Marco Bacio
Feminist Perspectives on Teaching Masculinities
The chapter discusses the positive public role of gay and queer masculinities in their intersection with other identity configurations (class, race, and able-bodiedness). It presents an overview of the main perspectives on social construction and representation of homosexual masculinities within educational and academic settings using critical masculinities theory. While challenging homonormativity in research and education representations of the ‘rational man’ and ‘macho ethics’ of male researchers who ‘discover’, ‘conquer’ investigate ‘systematically’ or ‘rigorously’ are analyzed. Criticizing the play of inexpressiveness and emotionlessness objectivity as criterion of academic writing, re…
Masculinities at work. Male-to-male internet escorting in Italy and Sweden
Questa ricerca si propone di mappare e analizzare il fenomeno dei lavoratori sessuali (in particolare degli uomini che vendono sesso ad altri uomini) in Italia e Svezia. Mentre il lavoro sessuale femminile è stato studiato da ricercatrici e ricercatori in tutto il mondo, il sex work maschile appare caratterizzato da persistenti disattenzioni. Questa lacuna nella letteratura scientifica rispecchia una più generale invisibilità e mancanza di chiarezza sulla questione anche in altri ambiti: nella politica, nella stampa, e nell’opinione pubblica. Inoltre, sebbene la maschilità sia un concetto importante e ampiamente studiato sia in sociologia che negli studi di genere, le precedenti ricerche ha…
Born to Be Different: LGBTQ2 Children of Heterosexual Families
This chapter aims to challenge heterosexual norms in society by analyzing heterosexual families when confronted with the coming out of one of their children. Starting with the essentialist construction of identities and gender norms supported by the symbolic structure of the natural and traditional (straight) family, we reconstruct paths and dynamics of the response that heterosexual parents give to their LGBTQ2 children. Specifically, this contribution outlines the characteristics of the disclosure processes of homosexual children and the related reactions to such shocking and disorienting events of their families. Finally, we offer parents some good practices to react well and be welcomin…