A. Ruiz Aguirre
Diffusion dialysis for HCl and heavy metals separation from highly concentrated pickling solutions
Disposal of pickling waste solutions strongly affects hot-dip galvanizing industries’ economics and environmental footprint. Thus, the recovery of acid is an important step to enhance the process sustainability. Diffusion dialysis (DD) can be used to separate acids and heavy metals (e.g. iron and zinc) from pickling waters, promoting the circular use of such raw materials. In the present work, two DD modules, a laboratory scale unit operating in batch and a continuous operated large unit, equipped with Fumasep anionic exchange membranes were tested. Results obtained show that zinc and iron affect HCl recovery in opposite way, however reaching high recovery values. In particular, zinc consid…
Experimental investigation and modelling for sulphuric acid recovery by diffusion dialysis
Sulphuric acid is known to be one of the key inorganic acid and has been widely used in chemical reaction and metal industries for surface treatments as in the copper electroplating process. During these processes, large amounts of waste sulphuric acid solution are generally generated, containing high concentrations of metals and acid. The possibility of recover and reuse the sulphuric acid in the process could avoid environmental contamination and reduce costs of the disposal. Among several separation methods, diffusion dialysis (DD) is becoming more and more attractive thanks to the recent important advances in ion exchange membranes (IEMs) field and because of its clean nature and operat…
Application of diffusion dialysis in separation of sulfuric acid and copper from electroplating wastewater
Electroplating industry creates large volumes of wastewater that contain acids and heavy metallic ions which are toxic but valuable. Diffusion dialysis (DD) can be used to separate acids from heavy metals. In this work, two single-cell DD modules equipped with Fumasep FAD membranes were used for the first time for the separation of sulfuric acid from copper. The first module consisted of a laboratory-scale DD unit operated in a batch configuration to study the effect of process parameters on the efficiency of sulfuric acid recovery. The latter one was a large-scale DD unit operated in a continuous configuration to simulate the process operation at the industrial scale. Results showed that F…