U. Eisenbarth
An Improved Double-Pulse Non-Normal Incidence Pumping Geometry for Transient Collisionally Excited Soft X-Ray Lasers
An optimized pumping geometry for transient collisionally excited soft X-ray lasers is presented, similar to the geometry proposed by [1]. In contrast to usual approaches, where a nanosecond pre-pulse is assumed to provide the optimal plasma preparation and a picosecond pulse performs the final heating- and excitation process, two pulses of equal duration in the range around 10 picoseconds are applied. Both pulses are produced in the front end of the CPA pump laser. They are focused onto the target with the same spherical mirror under non-normal incidence geometry, optimized for efficient traveling wave excitation for the main-pulse. A first experiment was performed on Ni-like palladium (14…
Toward a New Test of the Relativistic Time Dilation Factor by Laser Spectroscopy of Fast Ions in a Storage Ring
The frequency measurement of Doppler-shifted optical lines of ions circulating in a storage ring at high speed permits a sensitive test of the relativistic Doppler-formula and, hence, the time dilation factor γSR of special relativity. Previous measurements at the storage ring TSR with 7Li+ at v = 0.065c gave a new, improved limit, but were hampered by the large observed linewidth, exceeding the natural width 15-fold. Recently we have identified the broadening to be caused by velocity-changing processes in the storage ring. Saturation spectroscopy has proven to be largely immune against these effects and has yielded linewidths only a few MHz larger than the natural one. This is the major in…
Versatile High-Energy and Short-Pulse Operation of PHELIX
PHELIX (Petawatt High Energy Laser for Heavy Ion Experiments) is a hybrid Ti:Sapphire / Nd:Glass laser system using large aperture amplifiers from the former Nova and Phebus laser systems at Livermore and Limeil, respectively, designed to offer pulse energies in access of 2 kJ and output power in the petawatt range. It is aiming mainly on combined experiments in plasma physics [2] and atomic physics [3] together with the GSI accelerator facility, and in preparation for the new FAIR facility for antiproton and ion research. Both nanosecond and sub-picosecond pulses can be supplied. Presently pulse energies up to 500 J are used, at pulse durations between 2 and 25 ns. Compressed pulses down t…
A beamline for x-ray laser spectroscopy at the experimental storage ring at GSI
By combining an x-ray laser (XRL) with a heavy-ion storage ring, precision laser spectroscopy of the fine-structure splitting in heavy Li-like ions will be possible. An initial study has been performed to determine the feasibility of a first experiment at the experimental storage ring at GSI in Darmstadt, which also has great potential for the experiments planned for FAIR. We plan to perform a unique, direct and precise measurement of a fine-structure transition in a heavy Li-like ion. Such a measurement will test state-of-the-art atomic structure calculations in strong fields. This endeavour will require that the existing infrastructure is complemented by a dedicated beamline for the XRL. …
Improved test of time dilation in special relativity.
An improved test of time dilation in special relativity has been performed using laser spectroscopy on fast ions at the heavy-ion storage-ring TSR in Heidelberg. The Doppler-shifted frequencies of a two-level transition in 7 Li + ions at v = 0.064c have been measured in the forward and backward direction to an accuracy of Δν/ν = 1 × 10 - 9 using collinear saturation spectroscopy. The result confirms the relativistic Doppler formula and sets a new limit of 2.2 × 10 - 7 for deviations from the time dilation factor γ S R = (1 - ν 2 /c 2 ) - 1 / 2 .
Enhancement of the laser-driven proton source at PHELIX
High power laser science and engineering 8, e24 (2020). doi:10.1017/hpl.2020.23