H.-f. Wirth

Transition probabilities in 31P and 31S : A test for isospin symmetry

International audience; Excited states in the mirror nuclei 31P and 31S were populated in the 1p and 1n exit channels of the reaction 20Ne + 12C, at a beam energy of 33 MeV. The 20Ne beam was delivered for the first time by the Piave-Alpi accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Angular correlations of coincident γ-rays and Doppler-shift attenuation lifetime measurements were performed using the multi-detector array GASP in conjunction with the EUCLIDES charged particle detector. In the observed B(E1) strengths, the isoscalar component, amounting to 24% of the isovector one, provides strong evidence for breaking of the isospin symmetry in the A=31 mass region. Self-consistent bey…

research product

The Proton Spectrum in Neutron Beta Decay: Latest Results with the aSPECT Spectrometer

Abstract The purpose of the neutron decay spectrometer aSPECT is to determine the antineutrino electron angular correlation coefficient a with high precision. Latest measurements with aSPECT were performed during April/May 2008 at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble, France. In this paper we give a report on the experiment and the status of the ongoing data analysis.

research product

Measuring the proton spectrum in neutron decay - latest results with aSPECT

The retardation spectrometer aSPECT was built to measure the shape of the proton spectrum in free neutron decay with high precision. This allows us to determine the antineutrino electron angular correlation coefficient a. We aim for a precision more than one order of magnitude better than the present best value, which is Delta_a /a = 5%. In a recent beam time performed at the Institut Laue-Langevin during April / May 2008 we reached a statistical accuracy of about 2% per 24 hours measurement time. Several systematic effects were investigated experimentally. We expect the total relative uncertainty to be well below 5%.

research product

Nuclear structure of 131Te studied with (n,γ) and reactions

Abstract The structure of 131 Te has been investigated with the 130 Te( n , γγ ) 131 Te reaction using thermal neutrons and with the 130 Te( d , p ) 131 Te reaction using polarized deuterons with energy E d =18 MeV. About 290 levels were identified in most cases including spin, parity and γ -decay. The γ -decay scheme after neutron capture is essentially complete containing about 100% of the decay of the capture state and about 100% of the population of the 11/2 − isomer and of the ground state. The scheme includes 42 primary transitions with energies between 750 keV and 2500 keV. The experimental level scheme is compared with predictions of the Interacting Boson–Fermion model (IBFM) and of…

research product

Transfer and neutron capture reactions toIr194as a test of Uν(6/12)⊗Uπ(6/4)supersymmetry

The structure of $^{194}\mathrm{Ir}$ is investigated via ($n,\ensuremath{\gamma}),(n,{e}^{\ensuremath{-}}),(d,p)$, and ($\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{d},\ensuremath{\alpha}$) spectroscopy. The use of different methods leads to an almost complete level scheme up to high excitation energies including \ensuremath{\gamma}-decay and spin-parity assignments. A reanalysis of the formerly published ($n,\ensuremath{\gamma}$) data was triggered by our new ($d,p$) and ($\stackrel{\ensuremath{\rightarrow}}{d},\ensuremath{\alpha}$) transfer reactions. The experimental level scheme is compared to predictions using extended supersymmetry. Herein, the classification of states was done according to q…

research product

Thermal neutron capture cross sections of tellurium isotopes

New values for thermal neutron capture cross sections of the tellurium isotopes 122Te, 124Te, 125Te, 126Te, 128Te, and 130Te are reported. These values are based on a combination of newly determined partial g-ray cross sections obtained from experiments on targets contained natural Te and gamma intensities per capture of individual Te isotopes. Isomeric ratios for the thermal neutron capture on the even tellurium isotopes are also given.

research product

Low-spin mixed particle–hole structures in 185W

Abstract The level structure of 185W has been studied using the prompt and delayed gamma–gamma coincidences from thermal neutron capture in 184W accompanied with the one-nucleon transfer reactions ( d , p ) and ( d , t ) with polarized beams. From these data and those of previous studies a total of 183 levels has been established for energies below 3 MeV. Many of these states have been grouped into rotational bands built on 28 intrinsic states of quasiparticle and quasiparticle-plus-phonon character. Although the DWBA analysis permitted definite spin–parity assignments for most of states a large number of particle transitions have ‘anomalous’ angular and asymmetry shapes with respect to the…

research product

Symmetries in mirror nuclei $^{31}$S and $^{31}$P

Excited states in mirror nuclei 31S and 31P were populated in the 1n and 1p exit channels, respectively, of the reaction 20Ne + 12C. The beam of 20Ne, with an energy of 33 MeV, was delivered for the first time by the Piave-Alpi accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. Angular correlations of coincident pairs and Doppler-shift attenuation lifetime measurements in 31S and 31P were performed using the multidetector array GASP in conjunction with the EUCLIDES charged particle detector. A comparison of the determined B(E1) strengths of the analog mirror 7/2- → 5/2+ transitions indicates the presence of a violation of isospin symmetry.

