Josef Pochodzalla

Has the neutral double hypernucleus nΛΛ4 been observed?

Abstract The BNL-AGS E906 experiment was the first fully electronic experiment to produce and study double hypernuclei with large statistics. Two dominant structures were observed in the correlated π − – π − momentum matrix at ( p π − H , p π − L ) = ( 133 , 114 ) MeV / c and at ( 114 , 104 ) MeV / c . In this work we argue that the interpretation of the structure at ( 133 , 114 ) MeV / c in terms of Λ 3 H+ Λ 4 H pairs is questionable. We show, that neither a scenario where these single-Λ hypernuclei are produced after capture of a stopped Ξ − by a 9Be nucleus nor interactions of energetic Ξ − with 9Be nuclei in the target material can produce a sufficient amount of such twin pairs. We have…

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An infrared light-guide based target positioning system for operation in a harsh environment

In the PANDA experiment's hypernuclear and hyperatom setup, a positioning system for the primary production target is required, which will be located in the center of the solenoid magnet, in ultra-high vacuum, and exposed to high radiation levels. In this work, a prototype for a positioning sensor was built using a bisected light guide for infrared light and a low-priced readout system based on microcontrollers. In contrast to many modern positioning systems that require electronics in direct proximity, this setup has no active electronic components close to the moving parts. The prototype system was operated with a resolution of better than 5$\micro$m, and with a repeatability of better th…

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We are at the verge of a new impact from hypernuclear experiments planned or already operative at various laboratories all over the world. The complementary of these different experimental approaches to hypernuclei provides a wide basis for a comprehensive understanding of strange hadrons in cold hadronic matter. High precision studies of light $\Lambda$ hypernuclei, spectroscopy of double $\Lambda\Lambda$ nuclei and the properties of antihyperons in nuclei are examples for the outstanding challenges for hypernuclei research in the next decade.

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Hypernuclear physics at $\overline{\mbox{P}}$ ANDA

Hypernuclear research will be one of the main topics addressed by the \(\overline{\mbox{P}}\) anda experiment at the planned Facility for Anti-proton and Ion Research FAIR at Darmstadt, Germany. A copious production of Ξ-hyperons at a dedicated internal target in the stored anti-proton beam is expected, which will enable the high-precision γ-spectroscopy of double strange systems for the first time. In addition to the general purpose \(\overline{\mbox{P}}\) anda setup, the hypernuclear experiments require an active secondary target of silicon layers and absorber material as well as high purity germanium (HPGe) crystals as γ-detectors. The design of the setup and the development of these det…

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Antihyperon potentials in nuclei via exclusive antiproton–nucleus reactions

Abstract The exclusive production of hyperon–antihyperon pairs close to their production threshold in p ‾ -nucleus collisions offers a unique and hitherto unexplored opportunity to elucidate the behavior of antihyperons in nuclei. For the first time we analyze these reactions in a microscopic transport model using the Giesen Boltzmann–Uehling–Uhlenbeck transport model. The calculation takes the delicate interplay between the strong absorption of antihyperons, their rescattering and mean field deflection as well as the Fermi motion of the struck nucleon into account. We find a substantial sensitivity of transverse momentum correlations of coincident Λ ‾ Λ -pairs to the assumed depth of the Λ…

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Future experiments on hypernuclei and hyperatoms

Abstract The possibility to produce double Λ nuclei in anti-proton nucleus collisions at anti-proton momenta close to the threshold for Ξ − Ξ + is explored. Combining a high-luminosity antiproton beam with a novel solid-state tracking system and a high-rate Ge-array, γ-spectroscopy of ΛΛ-hypernuclei will become feasible at the PANDA experiment of the future International Accelerator Facility at GSI.

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Hypernuclear physics is currently attracting renewed attention. Thanks to the use of stored [Formula: see text] beams, copious production of double Λ hypernuclei is expected at the [Formula: see text] experiment which will enable high precision γ-spectroscopy of such nuclei for the first time. In the present work we have studied the population of particle stable, excited states in double hypernuclei after the capture of a Ξ- within a statistical decay model. In order to check the feasibility of producing and performing γ-spectroscopy of double hypernuclei at [Formula: see text], an event generator based on these calculations has been implemented in the [Formula: see text] simulation framew…

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Status of J-PARC E07: Systematic study of double strangeness nuclei with hybrid emulsion method

J-PARC E07 is the most complex emulsion experiment to date investigating double hypernuclei with a hybrid emulsion method. This experiment aims to detect 104 Ξ− stop events, ten times more events than the past experiments. Thus, an unequivocal identification of several new double hypernuclei is expected. The beam exposure has been completed at the K1.8 beam line of the J-PARC hadron facility in June 2017. The photographic development of all emulsion sheets has also been completed in February 2018. The emulsion sheets are presently being analyzed with dedicated optical microscopes. Current statistics is comparable to that of E373 and so far 10 events of 3-vertices topology have been detected…

