Dragoș Boicu
The Consolidation of Donatism in the First Half of the Fourth Century
The Donatist Movement represents a phenomenon that can be studied as a paradigm for the emergence of schisms and their evolution from a canonical-disciplinary deviation to a dogmatic-moral one, transforming the dissident group into a heretical one. This study aims to deepen the way in which the resistance of the Numidian clergy was consolidated during the Constantinian dynasty despite the concessions and pressures exerted on it. Keywords: Constantine the Great, North Africa, Donatism, Donatus Magnus, circumcelliones
Marian Devotion as a Form of Legitimization of the Imperial Authority
Abstract The present research addresses matters concerning the relationship between Church and state during the reign of Theodosius II of Rome, analyzing especially the case of legitimization of the imperial authority found in the first half of the fifth century when the Empress Pulcheria tried to identify herself with the Virgin Mary before her subjects in order to further maintain control of the state alongside her brother, Theodosius II. This paper also attempts to connect the problem of the political experiment with the development of a Marian devotion in Constantinople as a solution for pagan cults’ inculturation, reassessing Nestorius’ reaction in parallel with the position of Epiphan…