Does a crisis increase the number of regular exporters?
ABSTRACTThe severe reduction in domestic demand between 2008 and 2013 in Spain led many firms to start exporting. We explore whether the increase in the new crisis-induced exporters led to a larger...
The contribution of granular and fundamental comparative advantage to European Union countries' export specialisation
This paper analyses the contribution of fundamental comparative advantage (a country‐specific component) and granular comparative advantage (a firm‐specific component) to European Union countries' export specialisation. We find that, on average, granular comparative advantage may explain export specialisation in 29% of industries, which account for 47% of total exports. We also show that 60% of the variation in export specialisation across countries and industries may be explained by granular comparative advantage. These results highlight that some outstanding firms may play a very important role in explaining European Union countries' export specialisation.
The link between previous experience and survival of new export relationships in Spain
The link between previous experience and survival of new export relationships in Spain
Los márgenes del crecimiento de las exportaciones españolas antes y después de la Gran Recesión
espanolDespues de la Gran Recesion de 2008-2009, la evolucion de las exportaciones espanolas ha sido positiva. Algunos analistas atribuyen este comportamiento al incremento de la base exportadora. Para validar esta hipotesis, realizamos una descomposicion del crecimiento de las exportaciones espanolas por margenes en el periodo 1997-2015. Los datos muestran que la contribucion de la base exportadora ha disminuido paulatinamente durante todo el intervalo analizado, incluso en el periodo posterior a la Gran Recesion. Ademas, la evolucion de la base exportadora se caracteriza por una caida paulatina tanto de la tasa de supervivencia de las empresas entrantes como del valor por transaccion de l…
Export markets: substitutes, complements, or independent?
Using a large sample of export transactions in Spain over the period 2010–2017, we explore whether firms treat export markets as substitutes, complements, or independent. We find that an exogenous ...
The extensive and intensive margins of Spanish trade
Recent empirical research highlights that differences in trade flows across countries, products and years are governed by two margins: the intensive margin and the extensive margin. The analysis of the relative contribution of each margin is very important to determine which policies can be more efficient to foster trade at the aggregate, geographic, product or firm level. We use the whole universe of firm level transaction data to analyse the relative contribution of these margins to changes in Spanish trade flows during the 1997–2007 period. We first apply the methodology proposed by Bernard et al. (2009) to decompose trade variation over time into three components: net entry of firms, pr…
La supervivencia exportadora. Un análisis a nivel de empresa, producto y destino
La supervivencia exportadora. Un análisis a nivel de empresa, producto y destino
New exporters benefit more from information spillovers
Using the universe of Spanish export transactions over 2000–2012, this paper explores empirically whether the choice of destinations among experienced and new exporters is affected by the number an...
Why firms set different export prices? Evidence from Spain
Using firm-level export data for the 2010–2014 period, we investigate the variation of export prices across and within Spanish manufacturing firms. We find that more productive firms set higher exp...