Thomas Mayer
Efficacy of ultrasound B-scan compared with physical examination in follow-up of melanoma patients
BACKGROUND The value of ultrasound B-scan for routine follow-up of melanoma patients still is not generally accepted. Therefore, the authors compared the efficacy of physical examination (PE) with ultrasound B-scan (UBS) for detection of regional tumor recurrence in melanoma patients. The aim of the current study was to evaluate whether early detection of metastases improves relapse-free and overall survival. METHODS For a period of 4 years, 829 consecutive melanoma patients were followed prospectively. Physical examination of 3011 patients and concomitant UBS of in-transit routes and regional lymph node basins were performed. Suspicious lesions were diagnosed by fine-needle aspiration cyto…
Restless legs syndrome: Epidemiological and clinicogenetic study in a South Tyrolean population isolate.
Genetic contributions to restless legs syndrome (RLS) have been consistently recognized from population and family studies. To determine the clinical and genetic features of RLS in a population isolate and explore linkage to three previously described susceptibility loci on chromosomes 12q, 14q, and 9p, respectively, an isolated population in the South Tyrolean Alps was identified and 530 adults participated in the study. Using a two-step strategy, 47 patients with idiopathic RLS were ascertained. The prevalence in the population was 8.9%. Twenty-eight patients (59.6%) had at least one affected first-degree relative and were classified as hereditary cases. In a single extended pedigree, lin…
Second asymptomatic carotid surgery trial (ACST-2): a randomised comparison of carotid artery stenting versus carotid endarterectomy.
Summary Background Among asymptomatic patients with severe carotid artery stenosis but no recent stroke or transient cerebral ischaemia, either carotid artery stenting (CAS) or carotid endarterectomy (CEA) can restore patency and reduce long-term stroke risks. However, from recent national registry data, each option causes about 1% procedural risk of disabling stroke or death. Comparison of their long-term protective effects requires large-scale randomised evidence. Methods ACST-2 is an international multicentre randomised trial of CAS versus CEA among asymptomatic patients with severe stenosis thought to require intervention, interpreted with all other relevant trials. Patients were eligib…
Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology in the early detection of melanoma metastases.
BACKGROUND. The early detection and treatment of tumor recurrences in melanoma patients is dependent on reliable, sensitive, and specific techniques to verify suspected tumor metastases. As of now, fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) has yet to establish itself in the routine follow-up of melanoma patients. METHODS. FNAC procedures were performed in melanoma patients with palpable tumors or nonpalpable, ultrasonically suspicious lesions. Cytodiagnostic evaluation of fine-needle samples obtained from suspicious lesions was performed morphologically. Findings were validated either by histopathologic diagnosis or prolonged clinical follow-up. RESULTS. The cytologic examination of 739 FNACs …