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Observation of a Be double-Lambda hypernucleus in the J-PARC E07 experiment

A double-$\Lambda$ hypernucleus, ${}_{\Lambda\Lambda}\mathrm{Be}$, was observed by the J-PARC E07 collaboration in nuclear emulsions tagged by the $(K^{-},K^{+})$ reaction. This event was interpreted as a production and decay of $ {}_{\Lambda\Lambda}^{\;10}\mathrm{Be}$, ${}_{\Lambda\Lambda}^{\;11}\mathrm{Be}$, or ${}_{\Lambda\Lambda}^{\;12}\mathrm{Be}^{*}$ via $\Xi^{-}$ capture in ${}^{16}\mathrm{O}$. By assuming the capture in the atomic 3D state, the binding energy of two $\Lambda$ hyperons$\,$($B_{\Lambda\Lambda}$) of these double-$\Lambda$ hypernuclei are obtained to be $15.05 \pm 0.11\,\mathrm{MeV}$, $19.07 \pm 0.11\,\mathrm{MeV}$, and $13.68 \pm 0.11\,\mathrm{MeV}$, respectively. Base…

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Statistical decay of hyperfragments

Combining the unique features of the hypernuclear electro-production mechanism and the high precision in magnetic spectroscopy, the proposed E-08-012 experiment at Jefferson Lab, Virginia, and the scheduled hypernuclear experiment at MAMI, Germany, focus on the high-resolution spectroscopy of weak two-body decay pions from hypernuclei. These experiments will provide insight on a wide range of light hypernuclei via the production of hyperfragments from 9 Be, 6,7 Li and 12 C targets. In the present work we explore the production of Λ-hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited hypernucleus which is created by the electro/photo-production reaction. Finally the mo…

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At the Institut für Kernphysik in Mainz, Germany, the microtron MAMI has been upgraded to 1.5 GeV electron beam energy and can now be used to study strange hadronic systems. The magnetic spectrometer KAOS from GSI was dismantled and re-installed in the spectrometer facility operated by the A1 collaboration. The spectrometer's primary purpose is to study strangeness electro-production. Its compact design and its capability to detect negative and positive charged particles simultaneously under forward scattering angles complements the existing spectrometers. In 2008, an important milestone has been reached by the successful measurement of kaon production off a liquid hydrogen target. The ide…

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Performance of HPGe detectors in high magnetic field

A new generation of high-resolution hypernuclear gamma$-spectroscopy experiments with high-purity germanium detectors (HPGe) are presently designed at the FINUDA spectrometer at DAPhiNE, the Frascati phi-factory, and at PANDA, the antiproton proton hadron spectrometer at the future FAIR facility. Both, the FINUDA and PANDA spectrometers are built around the target region covering a large solid angle. To maximise the detection efficiency the HPGe detectors have to be located near the target, and therefore they have to be operated in strong magnetic fields B ~ 1 T. The performance of HPGe detectors in such an environment has not been well investigated so far. In the present work VEGA and EURO…

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Status of hypertriton binding energy measurements at the Mainz Microtron

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Production of excited double hypernuclei via Fermi breakup of excited strange systems

Precise spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernuclei provides a unique chance to explore the hyperon-hyperon interaction. In the present work we explore the production of excited states in double hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited double hypernucleus which is created by the absorption and conversion of a stopped $\Xi^{-}$ hyperon. Rather independent on the spectrum of possible excited states in the produced double hypernuclei the formation of excited states dominates in our model. For different initial target nuclei which absorb the $\Xi^-$, different double hypernuclei nuclei dominate. Thus the ability to assign the various observable $\gamma$-transitio…

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Overview of the electromagnetic production of strange mesons at MAMI

Abstract The Mainz Microtron MAMI provides a continuous-wave unpolarized or spin-polarized electron beam with energies up to 1.6 GeV and high degrees of polarization. Electro-production of strange mesons is performed in the multi-spectrometer facility with the Kaos spectrometer for kaon detection and a high-resolution spectrometer for electron detection in plane or out of plane. Differential cross section measurements of exclusive p ( e , e ′ K + ) Λ , Σ 0 reactions at low four-momentum transfers in the nucleonʼs third resonance region have been done, followed by a measurement of the beam helicity asymmetry for p ( e → , e ′ K + ) Λ . These studies are important for the understanding of the…

