PWE-139 Further Validation of Terminal Peptide of Procollagen Iii (PIIINP) for the Detection and Assessment of Nonalcoholic Steatohepatitis in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: Abstract PWE-139 Table
Introduction PIIINP has recently been shown to discriminate between simple steatosis (SS) and NASH both in patients without advanced fibrosis and in patients with all degrees of fibrosis 1 . In this study we validated PIIINP as a biomarker of NASH in a cohort of patients with biopsy proven NAFLD and evaluated its performance at the proposed diagnostic thresholds. Methods 71 patients with NAFLD and no evidence of other liver disease were included in this study. Liver biopsies were performed on all patients and analysed by a expert liver histopathologist. All liver biopsies were of suitable size for analysis (> 12mm and > 5 portal tracts) and classified in a dichotomous manner into those with…