Facilitation of goal-setting and follow-up in an internet intervention for health and wellness
Chronic work-related stress and insufficient recovery from workload can gradually lead to problems with mental and physical health. Resources in healthcare are limited especially for preventive treatment, but low-cost support can be provided by Internet-based behavior change interventions. This paper describes the design of an Internet intervention which supports working-age people in managing and preventing stress-related health and wellness problems. The intervention is designed for early prevention and aims to motivate individuals to take responsibility for their own well-being. It allows them to choose the approach to take to address personally significant issues, while guiding them thr…
The effectiveness and applicability of different lifestyle interventions for enhancing wellbeing : the study design for a randomized controlled trial for persons with metabolic syndrome risk factors and psychological distress
Background: Obesity and stress are among the most common lifestyle-related health problems. Most of the current disease prevention and management models are not satisfactorily cost-effective and hardly reach those who need them the most. Therefore, novel evidence-based controlled interventions are necessary to evaluate models for prevention and treatment based on self-management. This randomized controlled trial examines the effectiveness, applicability, and acceptability of different lifestyle interventions with individuals having symptoms of metabolic syndrome and psychological distress. The offered interventions are based on cognitive behavioral approaches, and are designed for enhancing…
In the shadow of COVID-19: A randomized controlled online ACT trial promoting adolescent psychological flexibility and self-compassion.
Background Although some adolescents managed to cope well with the challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, the well-being of many was adversely affected due to school closures, distance education, restrictions on gathering with friends, and limited access to mental health services. Many adolescents reported increased anxiety and depression as well as decreased psychological wellbeing due to the pandemic. Consequently, there is a need for psychological support that exceeds the strained resources available to schools to support young people during times of crisis and societal pressure. Objective The present study aimed to explore the effects of an online-delivered ACT intervention to …
Supporting parents of children with chronic conditions: A randomized controlled trial of web-based and self-help ACT interventions
Objective Many parents of children with chronic conditions and developmental disabilities experience high rates of burnout and psychological distress. The aim of the current study was to examine the effects of two differently delivered interventions based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) on symptoms of burnout, depression, quality of life, psychological flexibility, and mindfulness skills. Method A total of 110 parents of children aged 0.8 to 17 years with chronic conditions and developmental disabilities participated in a randomized controlled trial lasting 13 weeks with two intervention groups: (1) an iACT intervention, including three psychologist-led video conferencing session…
Feasibility of a personal health technology-based psychological intervention for men with stress and mood problems: Randomized controlled pilot trial
BackgroundWork-related stress is a significant problem for both people and organizations. It may lead to mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression, resulting in increased work absences and disabilities. Scalable interventions to prevent and manage harmful stress can be delivered with the help of technology tools to support self-observations and skills training. ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of the P4Well intervention in treatment of stress-related psychological problems. P4Well is a novel intervention which combines modern psychotherapy (the cognitive behavioral therapy and the acceptance and commitment therapy) with personal health technologies to deliv…
The Roles of Adherence and Usage Activity in Adolescents' Intervention Gains During Brief Guided Online Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.
OBJECTIVEThis study investigated the roles of adherence and usage activity in adolescents’ (n = 161) gains during a 5-week web intervention program based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).METHODProgram adherence was calculated as adherence percentage in relation to intended usage, whereas completion percentage, usage time, and usage weeks were used as indicators for usage activity. Subjective well-being was measured by self-reported life satisfaction and stress before and after the intervention.RESULTSFirst, regression analysis results showed that higher adherence predicted an increase in life satisfaction during intervention. Second, three subgroups of adolescents were identified …
A concept to empower self-management of psychophysiological wellbeing: preliminary user study experiences.
In prevention of chronic diseases, health promotion and early interventions based on self-management should be emphasized. Mental health problems and stress cause a significant portion of healthcare costs, and also complicate the management of other chronic conditions. In addition to physical health, psychophysiological and social wellbeing should be equally promoted. Thus, we have previously designed and reported the P4Well or Pervasive Personal and PsychoPhysiological management of WELLness concept for working-age citizens. The concept supports the stress and recovery management on a daily basis through improved health management strategies, and combines psychological methods with persona…
Effectiveness of a web-based Acceptance and Commitment Therapy intervention for wellbeing of parents whose children have chronic conditions: A randomized controlled trial
Effectiveness of a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy intervention for wellbeing of parents whose children have chronic conditions : A randomized controlled trial
Kokemustieto yhteiskehittämisessä : hyppy asiakaslähtöisyyteen terveyspalveluissa
Usage activity, perceived usefulness, and satisfaction in a web-based acceptance and commitment therapy program among Finnish ninth-grade adolescents.
