Juan Pascual-aguilar
An environmental forensic procedure to analyse anthropogenic pressures of urban origin on surface water of protected coastal agro-environmental wetlands (L'Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, Spain)
Detection and spatial distribution of 14 drugs of abuse and 17 pharmaceuticals in surface waters was investigated to determine transport hydrological connectivity between urban, agriculture and natural environments. Solid-phase extraction and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry was applied to all samples. To determine spatial incidence of contaminants, analytical results of target compounds were georeferenced and integrated into a geographical information systems structure together with layers of municipal population, location of sewage water treatment plants and irrigation channels and sectors. The methodology was applied to L'Albufera Natural Park in Valencia (Spain). A total o…
Assessing drugs of abuse distribution in Turia River based on geographic information system and liquid chromatography mass spectrometry
Drugs of abuse are continuously discharged into wastewaters as part of their elimination process. Pollution at very low concentrations appears to be broad in environmental compartments near populated areas. A total of 42 drugs of abuse and metabolites were analysed in surface water samples collected in 2012 and 2013 by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Analytical results of target compounds were georeferenced and integrated into a geographical information systems (GIS). Ecotoxicological risk of drugs of abuse detected in the Turia River was evaluated in this study by calculating risk quotient (RQ). In 2012, 6 compounds were detected in a total of…
Current anthropogenic pressures on agro-ecological protected coastal wetlands
Coastal wetlands are areas that suffer from great pressure. Much of it is due to the rapid development of the surrounding artificial landscapes, where socio-economic factors lead to alterations in the nearby environment, affecting the quality of natural and agricultural systems. This work analyses interconnections among landscapes under the hypothesis that urban-artificial impacts could be detected on soils and waters of an agro-ecological protected area, L'Albufera de Valencia Natural Park, located in the vicinity of the City of Valencia, Spain. The methodological framework developed addresses two types of anthropogenic pressure: (1) direct, due to artificialisation of soil covers that cau…