Natalia Santoro
New mobility strategies for the development of tourism in Sicily
Tourism and Transport is a well established and inseparable pair. An areas can increase the tourism in potentially own economy. This requires suitable accommodation and adequate transportation system. A positive synergy effects are induced to increase of the site. Transport is an important growth area for tourism and as a result. A better functioning of transport facilitates access to sites, decreases the cost of transport and increases tourist flows. In Sicily there are a wealth of artistic, archaeological and natural sites, generating a tourist flows during the year. Despite this, the network of connections and services is precarious. Residents and visitors are inaccessible to certain geo…
Sustainable mobility: “exchange poles” between transport networks and urban structure
An intermodal hub can be defined as a place where transportation networks are organized to facilitate intermodality between different modes. Intermodal hubs should intrinsically have an urban dimension and be globally designed as “plug flows”, being interfaces between transport networks and territory, being an element to create “urbanity”. Intermodal hubs focus technical, social, urban, transport, service aspects and they play a multi-modal, multi-service, multioperator role. Several studies highlight the need to “measure the interdependence” among the various aspects of urban problems, avoiding too specific methodologies. The increasing congestion in urban centres and urban parking problem…
Modelli di simulazione dei nodi di interscambio nel sistema multimodale dei trasporti di un'area urbana
La riqualificazione della viabilità costiera per la mobilità dolce: il caso di Palermo
The attractiveness and the availability of services offered in urban areas nearby the port terminals are conditioned by the improvement of the connection of different urban transport systems and by the enhancement of the accessibility. But they should be based on the overall improvement of urban mobility. The structural organization of the territory is favored by the presence of links, which realize an infrastructure system to the different levels of connection and accessibility. The interventions could include the requalification of the coastal strip, including the road network component. Attention should be given to the supply quality, the rationalization of a linear model based on the co…
Pedestrian access to a network of public transport
The location of the bus stops is very important in urban and suburban contexts. The same importance of safety perception and comfort during transport operations is attributed to accessibility to bus stops. The placement of bus stops is a crucial factor to increase safety of passengers and pedestrians as well as the efficacy and efficiency of local public transport operations. To correctly localize these infrastructures, designers use physical parameters, such as maximum walking distance and travel time. While critical factors related to the quality of pedestrian access to the bus stop, to the real walked distance or to land use of bus stop areas are not taken in to account. The purpose of t…
Modelli di simulazione pedonale in ambito aeroportuale
I terminal aeroportuali rappresentano nodi complessi d’interscambio tra diffe-renti modi di trasporto ed il loro corretto dimensionamento può influire sull’operativi-tà del sistema di trasporto al quale sono connessi, specie se caratterizzato dai vo-lumi di crescita che si registrano su moltissimi aeroporti nazionali ed internazionali.
Accessibility urban and central business
The structures and facilities of large dimensions, such as shopping malls centers and leisure facilities are an important component in the expansion of contemporary cities and urban planning. Urban planning and transport have to be involved in the strategic role of policy related to business planning, this is the aim the city has to requalify the suburbs and large marginal areas. This study analyzes the characteristics and the dynamics that influence the mobility demand and the impact that these greet attractors have on mobility itself.
Gli itinerari turistici in ambito urbano tra accessibilità e informazione
Palermo è una delle città, culturalmente ed economicamente, più importanti dell’intera area del Mediterraneo. Ricca di un notevole patrimonio architettonico e archeologico, è caratterizzata da un elevato potenziale turistico a cui non corrisponde un’adeguata rete di collegamenti e di servizi di trasporto multimodali. Oggi i centri urbani, dalle metropoli ai borghi, rappresentano uno degli anelli più importanti del sistema di offerta turistica, perché sono i luoghi in cui il turista, occasionale e/o di lunga permanenza, si trova di fronte a beni, servizi, cultura ed esperienze, diventandone consumatore. È proprio in questo processo che il visitatore ha necessità di percepire servizi di quali…
Light Pollution: Uno studio sul centro storico di Palermo
A methodology to improve public transport system
The quality of pedestrian routes of access to public transport system (PTS) is an important aspect for the choice of transport mode, that can be evaluated also using some indicators as accessibility, comfort, frequency, etc... The policies for urban sustainable mobility must reflect the design and management of mass transit systems, but also the judgment of users in term of quality and perception of PTS. The purpose is reassess slow mobility encouraging the intermodal mobility between pedestrian and public transport. So the walking can be considered as alternative mode of urban transport and a moment of break from the chaos of modern life. It’s role should be considered as an important elem…