Carmen Tormo Cuñat
The neolithic settlement of Limoneros (Elche, Alicante)
[EN] This paper shows the results of rescue archaeology campaigns undertaken on the site of Limoneros, an open-air settlement located to the south of Elche (Alicante), in the alluvial plain of the Vinalopó river and dated on the first half of the 5th millennium cal BC. The settlement entails different negative structures, including two stretches of ditch, silos and basins, structures finally reused as a waste area. The analysis of the recovered evidences allows the characterization of the activities developed by a farming community in a territory articulated by the river Vinalopó, where other settlements dated back to the same period have been documented. Therefore, Limoneros supplies relev…
Towards the identification of a new taphonomic agent: An analysis of bone accumulations obtained from modern Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) nests
This paper presents the results of a study of bones recovered in various current Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus) nests in a Mediterranean region of the Iberian Peninsula. The Egyptian vulture, a diurnal, scavenging, rupicolous bird of prey, is one of four vulture species that currently inhabit the Iberian Peninsula. An analysis of the remains found in the nests confirms that it has a heterogeneous diet that includes remains from human activities (butchery and food production) and the carcasses of dead animals, although it is possible that they also prey on small-sized taxa. The taphonomic study determines these birds' capability of transporting, accumulating and altering bone remai…
Fauna Ibérica. De lo real a lo imaginario (II)
En este volumen se han recopilado, descrito y clasificado todos los ítems faunísticos publicados y algunos inéditos, tanto orgánicos como iconográficos en piedra, cerámica, metal, moneda o pasta vítrea. El análisis de los restos orgánicos proporciona información sobre las pautas de alimentación, la elaboración de productos secundarios, el uso de huesos y cuernos para fabricar objetos variados, además de acercarnos al mundo simbólico de los iberos a través de sus ofrendas y sacrificios. Por su parte, las imágenes ya sean pintadas, esculpidas, grabadas, modeladas o fundidas trasladan a otros escenarios en el que los animales tuvieron un significado simbólico. El análisis de los contextos ha s…