Giuseppe Notarstefano

L'esperienza della governance in un territorio "minore": la programmazione integrata territoriale nel Sistema Parco dei Nebrodi

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Expenditure behaviour in official and hidden tourism in Small Italian Islands

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Persistency and convergence among EMP countries: a semi parametric approach

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L’agricoltura biologica tra sostenibilità e crescita

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Concetti essenziali per la valutazione

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Trasformazione produttiva, specializzazione e contagio spaziale: alcune considerazioni a partire dai SLL della Sicilia.

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Economia e internazionalizzazione. Un modello strategico per le imprese e il territorio nella realtà nissena

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Oro Nero- Il sommerso di lavoro e il sommerso d'impresa nella Provincia di Palermo

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Comportamenti di spesa e profili dei turisti: alcune evidenze empiriche.

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Comportamento di spesa del turista: un approccio micro-econometrico.

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A balanced score card approach to measuring the impact of tourism

The nature of tourism and the spheres of activity relevant to managing it are changing both in character and in scope. A “territorial space”, which is not defined simply by geographical boundaries, but also by physical and intangible as well as actual and virtual boundaries is offered as a framework within which to conceptualize and approach planning and managing tourism in the newly evolved reality, and the BSC is as an effective tool for facilitating the implementation of a new approach in evaluating and studying the impacts of tourism. The “territory” concept could serve well as an organizing principle in this research and the Italian experiment on tourism districts will provide an ideal…

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Produrre valore attraverso le relazioni

Il contributo analizza i modelli di economa solidale e la loro distribuzione territoriale nell'esperienza italiana recente

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Abbiamo un grande passato e, forse, un futuro.

Il contributo offre una sintesi di un più ampio studio relativo alla valutazione dei fondi strutturali in Sicilia alla luce del celebre Rapporto indipendente di Fabrizio Barca.

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Progettazione istituzionale e deontologia (par. II, Che cosa non è valutazione delle politiche pubblice; par. III )

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Breve descrizione degli aspetti relativi ai mercati, strumenti e istituzioni finanziarie a livello internazionale

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Distorsioni nel ricordo della spesa dei turisti: alcune evidenze empiriche

The paper presents some remarks about the distortion of survey data that occurs when tourists are asked to recall the amount of their expenditure for the holiday. The difference between the concepts of perceived expenditure and reminded expenditure is stressed through a review of the relevant literature. An econometric analysis of PRIN 2007 survey data is then presented, with the aim of estimating the personal characteristics of the respondents that are most likely to do errors in remembering their expenditure.

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Countries agreeing to Euro-Mediterranean Partnership show different levels of development, so that they are far from converging in per capita GDP growth rates. As shown by literature, an important role in growth can be played by foreign direct investment (FDI). Beta and Sigma approaches to convergence are applied to prove the absence of gaps reduction in the area, and the importance of FDI in a context where less developed countries do not attract FDI as much as other developing countries, Persistency matrix and fuzzy clustering methods are then applied to verify the composition and stability in time of ''convergence club''

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Il territorio e la sua armatura: i distretti culturali

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I comportamenti di spesa dei turisti nelle isole Eolie

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Distretti turistici in Sicilia: una proposta di analisi dell’attrattività turistica

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La sostenibilità economica del modello di produzione biologica in Sicilia

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Il Distretto economico solidale

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Recente evoluzione della struttura produttiva siciliana: una nota con riferimento agli 82 Sistemi Locali del Lavoro.

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On rural development of NUTS 2 and 3: a non parametric approach of distribution dynamics analysis

This work presents a study about dynamics of territorial gaps in agriculture between EU NUTS 2 and 3 from three perspectives: agricultural production model, rural development and productivity. Our choice of methodology is driven by two considerations. First of all, different performances in agriculture of EU areas may lead to multimodal distributions of indicators, and this implies that no significant average behaviour a parametric estimates refers to can be identified. Secondly, even if one wants to highlight multimodality within distributions, techniques like univariate density estimates can not catch intra-distribution dynamics which lead to the formation of "poles" of units showing a "s…

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The territories of tourism: a reflection about the experience of the Tourist Districts (Local Tourism Systems) in Sicily

The tourist district is an important tool for territorial governance of regional tourism. The district is a type of Local System which is characterized by its multidimensionality, as well as the spatial contiguity of traders who belong to it. The territory is a space transformed by social interactions and relations of production: it is therefore the indispensable reference for measuring the impact of tourism. A bottom up approach in the process of identification of the districts is therefore vital. A Balance Score Card-approach is desirable to correctly manage this process. This study is a preliminary analysis derived from direct experience of the Sicilian tourist districts, recently formed…

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L'esperienza della governance in un territorio "minore": la programmazione integrata nel sistema Parco dei Nebrodi

Il lavoro è il risultato di una valutazione dell''esperienza di un Patto Integrato Territoriale (PIT) con particolare attezione i meccanismi di coordinamento orizzontali e verticali tra livelli istituzionali. Il contributo dell''autore è soprattutto individuabile nell''analisi staistico economica territorial dell''area di riferimento del PIT.

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Distributed <inline-formula> <tex-math notation="TeX">$n$</tex-math></inline-formula>-Player Approachability and Consensus in Coalitional Games

We study a distributed allocation process where, at each time, every player: i) proposes a new bid based on the average utilities produced up to that time, ii) adjusts such allocations based on the inputs received from its neighbors, and iii) generates and allocates new utilities. The average allocations evolve according to a doubly (over time and space) averaging algorithm. We study conditions under which the average allocations reach consensus to any point within a predefined target set even in the presence of adversarial disturbances. Motivations arise in the context of coalitional games with transferable utilities (TU) where the target set is any set of allocations that makes the grand …

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The polarization of European agriculture: spatial and dynamic features within a non parametric framework

We present a study of the polarization of European agriculture at NUTS2 regional level. The analysis of selected indicators focuses on spatial and dynamic features of distributions. We make use of the non parametric technique of stochastic kernel which allows to explore the features of a whole distribution and to point out the clustering of statistical units.

