Nelly Stephan
Les formations professionnnelles tertiaires : concurrence ou complémentarité
Actes des XIXè journées de l'AES; International audience; Le recouvrement des enseignements du ministère de l'Agriculture avec ceux de l'Education nationale s'est progressivement accru et pose, actuellement, au niveau politique, la question de la légitimité de l'enseignement agricole. Ce texte présente les résultats d'une recherche sur la concurrence ou la complémentarité des deux formations préparant aux métiers des services aux personnes, relevant de chaque ministère.
Assessing the operational efficiency of agricultural training systems
The aim of this study was to assess the operational efficiency of agricultural training systems. Are the most highly trained farmers more efficient than those with less training ? This analysis focuses on the effects of training at two particular stages : when setting up a farm and deciding how it should be run, and during the initial stages, how efficiently the business is run. The findings show that the agricultural training systems should make greater efforts to accompany young farmers setting up in business, by helping them to define their farming objectives more clearly. Accumulating manpower does not suffice : in order tu succeed, the optimum conditions of production have to be achiev…