Erik Luijten
On quantum effects near the liquid-vapor transition in helium
The liquid-vapor transition in He-3 and He-4 is investigated by means of path-integral molecular dynamics and the quantum virial expansion. Both methods are applied to the critical isobar and the critical isochore. While previous path-integral simulations have mainly considered the lambda transition and superfluid regime in He-4, we focus on the vicinity of the critical point and obtain good agreement with experimental results for the molar volume and the internal energy down to subcritical temperatures. We find that an effective classical potential that properly describes the two-particle radial distribution function exhibits a strong temperature dependence near the critical temperature. T…
Monte Carlo investigations of phase transitions: status and perspectives
Using the concept of finite-size scaling, Monte Carlo calculations of various models have become a very useful tool for the study of critical phenomena, with the system linear dimension as a variable. As an example, several recent studies of Ising models are discussed, as well as the extension to models of polymer mixtures and solutions. It is shown that using appropriate cluster algorithms, even the scaling functions describing the crossover from the Ising universality class to the mean-field behavior with increasing interaction range can be described. Additionally, the issue of finite-size scaling in Ising models above the marginal dimension (d*=4) is discussed.
Shape of cross-over between mean-field and asymptotic critical behavior three-dimensional Ising lattice
Abstract Recent numerical studies of the susceptibility of the three-dimensional Ising model with various interaction ranges have been analyzed with a cross-over model based on renormalization-group matching theory. It is shown that the model yields an accurate description of the cross-over function for the susceptibility.
Monte Carlo tests of theoretical predictions for critical phenomena: still a problem?
Two Monte Carlo studies of critical behavior in ferromagnetic Ising models are described: the first one deals with the crossover from the Ising class to the mean field class, when the interaction range increases. The second study deals with the finite size behavior at dimensionalities above the marginal dimension where Landau theory applies. The numerical results are compared to pertinent theoretical predictions, and unsolved problems are briefly described.
Finite-size scaling above the upper critical dimension revisited: The case of the five-dimensional Ising model
Monte Carlo results for the moments of the magnetization distribution of the nearest-neighbor Ising ferromagnet in a L^d geometry, where L (4 \leq L \leq 22) is the linear dimension of a hypercubic lattice with periodic boundary conditions in d=5 dimensions, are analyzed in the critical region and compared to a recent theory of Chen and Dohm (CD) [X.S. Chen and V. Dohm, Int. J. Mod. Phys. C (1998)]. We show that this finite-size scaling theory (formulated in terms of two scaling variables) can account for the longstanding discrepancies between Monte Carlo results and the so-called ``lowest-mode'' theory, which uses a single scaling variable tL^{d/2} where t=T/T_c-1 is the temperature distan…
Nonmonotonical crossover of the effective susceptibility exponent
We have numerically determined the behavior of the magnetic susceptibility upon approach of the critical point in two-dimensional spin systems with an interaction range that was varied over nearly two orders of magnitude. The full crossover from classical to Ising-like critical behavior, spanning several decades in the reduced temperature, could be observed. Our results convincingly show that the effective susceptibility exponent gamma_eff changes nonmonotonically from its classical to its Ising value when approaching the critical point in the ordered phase. In the disordered phase the behavior is monotonic. Furthermore the hypothesis that the crossover function is universal is supported.
Kac-potential treatment of nonintegrable interactions.
We consider d-dimensional systems with nonintegrable, algebraically decaying pairwise interactions. It is shown that, upon introduction of periodic boundary conditions and a long-distance cutoff in the interaction range, the bulk thermodynamics can be obtained rigorously by means of a Kac-potential treatment, leading to an exact, mean-field-like theory. This explains various numerical results recently obtained for finite systems in the context of ``nonextensive thermodynamics,'' and in passing exposes a strong regulator dependence not discussed in these studies. Our findings imply that, contrary to some claims, Boltzmann-Gibbs statistics are sufficient for a standard description of this cla…
Do crossover functions depend on the shape of the interaction profile?
We examine the crossover from classical to non-classical critical behaviour in two-dimensional systems with a one-component order parameter. Since the degree of universality of the corresponding crossover functions is still subject to debate, we try to induce non-universal effects by adding interactions with a second length scale. Although the crossover functions clearly depend on the range of the interactions, they turn out to be remarkably robust against further variation of the interaction profile. In particular, we find that the earlier observed non-monotonic crossover of the effective susceptibility exponent occurs for several qualitatively different shapes of this profile.
Shape of crossover between mean-field and asymptotic critical behavior in a three-dimensional Ising lattice
Recent numerical studies of the susceptibility of the three-dimensional Ising model with various interaction ranges have been analyzed with a crossover model based on renormalization-group matching theory. It is shown that the model yields an accurate description of the crossover function for the susceptibility.
Crossover scaling in two dimensions
We determine the scaling functions describing the crossover from Ising-like critical behavior to classical critical behavior in two-dimensional systems with a variable interaction range. Since this crossover spans several decades in the reduced temperature as well as in the finite-size crossover variable, it has up to now largely evaded a satisfactory numerical determination. Using a new Monte Carlo method, we could obtain accurate results for sufficiently large interactions ranges. Our data cover the full crossover region both above and below the critical temperature and support the hypothesis that the crossover functions are universal. Also the so-called effective exponents are discussed …
Medium-range interactions and crossover to classical critical behavior
We study the crossover from Ising-like to classical critical behavior as a function of the range R of interactions. The power-law dependence on R of several critical amplitudes is calculated from renormalization theory. The results confirm the predictions of Mon and Binder, which were obtained from phenomenological scaling arguments. In addition, we calculate the range dependence of several corrections to scaling. We have tested the results in Monte Carlo simulations of two-dimensional systems with an extended range of interaction. An efficient Monte Carlo algorithm enabled us to carry out simulations for sufficiently large values of R, so that the theoretical predictions could actually be …
Monte Carlo tests of renormalization-group predictions for critical phenomena in Ising models
Abstract A critical review is given of status and perspectives of Monte Carlo simulations that address bulk and interfacial phase transitions of ferromagnetic Ising models. First, some basic methodological aspects of these simulations are briefly summarized (single-spin flip vs. cluster algorithms, finite-size scaling concepts), and then the application of these techniques to the nearest-neighbor Ising model in d=3 and 5 dimensions is described, and a detailed comparison to theoretical predictions is made. In addition, the case of Ising models with a large but finite range of interaction and the crossover scaling from mean-field behavior to the Ising universality class are treated. If one c…
Nature of crossover from classical to Ising-like critical behavior
We present an accurate numerical determination of the crossover from classical to Ising-like critical behavior upon approach of the critical point in three-dimensional systems. The possibility to vary the Ginzburg number in our simulations allows us to cover the entire crossover region. We employ these results to scrutinize several semi-phenomenological crossover scaling functions that are widely used for the analysis of experimental results. In addition we present strong evidence that the exponent relations do not hold between effective exponents.