Markus Behnke
Gas-phase detection of HSOH: synthesis by flash vacuum pyrolysis of di-tert-butyl sulfoxide and rotational-torsional spectrum.
Gas-phase oxadisulfane (HSOH), the missing link between the well-known molecules hydrogen peroxide (HOOH) and disulfane (HSSH), was synthesized by flash vacuum pyrolysis of di-tert-butyl sulfoxide. Using mass spectrometry, the pyrolysis conditions have been optimized towards formation of HSOH. Microwave spectroscopic investigation of the pyrolysis products allowed-assisted by high-level quantum-chemical calculations--the first measurement of the rotational-torsional spectrum of HSOH. In total, we have measured approximately 600 lines of the rotational-torsional spectrum in the frequency range from 64 GHz to 1.9 THz and assigned some 470 of these to the rotational-torsional spectrum of HSOH …
Gas-phase detection of discharge-generated DSOD
Abstract We report the first spectroscopic detection of perdeuterated 1-oxadisulfane, DSOD, generated in a radio-frequency plasma of D2S and D2O. The chain molecule DSOD produces a perpendicular-type spectrum, with well-known spectral features encountered in previous studies of geometrically related molecules, such as compact Q-branches, which are clearly recognizable. The arrangement of the transitions shaping the Q-branches usually provides sufficient proof for a clear-cut detection of a chain molecule such as DSOD. Guided by quantum chemical calculations, we have located the band center of the r Q 2 -branch of DSOD in the frequency region near 466.5 GHz using the Cologne terahertz spectr…
Low-pressure pyrolysis of tBu2SO: synthesis and IR spectroscopic detection of HSOH.
Sulfenic acid (HSOH, 1) has been synthesized in the gas-phase by low-pressure high-temperature (1150 degrees C) pyrolysis of di-tert-butyl sulfoxide (tBu(2)SO, 2) and characterized by means of matrix isolation and gas-phase IR spectroscopy. High-level coupled-cluster (CC) calculations (CCSD(T)/cc-pVTZ and CCSD(T)/cc-pVQZ) support the first identification of the gas-phase IR spectrum of 1 and enable its spectral characterization. Five of the six vibrational fundamentals of matrix-isolated 1 have been assigned, and its rotational-resolved gas-phase IR spectrum provides additional information on the O-H and S-H stretching fundamentals. Investigations of the pyrolysis reaction by mass spectrome…