Thomas Chalumeau
Complex networks : application for texture characterization and classification
This article describes a new method and approch of texture characterization. Using complex network representation of an image, classical and derived (hierarchical) measurements, we presente how to have good performance in texture classification. Image is represented by a complex networks : one pixel as a node. Node degree and clustering coefficient, using with traditionnal and extended hierarchical measurements, are used to characterize ”organisation” of textures.
Texture Discrimination Using Hierarchical Complex Networks
Texture analysis represents one of the main areas in image processing and computer vision. The current article describes how complex networks have been used in order to represent and characterized textures. More speci?cally, networks are derived from the texture images by expressing pixels as network nodes and similarities between pixels as network edges. Then, measurements such as the node degree, strengths and clustering coe?cient are used in order to quantify properties of the connectivity and topology of the analyzed networks. Because such properties are directly related to the structure of the respective texture images, they can be used as features for characterizing and classifying te…