O. Vandekerkhove
On the Occurrence of Flavonoids in the acrocarpous Mosses
Summary By means of paper chromatography two flavonoids were isolated from the methanolic extract of the moss Mnium undulatum. One substance was identified by chromatographic data, absorption spectra and acid hydrolysis as isovitexin-7-0-glucoside (saponarin). The second substance resists acid hydrolysis and is by chromatography and absorption spectrum identical with apigenin-6,8-di-C-glycoside (viccnin).
Isolierung und Charakterisierung eines Dihydroflavonols bei dem Laubmoos Georgia pellucida (L.) Rabh
Summary By means of paper chromatography a dihydroflavonol was isolated from the methanolic extract of the moss Georgia pellucida and partially characterized. It has the chromatographic and spectral characteristics of a 5-deoxydihydroflavonol glycoside with B-ring orthodihydroxyl group.
Über die Verbreitung von Flavonoiden bei pleurokarpen Laubmoosen II. Apigenin and Apigenin-7-rhamnoglucosid bei Pleurozium schreberi (Willd.) Mitt.
Summary 12 species of pleurocarpous mosses have been investigated as to their content of flavonoids. Flavonoid tests on 11 species have given negative results. Only one species, Pleurozium schreberi , contains three flavonoids. They were purified by means of paper chromatography. Two of them are by chromatography, acid hydrolysis and absorption spectrum identical with apigenin and apigenin-7-rhamnoglucoside. The third flavonoid is as yet unidentified. Qualitative hydrolysis yields apigenin. The chemotaxonomic importance of the results is briefly discussed.
Die Flavonoide von Riccia fluitans L.
Summary Five flavonoids of Riccia fluitans were analysed by means of paper chromatography and uv-spectral data. One substance was identified as luteolin, the others are glycosides of apigenin and luteolin: apigenin-7-O-glucuronide, luteolin-7-O-glucuronide, luteolin-7-O-glucuronide-3’-O-rhamnoside and luteolin-6,8-di-C-glycoside (lucenin).
Stabile Wachstumsanomalien beiRiccia fluitans nach l�ngerer Einwirkung von Phenylbors�ure auf die Vegetationspunkte
Über die Verbreitung von Flavonoiden bei pleurokarpen Laubmoosen I. Apigenin-7-rhamnoglucosid bei Hylocomium splendens (Hedw.) Br. eur.
Summary 15 species of pleurocarpous mosses have been investigated as to their content of flavonoids. Flavonoid tests on 14 species have given negative results. Only one species, Hylocomium splendens , contains one flavonoid. It was purified by means of paper chromatography and is by chromatography and absorption spectrum identical with rhoifolin (apigenin-7-neohesperidoside). Partial acid hydrolysis yields apigenin-7-monoglucoside and rhamnose, quantitative hydrolysis apigenin, rhamnose and glucose. They were identified by comparison with authentic samples.
Über die Verbreitung von Flavonoiden bei akrokarpen Laubmoosen
Summary The methanolic extract from the sporophytes of the moss Ceratodon purpureus (L.) Brid . (Ditrichaceae) contains one flavonoid. It was isolated and purified by means of paper chromatography and identified by cochromatography with authentic material and by UV-spectral data as luteolin. No glycosides of either luteolin or another flavonoid could be detected.