research product

Nuclear structure of 187W studied with (n,γ) and (d,p) reactions

Abstract The level structure of 187 W has been studied using prompt and delayed gamma–gamma coincidences from thermal neutron capture in 186 W and also measuring the ( d , p ) reaction. From these data and those of previous studies a total of 170 levels (121 connected by γ transitions) have been established for energies below 2.35 MeV. Some of these levels have been grouped into rotational bands built on 14 intrinsic states of quasi-particle and quasi-particle plus phonon character. Of particular interest has been the identification of “quasi bands” with inverse spin sequence based on the newly established isomeric 11 / 2 + state at 410.1 keV. Although the DWBA analysis permitted definite s…

research product

Nuclear structure of 127Te studied with (n,γ) and (d→,p) reactions and interpreted with IBFM and QPM

Abstract The nuclear structure of 127Te has been investigated with the Te 126 ( n , γ γ ) Te 127 reaction using thermal neutrons and with the Te 126 ( d → , p ) Te 127 reaction at E d = 20 MeV . About 190 levels were identified in a region to 4.1 MeV excitation energy, in most cases including spin, parity and γ-decay. The γ-decay scheme after neutron capture is essentially complete containing about 100% of the population of the 11 / 2 − isomer and of the ground state. The thermal neutron capture cross section and isomer production of the 11 / 2 − state at 88.3 keV were determined to be 0.44(6) b and 0.069(10) b, respectively. The neutron binding energy was determined to be 6287.6(1) keV. A …

research product

Nuclear levels of 183W studied with and reactions

Abstract The level structure of 183 W has been studied using gamma–gamma coincidences from thermal neutron capture in 182 W accompanied with the reaction ( d → , p ) . From these data and those of previous studies a total of 76 levels and about 490 connecting γ -transitions have been established for energies below 2.4 MeV. An analysis based on the standard distorted-wave Born approximation (DWBA) provides the lj -angular momentum transfers and spectroscopic factors for 36 levels up to 2.2 MeV excitation energy. A large number of particle transitions indicate an influence of strong mixing between particle and probably hole states. The extra exchange of phonons across the Fermi surface leads …

research product

Direct detection of the elusive 229thorium isomer: Milestone towards a nuclear clock

Recently, the first direct detection of the long-searched low-lying isomeric first excited state of 229Th could be realized via its internal conversion decay branch, which confirms the isomer's existence and lays the foundation for precise studies of its decay parameters, in particular its half-life and excitation energy. Follow-up studies confirmed the theoretically expected lifetime reduction by about 109 of neutral 229mTh compared to charged isomers with τ∼10 μS thus emphasizing the need to efficiently suppress internal conversion when aiming for the detection of a potential photonic decay branch of 229mTh. Work towards precisely determining the excitation energy of the thorium isomer is…

research product

Interplay of quasiparticle and phonon excitations in 181Hf observed through (n,γ) and reactions

Abstract Nuclear levels of 181 Hf were investigated in the range up to 3 MeV excitation energy by (n, γ ) and (d,p) reactions. Over 170 levels and about 390 γ -transitions were established most of them for the first time. 25 rotational bands were identified. Comparison of the results of the two reactions yields information on the fine structure in the fragmentation of Nilsson strength. The states below 2 MeV with the most complete spectroscopic information were interpreted in terms of the Quasiparticle Phonon Model (QPM). Excitation energies, electromagnetic transition rates, γ -branchings and spectroscopic factors are discussed in connection with their possible structure.

research product

Lifetime measurements in mirror nuclei31S and31P: A test for isospin mixing

Using the 20Ne + 12C fusion-evaporation reaction at E20Ne = 33 MeV and the multidetector array GASP in conjuction with the EUCLIDES charged particle detector, angular correlations of coincident pairs of γ transitions and lifetimes in mirror nuclei 31S and 31P have been measured at the Piave-Alpi accelerator of the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro. A comparison of the determined B(E1) strengths of the analog mirror 7/2− → 5/2+ transitions indicates the presence of a violation of isospin symmetry.

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