Francesco Pillitteri

Sicurezza ed Efficacia dell’inserto Ologen™ nella chirurgia del glaucoma: risultati preliminari di uno studio prospettico di fase II

research product

Archeologia, quale lavoro dopo l’università? Un’analisi multidisciplinare del rapporto tra ricerca, formazione, professione e opportunità imprenditoriali

Nel corso degli ultimi venti anni, la ricerca scientifica si è caratterizzata per un approccio multidisciplinare, capace di ripensare le discipline di base, nella convinzione che la contaminazione possa gene- rare nuova conoscenza. In un siffatto con- testo, gli studiosi di archeologia più volte hanno messo in discussione il ruolo della propria disciplina nella società contemporanea, interrogandosi sulle possibili interazioni e sulle sinergie con scienze diverse e apparentemente ‘lontane’. Questa sfida pone non poche problematiche riguardo agli investimenti in capitale umano che sono necessari per far coesistere e sviluppare saperi diversi in modo integrato. Il riferimento è alla definizion…

research product

Additional file 1 of Day care cataract surgery in Central and Southern Italy: a multicentric survey

Additional file 1: Questionnaire on cataract day surgery diffusion in Ophthalmic Surgery Unit of Central and Southern Italy. The items in the questionnaire concerned: (a) number of procedures for cataract surgery performed during 2005, and type of hospital admission; (b) information about the time since the introduction of DS for cataract surgery; (c) information about perioperative management, blood tests, type of anesthesia, use of topical skin disinfectants, average time of hospitalization and postoperative follow-up; (d) information about local facilities working in the same field, both public and private. (DOC 22 KB)

research product

The four spheres of value co-creation in humanitarian professional services

PurposeThe study focuses on the value co-creation processes in humanitarian professional services provision, analysing the key enabling factors of beneficiaries' participation, involved in long-term integration programmes (L-TIPs).Design/methodology/approachThrough an in-depth case study, the research looks at the practices of value co-creation in humanitarian professional services, considering both the perspectives of the professional service provider and beneficiary.FindingsIn professional services beneficiary's participation affects the success of the L-TIPs outcomes. Participation's enablers can be classified into four different spheres, each belonging to different elements of professio…

research product

Studio clinico randomizzato e controllato sull'efficacia clinica dell'uso di lenti multifocali refrattive versus diffrattive nella chirurgia della cataratta

research product

Sicurezza ed efficacia dell’inserto Ologen™ nella chirurgia del glaucoma: risultati a medio termine di uno studio prospettico di fase II.

research product

One-Year Outcomes with New-Generation Multifocal Intraocular Lenses

Purpose: To compare new-generation multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs) with monofocal IOLs. Design: Randomized prospective clinical trial. Participants: Sixty-two consecutive patients with cataract, seen between January of 2005 and January of 2006 at the Department of Ophthalmology of Palermo University Hospital in Italy, were bilaterally implanted with monofocal (AR 40, Advanced Medical Optics [AMO], Santa Ana, CA; 15 patients), multifocal refractive (Array SA40N, AMO; 16 patients), multifocal refractive (ReZoom, AMO; 15 patients), or multifocal diffractive pupil-independent (Tecnis ZM900, AMO; 16 patients) IOLs. Intervention: Bimanual phacoemulsification. Main Outcome Measures: Primary o…

research product

A five-year retrospective study of the epidemiological characteristics and visual outcomes of patients hospitalized for ocular trauma in a Mediterranean area

Abstract Background To determine the epidemiological characteristics and visual outcome of ocular trauma in southern Italy. Methods All cases of ocular trauma admitted to Department of Ophthalmology of Palermo University, Italy, from January 2001–December 2005 were retrospectively reviewed for open- or closed-globe injury (OGI or CGI). Data extracted included age, sex, residence, initial and final visual acuity (VA), cause and treatment of injury, hospitalization. The injuries were classified by Ocular Trauma Classification System (OTCS) and Birmingham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT). We also referred to the Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) in evaluating the final visual outcome. Results Of the 298 …

research product

Day care cataract surgery in Central and Southern Italy: a multicentric survey

Abstract Background Cataract day surgery has rapidly gained worldwide acceptance, because the new surgical techniques and costs are generally lower than those involved in ordinary hospitalization. Cataract surgery serves as a proxy indicator of the trend towards day surgery hospitalization in Italy and, therefore, of regional variability in health-care delivery and cost. The aim of this study was to update the diffusion of cataract day surgery through various surgical ophthalmological centers in central and southern Italy during 2005. Methods A two-stage stratified cluster sampling method was used to draw a sample of Cataract Surgery Unit from Ophthalmic Units of central and southern Italy.…

research product

Sicurezza ed Efficacia dell’ Inserto Ologen™ Nella Chirurgia Del Glaucoma: Risultati Di Uno Studio Prospettico Di Fase II.

research product

Comfort visivo e indipendenza da occhiali con IOLs multifocali di nuova generazione: follow-up a 1 anno

research product

Additional file 2 of Day care cataract surgery in Central and Southern Italy: a multicentric survey

Authors’ original file for figure 1

research product

Additional file 3 of Day care cataract surgery in Central and Southern Italy: a multicentric survey

Authors’ original file for figure 2

research product