Roccella M.
Psychological and sexual development in children raised by homosexual parents|Le développement psychologique et sexuel des enfants de parents homosexuels
Introduction Many studies that have assessed whether homosexual parenthood interferes with the psychological, cognitive and sexual development of children. It seems to emerge that growing up in a couple of same-sex parents does not interfere with the psychosexual development of children and that the possibility that children can become homosexual in the future does not depend on the sexual orientation of the parents. No difference was found in the incidence of homosexual future orientation between children of heterosexual parents and children born and raised in homosexual couples. Materials and methods In this preliminary study, a group of 112 children (mean age: 11.8) of homosexual parents…
Valutazione dei processi di apprendimento in bambini con epilessia generalizzata idiopatica.
Bigorexia and orthorexia: an indissoluble relationship?
BACKGROUND: Bigorexia or muscle dysmorphia (MD) is a subtype of body dysmorphic disorder, and it is characterized by an excessive dissatisfaction with body size and muscularity. Orthorexia nervosa (ON) is an obsessive focus on healthy eating and emotional distress related to food choices that are perceived as unhealthy. MD and ON are considered two emerging psychiatric disorders. METHODS: The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of traits of ON and MD between amateurs and professional athletes who practice bodybuilding. The secondary endpoint of the study is to identify the anabolic steroid abuse among the athletes. To this end we have administered a dichotomic questionnaire to …