DRH1 - a novel blood-based HPV tumour marker.
Abstract Background To date, no studies have successfully shown that a highly specific, blood-based tumour marker to detect clinically relevant HPV-induced disease could be used for screening, monitoring therapy response or early detection of recurrence. This study aims to assess the clinical performance of a newly developed HPV16-L1 DRH1 epitope-specific serological assay. Methods In a multi-centre study sera of 1486 patients (301 Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC) patients, 12 HIV+ anal cancer patients, 80 HIV-positive patients, 29 Gardasil-9-vaccinees, 1064 healthy controls) were tested for human HPV16-L1 DRH1 antibodies. Analytical specificity was determined using WHO referen…
Status and recent developments at the polarized-electron injector of the superconducting Darmstadt electron linear accelerator S-DALINAC
At the superconducting Darmstadt electron linac a 100 keV source of polarized electrons has been installed. Major components had been tested prior to installation at an offline teststand. Commissioning of the new source at the S-DALINAC will take place early in 2011. We report on the performance of the teststand, simulations, developments on the laser systems, new radio-frequency components for the S-DALINAC injector, and the status of the implementation of the source.