Sala Giovanna
New tree monitoring systems: from Industry 4.0 to Nature 4.0
This is the accepted version of the article "New tree monitoring systems: from Industry 4.0 to Nature 4.0" published as final paper in Annals of Silvicultural Research Volume 43, Issue 2, 2019, Pages 84-88, http://dx.doi.org/10.12899/asr-1847 Abstract - Recently, Internet of Things (IoT) technologies have grown rapidly and represent now a unique opportunity to improve our environmental monitoring capabilities at extremely low costs. IoT is a new system of thinking in which objects, animals or people are equipped with unique identifiers and transfer data to a network without requiring human-to-human or human-to-computer interaction. IoT has evolved from the convergence of wirele…
Efficacia degli strumenti pianificatori operanti in Sicilia per la tutela del paesaggio e della biodiversità: il caso studio di Lampedusa
I processi in atto nelle aree protette dovrebbero concorrere alla conservazione e/o al ripristino della biodiversità di questi territori. Tra tutti i vincoli che insistono su un’area protetta, determinati da diversi strumenti legislativi (es. piani paesistici, regolamenti della riserva/parco, vincoli idrogeologici) la preminenza, ove presenti, spetta a quelli derivanti dalle applicazioni delle norme di tutela dei siti natura 2000. Come diversi studi dimostrano, molte specie rare e/o minacciate della flora vascolare di Lampedusa sono legate agli ambienti agricoli, mentre i consorzi pre-forestali ospitano diverse specie (corbezzolo, fillirea, mirto) non rare a livello regionale ma delle quali…
New Business Models for innovating the cork sector and contrasting cork oak woodland abandonment
The traditional agro-silvo-pastoral system is characterized by wooded grasslands derived from human-induced transformation of forests by tree clearing and tillage. One of the most common tree species of agro-silvo-pastoral systems in Sicily is cork oak (Quercus suber L.). According to the regional inventory these species cover 18830 ha (Camerano et al., 2011) from sea level up to 600 m a.s.l. in siliceous and volcanic substrates. Traditional management of cork oak forest is an example of integration of sustainable land use and biodiversity conservation. Cork oak woodlands are ecologically sensitive and maintained by active human management. Currently, this ecosystem in the Mediterranean Bas…
High diversity of root endophytes in the pioneer endemic Betula aetnensis Raf. colonizing volcanic lavas
Introduction Betula aetnensis Raf. is an endemic tree species native to Sicily of particular conservation value, that establishes on nutrient-poor and water-limited lava of Etna volcano. In these harsh conditions plant-microbe interactions could play a crucial role in plant growth, resource uptake and resistance to abiotic stresses. The aim of this study is to investigate the root-associated microbial community of B. aetnensis growing in its natural habitat. The comparison between individuals from natural habitats and nursery-grown seedlings aims to assess the symbiotic status of plant material used for afforestation purposes. Materials and Methods Betula aetnensis individuals were collecte…
Lost in space? Using geo-narratives to interpret land use changes in a rural landscape of inner Sicily
Intercropping landscapes characterised by the presence of certain plant features (i.e. old-century olive trees) are usually considered traditional landscapes, extremely important for their biocultural heritage. Olive agroforestry systems were widespread in the past throughout Sicily. Recent evolution processes involving intensification have switched to olive grove monocultures. Here we present ongoing work on the application of geo-narratives to interpret transformation dynamics of land use practices in a rural landscape of inner Sicily. Based on the assumption that spatial patterns are the expression of transformation processes, where the spatial variation of human activities is a signific…
Risultati di azioni di rimboschimento in diversi contesti pedoclimatici siciliani
Nell’ambito delle attività sviluppate dalla regione siciliana nella redazione del Piano Forestale Regionale 2009- 2013, negli anni 2006/2007 sono stati realizzati 8 campi sperimentali in diversi contesti pedoclimatici siciliani (Bioclima: mesomediterraneo e supramediterraneo. Substrato: alluvionale, argilloso, calcareo, flyshioide, sabbioso/ siliceo) in 5 province siciliane (Agrigento, Enna, Messina, Palermo e Trapani). La scelta delle specie da piantare è stata compiuta sulla base di una suddivisione del territorio siciliano per aree ecologicamente omogenee compiuta dal gruppo di Selvicoltura di UNIPA, e utilizzata per fornire uno strumento operativo e vincolante per i progetti forestali r…
Evolution of the lactic acid bacterial biofilms on different wood typologies applied for the production of vats intended for cheese making
The present work was carried out to evaluate the lactic acid bacterial biofilms formation on wooden vat produced with seven different woods, derived from trees species grown in Sicily. The biofilm formation on the wooden surfaces was performed as reported by Gaglio et al. Microbiological and scanning electron microscopy analyses did not show differences in terms of microbial levels and composition within the neoformed biofilms (Fig.1). The specific investigation of Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and positive-coagulase staphylococci did not generate any colony for all vats before and after microbial activation. Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) populations dominated the s…
Effect of the wooden vats on traditional cheese characteristics
Wooden vats have been used for centuries to collect and transform milk by farmers and cheesemakers all over the world. Nowadays, the tree species mostly used to this purpose are Douglas fir and chestnut. The use of wooden vats is mandatory for the production of all PDO Sicilian cheeses, such as Ragusano, Pecorino Siciliano, Piacentinu Ennese and Vastedda della valle del Belìce. In the last years, the wooden vats have been deeply explored for the microbiological characteristics and they are covered by biofilms mainly represented by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) entrapped in a polysaccharide matrix. These microbial associations do not include pathogenic species. Up to date, there are no studies …
Le potenzialità della filiera foresta-legno in Sicilia
Dalla seconda metà del secolo scorso il patrimonio forestale della Sicilia è aumentato in termini di superficie. L’aumento recente è stato favorito dai processi di rinaturalizzazione degli ex coltivi e dei pascoli e dalla disponibilità di fondi europei per i rimboschimenti e l’arboricoltura da legno, insieme all’adozione di nuove politiche rivolte alla sostenibilità ambientale. Tuttavia, tale incremento della risorsa nella maggior parte dei casi non è stato un affiancato da uno sviluppo delle politiche e delle azioni mirate a promuovere la gestione forestale, tantomeno la valorizzazione dei prodotti legnosi e non. Tale carenza di politiche efficaci nel contesto italiano, in particolare l’ap…