Nunzio Miraglia
Influenza del confinamento del calcestruzzo con FRP sulla stabilità delle barre compresse
Ingfluenza delle fibre sul comportamento delle zone diffusive
Influenza del confinamento del calcestruzzo con FRP sulla stabilità delle barre di elementi in c.a.
Influenza delle fibre sul comportamento delle zone diffusive
Flexural behavior of R.C. columns externally wrapped with FRP sheets
In the present paper the compressive and flexural behavior of R.C. columns externally wrapped with FRP layers is examined. The investigation refers to a short compressed R.C. member having circular transverse cross-section and reinforced with longitudinal bars and transverse hoops or spirals. A first phase of the investigation was addressed to describing the constitutive laws of constituent materials (confined concrete core, steel bars in compression and in tension, FRP in tension). The second phase of the research was addressed to deriving the compressive and flexural responses in terms of load-axial shortening curves and momentaxial force interaction domain, to be compared with experiment…
Indagine sperimentale su travi in calcestruzzo fibroso sottoposte a carichi monotonici e ciclici
Risposta sismica di pannelli in muratura armata con blocchi di inerti leggeri
Risposta sismica di pannelli in muratura armata con blocchi di inerti leggeri
Static scheme changes and creep effects in prestressed concrete bridges
Static scheme changes and creep effects in prestressed concrete bridges