I. V. Tokatly
Nonlinear σ model for disordered systems with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling
We derive the nonlinear σ model to describe diffusive transport in normal metals and superconductors with intrinsic spin-orbit coupling (SOC). The SOC is described via an SU(2) gauge field, and we expand the model to the fourth order in gradients to find the leading non-Abelian field-strength contribution. This contribution generates the spin-charge coupling that is responsible for the spin-Hall effect. We discuss how its symmetry differs from the leading quasiclassical higher-order gradient terms. We also derive the corresponding Usadel equation describing the diffusive spin-charge dynamics in superconducting systems. As an example, we apply the obtained equations to describe the anomalous…
Magnetoelectric effects in superconductors due to spin-orbit scattering : Nonlinear σ-model description
We suggest a generalization of the nonlinear σ model for diffusive superconducting systems to account for magnetoelectric effects due to spin-orbit scattering. In the leading orders of spin-orbit strength and gradient expansion, it includes two additional terms responsible for the spin-Hall effect and the spin-current swapping. First, assuming a delta-correlated disorder, we derive the terms from the Keldysh path integral representation of the generating functional. Then we argue phenomenologically that they exhaust all invariants allowed in the effective action to the leading order in the spin-orbit coupling (SOC). Finally, the results are confirmed by a direct derivation of the saddle-poi…