Yuri Merkuryev
Requirements Model of Sociotechnical Systems Simulator Architecture
To avoid any voluntary decisions it is desirable to examine the possible consequences that can be done by simulation. Unfortunately there is no unified methodology and technology for simulators designing. Above mentioned problem when development of each simulator has to be started from the scratches makes elaboration expensive and cumbersome. The article dealt with the way to joint understanding of simulators designing concept.
Domain specific simulation language for IT risk assessment
Information technology systems represent the backbone of a company's operational infrastructure. A company's top management typically ensures that computer software and hardware mechanisms are adequate, functional and in adherence with regulatory guidelines and industry practices. Nowadays, due to depressed economic and increased intensity of performed operations, business highly recognizes the influence of effective Information Technology risk management on profitability. Design of Unified Modelling Language (UML) based Domain Specific language (DSL) described in this paper achieves synergy from in IT industry widely used UML modelling technique and the domain specific risk management exte…