwarf GJ 357 and use it to put constraints on the atmospheric evolution of its planet, GJ 357 b. We also analyse the systematic errors in the stellar parameters of GJ 357 in order to see how they affect the perceived planetary properties. Methods. By comparing the observed X-ray luminosity of its host star, we estimate the age of GJ 357 b as derived from a recent XMM-Newton observation (log Lx [erg s-1] = 25.73), with Lx-age relations for M dwarfs. We find that GJ 357 presents one of the lowest X-ray activity levels ever measured for an M dwarf, and we put a lower limit on its age of 5 Gyr. Using this age limit, we perf…
The Close T Tauri Binary System V4046 Sgr: Rotationally Modulated X-Ray Emission from Accretion Shocks
We report initial results from a quasi-simultaneous X-ray/optical observing campaign targeting V4046 Sgr, a close, synchronous-rotating classical T Tauri star (CTTS) binary in which both components are actively accreting. V4046 Sgr is a strong X-ray source, with the X-rays mainly arising from high-density (n_e ~ 10^(11-12) cm^(-3)) plasma at temperatures of 3-4 MK. Our multiwavelength campaign aims to simultaneously constrain the properties of this X-ray emitting plasma, the large scale magnetic field, and the accretion geometry. In this paper, we present key results obtained via time-resolved X-ray grating spectra, gathered in a 360 ks XMM-Newton observation that covered 2.2 system rotatio…
Accretion and Outflow-Related X-Rays in T Tauri Stars
We report on accretion- and outflow-related X-rays from T Tauri stars, based on results from the "XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud." X-rays potentially form in shocks of accretion streams near the stellar surface, although we hypothesize that direct interactions between the streams and magnetic coronae may occur as well. We report on the discovery of a "soft excess" in accreting T Tauri stars supporting these scenarios. We further discuss a new type of X-ray source in jet-driving T Tauri stars. It shows a strongly absorbed coronal component and a very soft, weakly absorbed component probably related to shocks in microjets. The excessive coronal absorption points to d…
The magnetosphere of the close accreting PMS binary V4046 Sgr
V4046 Sagittarii AB is a close short-period classical T Tauri binary. It is a circularised and synchronised system accreting from a circumbinary disk. In 2009 it was observed as part of a coordinated program involving near-simultaneous spectropolarimetric observations with ESPaDOnS at the Canada-France-Hawai'i Telescope and high-resolution X-ray observations with XMM-Newton. Magnetic maps of each star were derived from Zeeman-Doppler imaging. After briefly highlighting the most significant observational findings, we present a preliminary 3D model of the binary magnetosphere constructed from the magnetic maps using a newly developed binary magnetic field extrapolation code. The large-scale f…
V4046 Sgr: X-rays from accretion shock
AbstractWe present results of the X-ray monitoring of V4046 Sgr, a close classical T Tauri star binary, with both components accreting material. The 360 ks long XMM observation allowed us to measure the plasma densities at different temperatures, and to check whether and how the density varies with time. We find that plasma at temperatures of 1–4 MK has high densities, and we observe correlated and simultaneous density variations of plasma, probed by O VII and Ne IX triplets. These results strongly indicate that all the inspected He-like triplets are produced by high-density plasma heated in accretion shocks, and located at the base of accretion flows.
GSC 07396-00759 = V4046 Sgr C[D]: A Wide-separation Companion to the Close T Tauri Binary System V4046 Sgr AB
We explore the possibility that GSC 07396-00759 (spectral type M1e) is a widely separated (~2.82', or projected separation ~12,350 AU) companion to the "old" (age ~12 Myr) classical T Tauri binary system V4046 Sgr AB, as suggested by the proximity and similar space motions of the two systems. If the two systems are equidistant and coeval, then GSC 07396--00759, like V4046 Sgr AB, must be a spectroscopic binary with nearly equal-mass components, and V4046 Sgr must be at least ~8 Myr old. Analysis of a serendipitous Chandra X-ray gratings spectrum and light curve as well as XMM-Newton light curves and CCD spectra of GSC 07396-00759 obtained during long exposures targeting V4046 Sgr AB reveals…
Observatory science with eXTP
Disponible preprint en: arXiv:1812.04023v1 [astro-ph.HE] [v1] Mon, 10 Dec 2018 19:00:52 UTC (4,376 KB)