I. Incontrera
An architecture Wi-fi and GPRS for efficient management of distribution electrical networks
In this paper, a telecommunication infrastructure for faults management is proposed. The complete automation of the electrical energy distribution requires the implementation of suitable data transmission systems able to easily interface with microprocessor based systems and to handle large amount of data. In particular, reliability and speed of the data transmission system are required in the fault diagnosis and post-fault management procedures, in order to guarantee high quality standards. The proposed diagnostic system indeed works by means of a set of intercommunicating MV/LV dasiaintelligent substationspsila. In this paper, after a brief description of the fault diagnostic system, an o…
An optimized diagnostic architecture for real-time monitoring of MV networks
Due to the electrical energy market liberalization, the Authority for electrical energy and gas (AEEG) in Italy and the other regulatory organizations in other European countries have concentrated their attention on the quality of the electrical service. One of the aspect of major importance in the definition of the quality of a public service is its continuity. In the aim of regulating this field the Authority has defined some continuity indicators, for example the number of interruptions per year and the cumulate duration of the interruptions per year. Recent statistics on these indicator show that the 80% of the number of interruptions in one year is caused by MV network. For this reason…
A generalized methodology for distribution systems faults identification, location and characterization
Service continuity is of basic importance in the definition of the quality of the electrical energy, for this reason, the research in the field of faults diagnostic for distribution systems is spreading ever more. In this paper, a new methodology for diagnostic management of automated distribution systems is presented. The technique is based on the solution of a circuital model of the electrical system resulting from the composition of distributed parameters quadripoles. The solution gives as a result the identification of the type of fault, of its characteristic parameters and location. The paper shows an application to line to line grounded and ungrounded faults in which also its precisio…
Applicational Aspects of a New Diagnostic Methodology for Fault Location in MV Networks: Problems, Solutions and Improvements
The electrical energy market liberalization has encouraged utilities to make new investments at distribution level so as to attain higher quality levels. Service continuity is one of the aspects of greater importance in the definition of the quality of the electrical energy, for this reason, the research in the field of faults diagnostic for distribution systems is spreading ever more. The Authors have just developed a new methodology for diagnostic management of automated distribution systems. The technique is based on the use of circuital models of the electrical system resulting from the composition of quadripoles. In this paper, after a brief description of the proposed approach, the is…
An Integrated System for Efficient Management of Distribution Networks: The System's Architecture and the Telecommunication Infrastructure
Modern distribution systems must keep up with high power quality standards due to the new regulations of the European Community and of the different national legislations. Efficient faults management is one of the basic tasks utilities must accomplish and this objective can be attained if and only if automation is present and efficient diagnostic procedures have been implemented in the centralized or distributed units all over the network. In this paper, the architecture of an integrated system for management of modern distribution systems is presented. The system includes routines for normal on-line optimal operation of distribution systems and for outage management, the latter including f…
An efficient diagnostic technique for distribution systems based on under fault voltages and currents
Service continuity is one of the major aspects in the definition of the quality of the electrical energy, for this reason the research in the field of faults diagnostic for distribution systems is spreading ever more. Moreover the increasing interest around modern distribution systems automation for management purposes gives faults diagnostics more tools to detect outages precisely and in short times. In this paper, the applicability of an efficient fault location and characterization methodology within a centralized monitoring system is discussed. The methodology, appropriate for any kind of fault, is based on the use of the analytical model of the network lines and uses the fundamental co…
A new methodology for distribution systems faults identification, location and characterization
PurposeIdentify a new methodology for fault characterization, identification and location in electrical distribution systems, based on the use of matrix algebra.Design/methodology/approachThe developed diagnostic methodology is based on a high precision analytical model of the network using a distributed parameters representation.FindingsTest results have proved the approach to be efficient and precise, while providing a generalized quadripolar model of a line affected by the most common kinds of fault.Research limitations/implicationsGeneralization to a greater number of fault cases, experimental tests.Practical implicationsUtilities are quite interested in such items, since the new requir…
Faults identification, location and characterization in electrical systems using an analytical model-based approach
The start of the electrical energy market has encouraged distributors to make new investments at distribution level so as to attain higher quality levels. The service continuity is one of the aspects of greater importance in the definition of the quality of the electrical energy. For this reason, the research in the field of fault diagnostic for distribution systems is spreading ever more. This paper presents a novel methodology to identify, locate and characterize the faulty events in the electrical distribution systems. The methodology can be extended to all types of faulty events and is applicable to reconfigurable systems. After having described the guidelines of the methodology, the Au…