Uldis Straujums

Requirements Model of Sociotechnical Systems Simulator Architecture

To avoid any voluntary decisions it is desirable to examine the possible consequences that can be done by simulation. Unfortunately there is no unified methodology and technology for simulators designing. Above mentioned problem when development of each simulator has to be started from the scratches makes elaboration expensive and cumbersome. The article dealt with the way to joint understanding of simulators designing concept.

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ONTO6 metodoloģija informatizācijas konceptualizācijai

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

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Transformation of the Software Testing Glossary into a Browsable Concept Map

Authors propose a transformation method of the glossary “Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing” created by ISTQB document into a basic concept map. By applying natural language processing techniques and analyzing the discovered relations between concepts the most essential aspects of the software testing domain are elicited and integrated. As the result a browsable concept map is created. Browsable concept map can be used as a learning support tool.

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The Myths of and Solutions for Android OS Controlled and Secure Environment

<p class="R-AbstractKeywords"><span lang="EN-US">Android is the most popular mobile operating system nowadays both for smartphones and tablets. This fact creates many not fully recognized risks. Often even advanced users naive think that using antivirus software, firewall, encryption, updates, as well as avoiding potentially risky sites and applications are enough for security. This list is not full, but nevertheless each its item in most cases only conceals an illusion of reaching the security. Authors have summarized and pointed out several actual Android security issues and have proposed a number of possible solutions.</span></p><p class="R-AbstractKeywords"&gt…

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Can SQ and EQ Values and Their Difference Indicate Programming Aptitude to Reduce Dropout Rate?

A crucial problem that we are currently facing at the Faculty of Computing of the University of Latvia is that during the first study semester on average 30% of the first-year students drop out, whereas after the first year of studies the number of dropouts increases up to nearly 50%. Thus, our overall goal is to determine in advance applicants that most likely will not finish the first study year successfully. A hypothesis formulated in another research study was that programming aptitude could be predicted based on the results of two personality self-report questionnaires − Systemizing Quotient (SQ) and Empathy Quotient (EQ) − taken by students. The difference between the SQ and EQ scores…

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