Jérôme Bourbousson
Description of dynamic shared knowledge: an exploratory study during a competitive team sports interaction.
This exploratory case study describes the sharedness of knowledge within a basketball team (nine players) and how it changes during an official match. To determine how knowledge is mobilised in an actual game situation, the data were collected and processed following course-of-action theory (Theureau 2003). The results were used to characterise the contents of the shared knowledge (i.e. regarding teammate characteristics, team functioning, opponent characteristics, opposing team functioning and game conditions) and to identify the characteristic types of change: (a) the reinforcement of a previous element of shared knowledge; (b) the invalidation of an element of shared knowledge; (c) fragm…
Cognition collective : Partage de préoccupations entre les joueurs d'une équipe de basketball au cours d'un match
Resume Notre etude s’est attachee a analyser la construction de l’activite collective en s’interessant au partage des preoccupations entre les partenaires d’une equipe lors d’un match de basket-ball. Elle a ete menee en reference au cadre theorique et methodologique du cours d’action (Theureau, 2006). Elle a caracterise la nature des preoccupations individuelles des joueurs et les formes d’agencement de ces preoccupations au sein de l’equipe au cours du temps. Les resultats ont mis en evidence deux dynamiques d’apparition des moments de convergence des preoccupations en relation avec la nature de ce qui est partage par les joueurs. Sont discutees la relation entre preoccupations partagees e…
Temporal Aspects of Team Cognition: A Case Study on Concerns Sharing Within Basketball
This case study investigated team cognition in basketball. The focus was on how concerns in a real match situation were shared among teammates and how the sharedness evolved. The activity of five basketball players (M age = 17.60, SD = 0.89) was studied. The data were collected and processed according to a procedure defined for course-of-action analysis (Theureau, 2003). The results indicated that the instances when all the teammates shared the same typical concern were relatively rare, but temporal analysis revealed two kinds of convergence phenomena (simultaneous and progressive). In conclusion, shared understanding emerged within this team as essentially “local sharing of understanding.”
Analysis of contextual information sharing during table tennis matches: An empirical study on coordination in sports
Abstract This study examined contextual information sharing between table tennis players during competitive interaction (two opponents during singles) and cooperative interaction (two partners during doubles) in a study based on the notion of shared context (Salembier & Zouinar, 2000) and conducted within the semiological framework of the course‐of‐action (Theureau, 2003). Matches were videotaped and players’ verbalizations as they viewed the tapes were collected a posteriori. The analysis and comparison of their courses of action served to characterize the nature and content of the contextual information that was shared between the players during singles and doubles matches. The results re…
Team Coordination in Basketball: Description of the Cognitive Connections Among Teammates
International audience; This study investigated team coordination in basketball using the course-of-action theoretical framework. The focus was on how the players were connected with their teammates' activities. The activity of five French basketball players (17.60 ± .89 years) was studied during an official match. The data were collected and processed according to a procedure defined for course-of-action analysis. The results were used to characterize the coordination modes among players and the team coordination network that was built. The processes that underlie team coordination are discussed (i.e., mutuality and awareness), and some directions for practical applications are addressed.
Understanding team coordination in doubles table tennis: Joint analysis of first- and third-person data
Abstract Objectives This study sought to determine whether combining first- and third-person methodologies would provide insight into team coordination. Design and methods We studied the activity of a table tennis doubles team during an official match. We collected and processed the verbal data according to a procedure defined for course-of-experience analysis, but we also included a video-based field study of the partners' interactions during the breaks between points. We then conducted a joint analysis of the two players' lived experience and behaviors during these short breaks. Results The results showed both the difficulties and the empirical richness of this approach. For example, the …
Caractérisation des modes de coordination interpersonnelle au sein d'une équipe de basket-ball
Characterization of interpersonal coordination modes within a basket-ball team. The aim of our study was to analyze the construction of a collective activity. We focused on interpersonal coordination process within a basket-ball team during a match. We characterized the way how basketball players took mutually into account their respective activities. In order to consider in the same time both units of analysis, the individual one and the collective one, this study referred to the framework of the course of action theory (Theureau, 2006). Results allowed us to specify the relational network between players, the various coordination modes between two players and the different forms of team c…