Understanding adolescent usage activity and experiences in web-based psychological intervention programs helps in developing universal programs that can be adopted for promotion of adolescent well-being and prevention of mental health problems. This study examined the usage activity, perceived usefulness (i.e., learning of mindfulness, acceptance and value-related skills), and program satisfaction of 157 Finnish ninth-grade adolescents, who participated in a school-based five-week universal acceptance and commitment therapy web intervention called Youth Compass. Individual and growth environment-related antecedents were measured before the five-week intervention, adolescents' usage activity…
Mobile Mental Wellness Training for Stress Management: Feasibility and Design Implications Based on a One-Month Field Study
Background: Prevention and management of work-related stress and related mental problems is a great challenge. Mobile applications are a promising way to integrate prevention strategies into the everyday lives of citizens. Objective: The objectives of this study was to study the usage, acceptance, and usefulness of a mobile mental wellness training application among working-age individuals, and to derive preliminary design implications for mobile apps for stress management. Methods: Oiva, a mobile app based on acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), was designed to support active learning of skills related to mental wellness through brief ACT-based exercises in the daily life. A one-month …
Individual differences in processes of lifestyle changes among people with obesity: an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) intervention in a primary health care setting
Abstract Aim: To explore what thoughts, feelings, and learning processes were involved in obese participants’ lifestyle change during an acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) lifestyle intervention delivered in primary health care. Background: Previous studies have revealed that lifestyle interventions are effective at promoting initial weight loss, but reduced weight is often difficult to sustain because of the failure to maintain healthy lifestyle changes. Achieving and maintaining lifestyle changes requires to learn self-regulation skills. ACT-based lifestyle interventions combine many self-regulatory skill factors, and the results from previous studies are promising. Research on the i…
Digitaalisen Nuorten Kompassi plus -hyvinvointiohjelman soveltuvuus lukiolaisille
Psyykkinen hyvinvointi on kulmakivi, johon nuoren oppiminen nojaa; hyvinvointi vaikuttaa merkittävättä tavalla nuoren opintosuoriutumiseen ja työelämävalmiuksien omaksumiseen. Tämä on tiedostettu nykyisessä lainsäädännössä, joka velvoittaa oppilaitoksia vahvistamaan opiskelijoiden hyvinvointia. Tarvitaan tutkittuja, vaikuttavia, helposti saatavilla olevia menetelmiä, jotta voidaan laaja-alaisesti tukea nuorten hyvinvointia erilaisista ammatillisista viitekehyksistä käsin. Jyväskylän yliopiston psykologian laitoksella on kehitetty tähän haasteeseen vastaava Nuorten Kompassi plus -hyvinvointiohjelma, joka perustuu hyväksyntä- ja tietoisuustaitojen harjoitteluun sekä arvotyöskentelyyn. Se toim…
"Mielimatka on ollut mieluisa matka": Yhdistelmäkuntoutus vs. perinteinen Silmu-kuntoutus mielenterveysongelmiin ja asiakkaiden kokemukset yhdistelmäkuntoutuksesta
Hankkeen tavoitteena oli tutkia verkkopohjaisen, hyväksymis- ja omistautumisterapiamenetelmiin perustuvan yhdistelmämallin eli verkko-ohjelmasta ja kolmesta ryhmämuotoisesta kuntoutusjaksosta koostuvan kuntoutuksen vaikuttavuutta asiakkaiden mielenterveysoireiluun verrattuna Kelan Silmu-mielenterveyskuntoutukseen. Asiakkaat rekrytoitiin lehti-ilmoituksilla kesällä 2017. Tutkimus toteutettiin vuosien 2017–2019 aikana satunnaistetussa kontrolloidussa asetelmassa vertaamalla yhdistelmäkuntoutusryhmää (n = 32) ja perinteistä Silmu-kuntoutusryhmää (n = 27). Yhdistelmäkuntoutusryhmä sai 12 kuukauden kuntoutuksen, johon sisältyi 3 x 2 päivän lähijaksot Peurunka oy:n kuntoutuspalveluissa sekä verkk…
Can peer-tutored psychological flexibility training facilitate physical activity among adults with overweight?
Objective An increase in psychological flexibility has been found to be associated with health behavior changes. Peer-led interventions have been advantageous in improving physical activity among individuals at health risk. This study aimed to discover whether an ACT-based peer-tutored online intervention can increase self-reported physical activity participation and psychological flexibility among adults with overweight. Design The study was a non-randomized longitudinal intervention study. The intervention participants (N = 177) were primary health care clients with overweight. They participated in a 24-month program provided by health services, including three online modules of ACT of si…
P4Well Concept to Empower Self-Management of Psychophysiological Wellbeing and Load Recovery
Chronic health problems related to mental wellbeing are rapidly growing, calling for novel solutions focusing on individual as a psychophysiological being. We describe a novel technology-based concept for empowering citizen towards holistic self-management of her wellbeing: “P4Well” (Pervasive Personal and PsychoPhysiological management of WELLness). The primary focus of the concept is on management of stress and recovery from stress caused by daily life through improved health management strategies. The P4Well concept combines modern psychological methods with personal health technologies. The technologies include a web-portal and web-based tools, mobile phone with mobile client applicatio…