María Martina Casullo

Capacidad de perdonar en pacientes en tratamiento psiquiátrico y psicológico ambulatorio

Data gathered administering SCL-90-R (Spanish version) and a scale developed to assess Capacity to Forgive (CAPER) are presented. The study was carried out on a sample of 107 outpatients from Buenos Aires city and its suburban area (64 % women, 36 % men; average age: 36 years old) from a private Mental Health Center. A significant statistical negative correlation (Pearson r) was found between forgiveness and presence of psychopathological symptoms.

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El nombre del hijo. Paternidad, maternidad y competencias simbólicas

Tania Zittoun conceptions on uses of cultural elements as symbolic resources for psychological development are presented. Such uses of symbolic resources are examined through a study of the procedure of choosing first names during the transition to parenthood. The notion of symbolic competencies, as the abilities to use cultural elements as resources for thinking, action and a healthy development, is discussed.

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El capital psíquico. Aportes de la Psicología Positiva.

The article presents a brief analysis of the central proposals of contemporary Positive Psychology. The notion of Psychologiocal Capital is presented and a proposal for categorization of its principal components in terms of cognitive, affective and psychosocial processes is explained.

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Problemas adolescentes en Iberoamérica

Data gathered in an Iberoamerican descriptive-comparative study on adolescent students are reported. Samples include subjects living in three different Argentine urban regions (Buenos Aires, Tucuman and Patagonia) and in the city of Valencia (Spain). For psychological assessment the Symptom Checklist (SCL – 90 – R), a sociodemographic survey including an open question on the most important emotional problem experienced during last year and a coping scale, in their Spanish versions, were used. We present data on reported problems, analyzed by sex, age and region, pointing out main differences found.

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Prototipos de liderazgo masculino y femenino en población militar

El objetivo fue identificar prototipos masculinos y femeninos de liderazgo efectivo en población militar. Participaron 262 sujetos, 69,5% (n = 182) varones y 30,5% (n = 80) mujeres, con edad media de 25,62 años. El 66% tenía personal a cargo y el 34% eran subordinados. Se utilizó una encuesta diseñada ad-hoc donde se solicitaba identificar dos líderes efectivos (un hombre y una mujer) y justificar la elección. Los sujetos identificaron mayormente como líderes varones a militares, tanto de población general como específicos por sus haza-ñas militares. Se observó variabilidad en el resto de categorías. Con relación a líderes mujeres se identificaron líderes religiosas, militares de población …

research product

Las razones para perdonar. Concepciones populares o teorías implícitas

Data gathered on adolescents and adults from general population, living in Buenos Aires City and its suburban area, as well as on prison inmates and theology students (N: 1715) are presented. Participants answered an open question: Is important for you to be able to forgive? Yes. No. Why? Subjects mostly admit that to forgive is important for them. For theology students forgiveness is a central theme of Christian thinking. A religious dimension is also present among prison inmates who are the only group that relates to forgive with loving someone. For younger people forgiveness allows to have  a second chance after making something wrong and facilitates feelings of inner peace. Men show a t…

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Elección de pareja en adolescentes y adultos jóvenes

El trabajo que se presenta analiza datos obtenidos a partir de la administracion de un cuestionario sobre Criterios de Eleccion de Pareja a una muestra intencio- nal integrada por 900 sujetos, adolescentes y adultos jovenes ( edades entre 13 y 30 anos), residentes en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y el conurbano bonaerense.. La tecnica empleada para la obtencion de datos es una adaptacion local de la utiliza- da por D. Buss ( 1990) en un estudio internacional sobre el tema. Se calcularon medidas de tendencia central y de dispersion, asi como el coeficiente Rho de Spearman, para estimar las correlaciones entre datos ordinales. Se han encontra- dos ordenamientos similares segun genero y edades. Lo…

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