Pf Shepard
Search for new physics inlepton+photon+Xevents with929 pb−1ofpp¯collisions ats=1.96 TeV
The authors present results of a search for anomalous production of events containing a charged lepton ({ell}, either e or {mu}) and a photon ({gamma}), both with high transverse momentum, accompanied by additional signatures, X, including missing transverse energy (E{sub T}) and additional leptons and photons. We use the same kinematic selection criteria as in a previous CDF search, but with a substantially larger data set, 305 pb{sup -1}, a p{bar p} collision energy of 1.96 TeV, and the upgraded CDF II detector. We find 42 {ell}{gamma}E{sub T} events versus a standard model expectation of 37.3 {+-} 5.4 events. The level of excess observed in Run I, 16 events with an expectation of 7.6 {+-…
Higgs boson studies at the Tevatron
We combine searches by the CDF and D0 Collaborations for the standard model Higgs boson with mass in the range 90-200 GeV/c2 produced in the gluon-gluon fusion, WH, ZH, tt̄H, and vector boson fusion processes, and decaying in the H→bb̄, H→W+W-, H→ZZ, H→τ+τ-, and H→γγ modes. The data correspond to integrated luminosities of up to 10 fb-1 and were collected at the Fermilab Tevatron in pp̄ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV. The searches are also interpreted in the context of fermiophobic and fourth generation models. We observe a significant excess of events in the mass range between 115 and 140 GeV/c2. The local significance corresponds to 3.0 standard deviations at mH=125 GeV/c2, consistent with the…
Combination of measurements of the top-quark pair production cross section from the Tevatron Collider
We combine six measurements of the inclusive top-quark pair (tt̄) production cross section (σtt̄) from data collected with the CDF and D0 detectors at the Fermilab Tevatron with proton-antiproton collisions at s=1.96TeV. The data correspond to integrated luminosities of up to 8.8fb-1. We obtain a value of σtt̄=7.60±0.41pb for a top-quark mass of mt=172.5GeV. The contributions to the uncertainty are 0.20 pb from statistical sources, 0.29 pb from systematic sources, and 0.21 pb from the uncertainty on the integrated luminosity. The result is in good agreement with the standard model expectation of 7.35-0.33+0.28pb at next-to-next-to-leading order and next-to-next-to leading logarithms in pert…