T. Carter
<title>Studies of the activation background in CsI(Tl) detectors</title>
CsI scintillation crystals are widely used as detection in (gamma) -ray astronomy observations. In the MeV energy region, one of the most important background sources in CsI is the (beta) decays induced in the crystal by cosmic ray protons and their secondaries. One recent idea for reducing this background is to use discrete detector arrays to reject the large amount of localized (beta) decay events. Two experiments were carried out with 1 cm3 CsI crystals bombarded with energetic proton beams and fast/thermal neutrons, with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of this method in pixelated (1 cm3) CsI detectors. The ratio of the number of decays resulting in single site and multiple site …
Overview of the JET results with the ITER-like wall
Following the completion in May 2011 of the shutdown for the installation of the beryllium wall and the tungsten divertor, the first set of JET campaigns have addressed the investigation of the retention properties and the development of operational scenarios with the new plasma-facing materials. The large reduction in the carbon content (more than a factor ten) led to a much lower Zeff (1.2-1.4) during L- and H-mode plasmas, and radiation during the burn-through phase of the plasma initiation with the consequence that breakdown failures are almost absent. Gas balance experiments have shown that the fuel retention rate with the new wall is substantially reduced with respect to the C wall. T…