Kirsi Heinonen


research product

Technological, Organisational and Socio-Interactional Affordances in Simulation-Based Collaborative Learning

Analysis of the applicability of a learning technology requires an evaluation of how the affordances of the learning environment respond to users’ needs. We examine affordances in a simulation-based collaborative learning environment from the learners’ viewpoint. Our analysis focuses on three types of affordances: technological, organisational and socio-interactional. The findings show how teams of learners employ the different types of affordances in their collaborative tasks. In addition, our analysis illustrates the interdependent and interlinked nature of the affordances. We offer an analytical understanding of the dynamics among different kinds of affordances and show how they can be a…

research product

Scripting as a pedagogical method to guide collaborative writing : university students' reflections

A collaboration script is a set of instructions used to improve collaborative learning among students in technology-enhanced environments. Previously, university students’ perspective has been under-represented in the study on collaboration scripts. In this article, we focus on understanding students’ experiences in a scripted collaborative writing task, especially from the perspective of following the script. The study was conducted among undergraduate students (N = 91) taking a master-level educational science course at one university each in Finland and Belgium. Divided into 25 groups, each with three to five members, the students worked on collaborative writing tasks. During their share…

research product

University Teachers as Developers of Technology-Enhanced Teaching—Do Beliefs Matter?

Previous research has identified a well-established link between teachers' beliefs and the practical implications of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). Until recently, there have been few studies ...

research product

University Teachers’ Conceptions of Their Role as Developers of Technology-Rich Learning Environments

This phenomenographic study examines how a diverse group of university teachers conceptualised their role as developers of technology-rich learning environments at one university in Finland. The research findings illustrate a variety of conceptions. Five qualitatively different ways of understanding teachers’ roles regarding the development of technology-rich learning environments were found: 1) innovator, 2) early adopter, 3) adaptive, 4) sceptic and 5) late adopter. In order to connect the whole set of interconnected roles to a theory of change, Everett Rogers’ innovation diffusion theory was exploited in the last phase of analysis. Finally, hierarchically structured categories were creat…

research product

Lapsiperheiden köyhyys sosiaalityöntekijöiden käsityksissä

Pro gradu -tutkielmani tehtävänä on selvittää aikuissosiaalityössä työskentelevien sosiaalityöntekijöiden käsityksiä lapsiperheiden köyhyydestä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on tarkastella, miten aikuissosiaalityössä työskentelevät sosiaalityöntekijät jäsentävät lapsiperheiden köyhyyttä ja ylisukupolvisen köyhyyden uhkatekijöitä sekä kohdataanko aikuissosiaalityössä ylisukupolvista köyhyyttä. Tutkimuksen empiirisen osion teoria muodostuu lapsiperheiden köyhyyttä käsittelevistä tutkimuksista ja artikkeleista sekä köyhyyden ylisukupolvisuudesta ja perhetaustan merkityksestä ylisukupolviseen köyhyyteen liittyvistä tutkimuksista. Teoreettinen viitekehys toimii tulkintojen tekemisen apuvälineenä el…

research product