Victor E. Gould
Increased numbers of cytokeratin-positive interstitial reticulum cells (CIRC) in reactive, inflammatory and neoplastic lymphadenopathies: hyperplasia or induced expression?
A total of 291 enlarged lymph nodes showing a range of reactive-inflammatory processes, primary and metastatic neoplasms were studied to determine the distribution and immunoprofile of their cytokeratin-positive interstitial reticulum cells (CIRC) in comparison with normal nodes. In 258/291 nodes (89%), CIRC numbers were distinctly increased in the subcapsular, paracortical and, occasionally, in the medullary zones; often, these increased CIRC formed networks around follicles, sinuses and vessels. CIRC had comparatively small, irregularly shaped bodies and dendritic processes; occasionally, giant forms were noted. CIRC contained cytokeratins (CK) 8 and 18 but not 19, as shown by immunohisto…
Synaptophysin expressed in the bronchopulmonary tract: neuroendocrine cells, neuroepithelial bodies, and neuroendocrine neoplasms.
Synaptophysin is an integral membrane glycoprotein with an Mr of 38,000 that occurs in the small, clear vesicles present in neuronal cells and tumors as well as in pancreatic islet cells and various neuroendocrine (NE) carcinomas. We found that synaptophysin is also expressed in normal NE cells of the lungs of newborn rabbits and mice as well as of human fetuses. In bronchial ganglion cells and in nerves, synaptophysin is coexpressed with neurofilament proteins (NFPs), whereas in solitary NE cells and in at least some of the neuroepithelial bodies (NEBs) of the bronchial mucosal lining, synaptophysin coexists with cytokeratins. We also studied a series of NE neoplasms of the lung covering t…
Immunolocalization of integrins in the normal and neoplastic colonic epithelium.
Cryosections of normal colon (NC), tubular and villous adenomas (TA, VA), and variably differentiated colon adenocarcinomas (CA) were immunostained with monoclonal antibodies to alpha 1-6 and alpha v, and beta 1-4 integrin subunits; select samples were stained for cytokeratin (Ck) 20 and villin. In NC, alpha 2 staining was strongest in crypt cells; alpha 1,3 and alpha v, and beta 1,3 and beta 4, and Ck 20 and villin predominated in superficial enterocytes. In TA and VA, monolayered glands showed integrin, Ck 20 and villin patterns that differed slightly from both crypt and superficial enterocytes. Complex glands in VA showed decreased integrin staining and basal polarization; Ck 20 and vill…