Isaac Masih
Biological control ofBotrytis cinereacausing grey mould disease of grapevine and elicitation of stilbene phytoalexin (resveratrol) by a soil bacterium
Botrytis cinerea Pers. was found to be highly pathogenic to the grapevine plant, producing the characteristic grey mould symptoms within 7 days of inoculation on vitroplants. A bacterial strain, isolated from soil, belonging to the genus Bacillus was found to be an antagonist of this disease causing fungus. The fungal attack on the grapevine acts as an elicitor to the production of phytoalexines like resveratrol. This compound was also formed when the leaves of the grapevine vitroplants were inoculated with the bacteria alone, and this activity was enhanced when a mixture of the pathogen and the antagonist bacteria was applied. Since resveratrol in wine is considered to be beneficial to hum…
ITS1 region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA of the mycoparasite Pythium periplocum, its taxonomy, and its comparison with related species.
Pythium periplocum Drechsler was isolated from some soil samples taken in the botanical garden of Tenerife, Canary Islands. This fungus has been found to be an aggressive mycoparasite of Botrytis cinerea. It is unique amongst the members of the genus Pythium because of the character combination of inflated filamentous type of sporangia and ornamented oogonia. The taxonomic description of this fungus and its comparison with related species, together with the polymerase chain reaction of the internal transcribed spacer of its nuclear ribosomal DNA, are discussed in this article.
Pythium prolatumisolated from soil in the Burgundy region: a new record for Europe
Pythium prolatum Hendrix and Campbell has been isolated from a soil sample taken in the Burgundy region in France. The fungus is easily recognisable by its heavily ornamented oogonia with conical to mammiform spines, elongated sporangia, and its diclinous antheridia forming or originating from a tangled mass of hyphae. Descriptions of the morphological and reproductive aspects of Pythium prolatum, the polymerase chain reaction of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS1) of the ribosomal nuclear DNA as well as the nucleotide sequences of ITS1 coding for 5.8 S rRNA are given.
Pythium regulare sp. nov., Isolated from the Canary Islands, Its Taxonomy, Its Region of rDNA, and Comparison with Related Species
Pythium regulare (CI-34) was isolated from some soil samples taken in the Canary Islands (Spain). This new species is very closely related to P. irregulare isolated from pea roots in The Netherlands by Buisman in 1927. The species of Pythium are members of the kingdom Chromista. Pythium regulare is characterized by its ornamented oogonia bearing blunt or digitate spines, and its non-sporulating type of sporangia or hyphal bodies, its aplerotic oospores, its monoclinous and diclinous antheridia that at times crowd around the oogonia. The taxonomic description of this oomycete, the PCR of the internal transcribed region (spacers ITS1, ITS2, and the gene 5.8 S) of its ribosomal nuclear DNA as …
Occurrence of resveratrol and pterostilbene in age-old darakchasava, an ayurvedic medicine from India
'Darakchasava' is a well known Indian herbal preparation of which the main ingredient is Vitis vinifera L. This 'ayurvedic' medicine is prescribed as a cardiotonic and also given for other disorders. HPLC analysis of this age old formulation revealed the presence of polyphenols like resveratrol and pterostilbene. These phenolic compounds are now known as antioxidants, cancer chemopreventive agents, and also known to reduce mortality from coronary heart disease by increasing high density lipoproteins like cholesterol and inhibiting platelet aggregation (Soleas, J.S., Diamandis, E.P., Goldberg, D.M., 1997. Resveratrol: a molecule whose time has come? and gone? Clin. Biochem. 30 (2), 91-113). …
ITS region of the rDNA of Pythium rhizosaccharum sp. nov. isolated from sugarcane roots: taxonomy and comparison with related species.
Pythium rhizosaccharum (F-1244) was isolated from soil samples taken in the rhizosphere of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum) in the north-eastern India. This species is characterized by its smooth-walled, spherical sporangia and rarely formed sexual structures. When formed, the antheridial branches wrap around the oogonia and soon disappear after fertilization. The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of its rDNA is comprised of 904 bases. The taxonomical description of this new species and its comparison with related species are given here, together with the nucleotide sequences of the ITS1 and ITS2, and the 5.8S gene of its ribosomal nuclear DNA.