Bounds on the entanglement of two-qutrit systems from fixed marginals
We discuss the problem of characterizing upper bounds on entanglement in a bipartite quantum system when only the reduced density matrices (marginals) are known. In particular, starting from the known two-qubit case, we propose a family of candidates for maximally entangled mixed states with respect to fixed marginals for two qutrits. These states are extremal in the convex set of two-qutrit states with fixed marginals. Moreover, it is shown that they are always quasidistillable. As a by-product we prove that any maximally correlated state that is quasidistillable must be pure. Our observations for two qutrits are supported by numerical analysis.
A Possible Time-Dependent Generalization of the Bipartite Quantum Marginal Problem
In this work we study an inverse dynamical problem for a bipartite quantum system governed by the time local master equation: to find the class of generators which give rise to a certain time evolution with the constraint of fixed reduced states (marginals). The compatibility of such choice with a global unitary evolution is considered. For the non unitary case we propose a systematic method to reconstruct examples of master equations and address them to different physical scenarios.
Star network synchronization led by strong coupling-induced frequency squeezing
We consider a star network consisting of N oscillators coupled to a central one which in turn is coupled to an infinite set of oscillators (reservoir), which makes it leaking. Two of the N + 1 normal modes are dissipating, while the remaining N - 1 lie in a frequency range which is more and more squeezed as the coupling strengths increase, which realizes synchronization of the single parts of the system.
Interaction-free evolution in the presence of time-dependent Hamiltonians
The generalization of the concept of interaction-free evolutions (IFE) [A. Napoli, {\it et al.}, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 89}, 062104 (2014)] to the case of time-dependent Hamiltonians is discussed. It turns out that the time-dependent case allows for much more rich structures of interaction-free states and interaction-free subspaces. The general condition for the occurrence of IFE is found and exploited to analyze specific situations. Several examples are presented, each one associated to a class of Hamiltonians with specific features.
Interaction free and decoherence free states
An interaction free evolving state of a closed bipartite system composed of two interacting subsystems is a generally mixed state evolving as if the interaction were a c-number. In this paper we find the characteristic equation of states possessing similar properties for a bipartite systems governed by a linear dynamical equation whose generator is sum of a free term and an interaction term. In particular in the case of a small system coupled to its environment, we deduce the characteristic equation of decoherence free states namely mixed states evolving as if the interaction term were effectively inactive. Several examples illustrate the applicability of our theory in different physical co…
Interaction-free evolving states of a bipartite system
We show that two interacting physical systems may admit entangled pure or non separable mixed states evolving in time as if the mutual interaction hamiltonian were absent. In this paper we define these states Interaction Free Evolving (IFE) states and characterize their existence for a generic binary system described by a time independent Hamiltonian. A comparison between IFE subspace and the decoherence free subspace is reported. The set of all pure IFE states is explicitly constructed for a non homogeneous spin star system model.
Generalized Interaction-Free Evolutions
A thorough analysis of the evolutions of bipartite systems characterized by the \lq effective absence\rq\, of interaction between the two subsystems is reported. First, the connection between the concepts underlying Interaction-Free Evolutions (IFE) and Decoherence-Free Subspaces (DFS) is explored, showing intricate relations between these concepts. Second, starting from this analysis and inspired by a generalization of DFS already known in the literature, we introduce the notion of generalized IFE (GIFE), also providing a useful characterization that allows to develop a general scheme for finding GIFE states.