Matilde Segura
Assessing the effect of emergent vegetation in a surface-flow constructed wetland on eutrophication reversion and biodiversity enhancement
Abstract A free water-surface constructed wetland (F4-unit) was created in a Mediterranean protected site to treat eutrophic inflows to the Albufera de Valencia lagoon, and enhance biodiversity. In 2013, the F4-unit was divided into three subunits and planted with different compositions of emergent macrophytes (Phragmites australis, Iris pseudacorus, and a mixture of several macrophytes: F4-Reed, F4-Iris and F4-Mixed subunits). Two nine-month periods were monitored after planting, and water quality variables were measured in the inflows and outflows. Waterfowl occupation and plankton biomass were analyzed to evaluate their role in eutrophication reversion. The low removal efficiencies relat…
Allelopathic effects of microcystin-LR on the germination, growth and metabolism of five charophyte species and a submerged angiosperm
Abstract Microcystins (MCs) are produced by cyanobacteria in aquatic environments and adversely affect macrophytes at very high concentrations. However, the effects of MC on macrophytes at concentrations of environmental relevance are largely unknown. The main objective of this study was to analyze the allelopathic effects of MC-LR at natural concentrations (1, 8 and 16 μgMC-LR/L) on five charophyte species ( Chara aspera , C. baltica , C. hispida , C. vulgaris and Nitella hyalina ) and the angiosperm Myriophyllum spicatum . Macrophyte specimens were obtained from a restored area located in Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, a protected coastal Mediterranean wetland. Two different experimen…
The role of charophytes in a Mediterranean pond created forrestoration purposes
A small, shallow basin was created and flooded with groundwater in a Reserve Area in Albufera de València Natural Park (AVNP) under the scope of a restoration program intended to mimic typical environments such as freshwater springs, abundant in the past but currently suffering from deterioration (desiccation, pollution, etc.), with the ultimate goal of increasing local biodiversity of submerged macrophytes, particularly charophytes. In this study we have monitored, from April 2009 (a few months after its first flooding) to September 2012, the dynamics of charophyte growth and related physical, chemical and biotic variables to highlight the factors determining charophyte success. Just after…
Hydrology Affects Environmental and Spatial Structuring of Microalgal Metacommunities in Tropical Pacific Coast Wetlands
The alternating climate between wet and dry periods has important effects on the hydrology and therefore on niche-based processes of water bodies in tropical areas. Additionally, assemblages of microorganism can show spatial patterns, in the form of a distance decay relationship due to their size or life form. We aimed to test spatial and environmental effects, modulated by a seasonal flooding climatic pattern, on the distribution of microalgae in 30 wetlands of a tropical dry forest region: the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Three surveys were conducted corresponding to the beginning, the highest peak, and the end of the hydrological year during the wet season, and species abun…
Shifts in plankton assemblages promoted by free water surface constructed wetlands and their implications in eutrophication remediation
Abstract Two units of free water surface constructed wetlands (FWSCWs) were created in 2009 in a Mediterranean protected site, the Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, to treat eutrophic inflows to the Albufera de Valencia lagoon, the largest coastal lagoon in the Iberian Peninsula, affected by cultural eutrophication. Data of phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and richness of the inflows and outflows corresponding to the first 3.5 years of operation of the system have been analyzed to evaluate the role of plankton in the eutrophication reversion. The FWSCWs significantly reduced the exported microalgal biomass, stimulated the potential mixotrophic groups of phytoplankton such as Euglenoph…
Las Tablas de Daimiel National Park is a semiarid, hypertrophic wetland located in La Mancha (Ciudad Real, Central Spain). During the period 1996-2002 we carried out monthly samplings at three sites of Las Tablas. Thirty five taxa of Euglenophytes of the genera Astasia (1 taxon), Euglena (15), Lepocinclis (6), Phacus (9), and Trachelomonas (4) were identified. Six taxa are new records for Spain. Abundance, species richness, species groups and absolute and relative biomass of Euglenophytes widely fluctuated spatio-temporally in Las Tablas, without any statistically significant relationship (P > 0.05) with organic carbon (either particulate or dissolved), which has been long considered the ma…
Metacommunities from bacteria to birds: stronger environmental selection in mediterranean than in tropical ponds
AbstractThe metacommunity concept provides a theoretical framework that aims at explaining organism distributions by a combination of environmental filtering, dispersal and drift. With the development of statistical tools to quantify and partially isolate the role of each of these processes, empirical metacommunity studies have multiplied worldwide. However, few works attempt a multi-taxon approach and even fewer compare two distant biogeographical regions using the same methodology. Under this framework, we tested the expectation that temperate (mediterranean-climate) pond metacommunities would be more influenced by environmental and spatial processes than tropical ones, because of stronge…
Plankton participation in the performance of three constructed wetlands within a Mediterranean natural park.
Abstract The contribution of plankton in the performance of three constructed wetlands (CWs) within the Albufera de Valencia Natural Park has been analyzed, taxonomic group by group, over a two-year operation period in the different sectors of each CW: horizontal subsurface-flow –A–, free-water surface flow –B– and lagoons –C–. Tancat de la Pipa CW (TPCW) only contains B–C sectors, while the others have all three types. Treatment efficiency of each sector type on the taxonomic groups was evaluated by calculating frequency of phytoplankton reduction (or zooplankton production), mass removal (or production) efficiencies and rates, and accumulated removed phytoplankton mass (or produced zoopla…
The role of eutrophication reduction of two small man-made Mediterranean lagoons in the context of a broader remediation system: Effects on water quality and plankton contribution
In order to meet the requirements of the European Union Water Framework Directive for the Albufera de Valencia (AV) Natural Park, in 2009, several areas of free water surface constructed wetlands (FWSCWs) planted with emergent vegetation and two small shallow lagoons planted with submerged macrophytes were created over a 40-ha area formerly occupied by rice fields. This area is currently a reserve known as Tancat de la Pipa. The dual goal of this programme was to improve the quality of the hyper-eutrophicated waters of the AV lagoon, the largest littoral lagoon in the Iberian Peninsula, and to restore former lost habitats to increase the biodiversity of the area. The lagoons were mainly fed…
The allelopathic capacity of submerged macrophytes shapes the microalgal assemblages from a recently restored coastal wetland
Abstract We have tested the efficiency of isolated and combined submerged macrophyte cultures to inhibit, through allelopathy, the natural phytoplankton growth. Both plants and microalgae come from the same wetland, a recently restored area in Albufera de Valencia Natural Park (Spain). The need to replant the area under restoration with submerged macrophytes makes this information essential for wetland management. The selection and culture of the submerged macrophytes used in that restoration (four charophytes: Chara hispida , Chara vulgaris , Chara baltica , Nitella hyalina , and one angiosperm: Myriophyllum spicatum ) provided a good opportunity to test in the laboratory the allelopathic …
Base de datos del biovolumen de microalgas en 30 lagunas someras de la costa pacífica de Nicaragua y Costa Rica [Dataset]
Esta base de datos contiene la densidad de las microalgas encontradas en 30 lagunas costeras de la costa pacífica de Nicaragua y Costa Rica en tres periodos de su año hidrológico: comienzo de las lluvias (junio 2010), plena inundación (septiembre 2010) y sequía (enero 2011). La recolección fue subsuperficial. En esta matriz de datos las filas son las diferentes especies encontradas y las columnas la muestra (laguna y fecha). Información geográfica y limnológica de las lagunas se puede encontrar en Sasa et al. (2015: Limnetica vol 34).