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L'analisi del fabbisogno occupazionale nell'area palermitana

Il contributo è un capitolo su volume che ha per oggetto l''analisi dei dati di fonte Excelsior relativi alla provincia di Palermo.

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Stochastic kernel and conditioning schemes: a study about the influence of spatial factor on agriculture of EU NUTS2

Besides to be an useful methodology for the detection of distribution dynamics of indicators, stochastic kernel has been generalized to a regression-like rationale (Quah, 1997). The latter allows to determine how a distribution is influenced by a "factor", through a "conditioning scheme" which is a set of rules stating how the original distribution is altered in order to obtain its "conditioned" version. This paper aims to study the influence of the "spatial factor" on distributions of selected agriculture impact indicators across EU NUTS2. The present work offers an empirical analysis of dynamics of selected indicators of agriculture across NUTS2. Our scope is to give an overlook of EU ter…

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Le metodologie di valutazione economica

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Rapporto Emergendo: Dimensione e struttura del lavoro sommerso nella provincia di Caltanissetta

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L'economia sommersa in Sicilia: stima del sommerso di lavoro e del sommerso di impresa nelle province di Palermo e Caltanissetta

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Per una classificazione secondo il grado di ruralità e di specializzazione agricola

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Distributed n-player approachability via time and space average consensus

Abstract In this paper we consider repeated coalitional games with transferable utilities (TU) over networks. Namely, we consider a set of n players that have to distribute among themselves a vector of rewards (one for each player). In our network version there is no coordinator allocating the rewards, but the agents have to agree on a common time-averaged vector by updating the local estimates of the reward vector. The common time-averaged reward vector has to approach a suitable constraint set, called core of the game, that guarantees that no agents benefit from quitting the grand coalition. We propose a doubly (over time and space) averaging distributed algorithm. At every iteration, eac…

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Imprenditori si nasce o si diventa? La rilevazione delle attitudini imprenditoriali: modelli di misura ed evidenze empiriche

Il lavoro si propone di effettuare una rassegna dei principali modelli e strumenti di misura per la valutazione delle attitudini imprenditoriali. vengono proposti alcuni confronti tra diverse indagini empiriche effettuate in differenti contesti territtoriali

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L'internazionalizzazione mercantile delle imprese manifatturiere emergenti: vincoli, opportunità, fabbisogni.

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La misurazione della performance dei distretti turistici: una proposta

Il presente lavoro si propone di affrontare il tema della valutazione di impatto territoriale dell'esperienza distrettuale.

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Local Tourism System in Sicily: a proposal for the identification through spatial classification with the constraints of contiguity

The theoretical approach to Tourism Economics is based on the systemic nature of tourism, stemming both from the heterogeneity of the tourist package and from the existing complex interactions among destinations, firms, tourists. The systemic nature of tourism and the identification with its geographical representation, that is the destination, introduce the concept of Local Tourist System (LTS). This systemic nature has also been recognized by the Italian legislation by creating of an economic policy instrument, named Local Tourist System: “We call local tourist systems, homogeneous or integrated tourist environments, which include territories belonging even to different regions characteri…

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Alcuni aspetti del fattore "spazio" nello studio dei sistemi locali: analisi dell'uso del suolo, stima e convergenza del valore aggiunto comunale per l'area dei Nebrodi

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Sistemi Turistici Locali in Sicilia: un approccio all’identificazione

Molti interventi di politica economica finalizzati allo sviluppo locale assumono come riferimento il territorio. Tale affermazione all’apparenza scontata esprime un concetto fondamentale, non è possibile né tanto meno auspicabile, formulare strategie è percorsi di sviluppo per una data area senza un’analisi approfondita del territorio delle sue caratteristiche, dei suoi punti di forza e di debolezza. In più è determinante che all’analisi segua la sintesi, intesa come momento di individuazione dello specifico contesto geografico cui destinare gli sforzi di programmazione. Il contributo che si vuole fornire al dibattito sui Sistemi Turistici Locali è relativo all’individuazione di aree omogen…

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L'analisi controfattuale

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Armonizzazione fra economia e modelli di sviluppo

Il contributo propone un'analisi critica dei problemi relativi al processi di integrazione euromediterranea in una prospettiva di economia dello sviluppo .

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Measuring the impact of tourism: a 'territorial' approach

The nature of tourism and the spheres of activity relevant to managing it are changing both in character and in scope. Consequently, traditional statistical and management information resources are not adequate for effective tourism planning and for tourism impact evaluation because they are deficient both in scope and focus. To adapt to the evolving nature of tourism and realize the full value creation potential for all stakeholders, planners, managers and operators must adopt a new conceptualization of the “space” over which relevant tourism related activities occur and over which these activities must therefore be comprehended and managed. A “territorial space”, which is not defined simp…

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Alcune considerazioni sulla relazione tra grado di ruralita' e sviluppo economico nei Comuni siciliani.

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Ecologia integrale? Etica, economia e politica in dialogo

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Modelli statistici per la rilevazione e l’analisi della spesa turistica

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Dati e statistiche per le politiche pubbliche

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Analisi socio-economica della Regione Sicilia per ATO (programma di aggiornamento del piano acquedotti, sezione B)

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