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The HypHI project: Hypernuclear spectroscopy with stable heavy ion beams and rare isotope beams at GSI and FAIR

The HypHI collaboration aims to perform a precise hypernuclear spectroscopy with stable heavy ion beams and rare isotope beams at GSI and fAIR in order to study hypernuclei at extreme isospin, especially neutron rich hypernuclei to look insight hyperon-nucleon interactions in the neutron rich medium, and hypernuclear magnetic moments to investigate baryon properties in the nuclei. We are currently preparing for the first experiment with $^6$Li and $^{12}$C beams at 2 AGeV to demonstrate the feasibility of a precise hypernuclear spectroscopy by identifying $^{3}_{\Lambda}$H, $^{4}_{\Lambda}$H and $^{5}_{\Lambda}$He. The first physics experiment on these hypernuclei is planned for 2009. In th…

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Prospects for hypernuclear physics at Mainz: From KAOS@MAMI to PANDA@FAIR

Abstract At the Mainz Microtron hypernuclei are produced by ( e , e ′ K ) reactions. A dedicated kaon spectrometer located at 0° with respect to the electron beam is used to detect kaons emitted in forward direction thus tagging events involving strangeness production. By measuring the momenta of pions from two body weak decays using high resolution magnetic spectrometers one gains direct access to the ground state masses of the produced hyperfragments. At FAIR the PANDA Collaboration intends to produce double-hypernuclei by numbers with an antiproton beam and study their high resolution γ -spectroscopy thus providing for the first time precise information on the level structure of these nu…

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Delayed Pion Spectroscopy of Hypernuclei

New possibilities of hypernuclear studies at modern electron accelerators based on recently developed radio frequency photomultiplier tubes are discussed.

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Future experimental opportunities for the hypernuclear physics at GSI/FAIR are presented. The HYPHI experiment will investigate exotic hypernuclei which are produced by nuclear collision with stable heavy ion beams and rare isotope beams (RI-beams) at GSI. Thanks to the use of [Formula: see text] beams and the skilful combination of experimental techniques, copious production of double Λ hypernuclei is expected at the PANDA experiment which will enable high precision γ spectroscopy for the first time. Finally a novel method to explore the interaction of antibaryons in nuclei by baryon-antibaryon pair production in antiproton nucleus interactions is outlined.

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Strangeness nuclear physics at P¯ANDA

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Kaon Tagging at 0° Scattering Angle for High-Resolution Decay-Pion Spectroscopy

At the Mainz Microtron hypernuclei can be studied by (e,e'K) reactions. By detecting the kaon which is emitted in forward direction, with the KAOS spectrometer placed at 0 scattering angle, reactions involving open strangeness production are tagged. High-resolution magnetic spectrometers are then used to coincidentally detect the mono- energetic decay-pions from mesonic two-body weak decays of light hypernuclei at rest. As a pioneering experiment has confirmed, the KAOS spectrometer is exposed to a large flux of background particles, mostly positrons from bremsstrahlung pair production. In order to increase the e ciency of kaon identification the KAOS spectrometer was modi- fied to suppress…

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Hypernuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion beams: The HypHI project at GSI and fair

The HypHI experiment for precise hypernuclear spectroscopy with induced reactions of stable heavy ion beams and rare isotope beams is currently under preparation at GSI. The main goal of the HypHI project is to study neutron and proton rich hypernuclei and to measure directly hypernuclear magnetic moments at GSI and FAIR. In the first HypHI experiment (Phase 0) planned in 2009, the feasibility of precise hypernuclear spectroscopy with heavy ion beams will be demonstrated by observing π- decay channels of [Formula: see text], [Formula: see text] and [Formula: see text] with 6 Li projectiles at 2 A GeV impinging on a 12 C target. An overview of the HypHI project and the details of the Phase …

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Measurement of the Spin Structure of the Deuteron in the DIS Region

We present a new measurement of the longitudinal spin asymmetry A_1^d and the spin-dependent structure function g_1^d of the deuteron in the range 1 GeV^2 < Q^2 < 100 GeV^2 and 0.004< x <0.7. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarised muon beam and a large polarised 6-LiD target. The results are in agreement with those from previous experiments and improve considerably the statistical accuracy in the region 0.004 < x < 0.03.

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Studies of Hyperons and Antihyperons in Nuclei

Stored antiproton beams at the international FAIR facility will provide unique opportunities to study hyperons as well as antihyperons in nuclear systems. Precise $\gamma$-spectroscopy of multi-strange hypernuclei will serve as a laboratory for the hyperon-hyperon interaction. Exclusive hadron-antihadron pair production close to threshold can measure the potential of a antihadron relative to that of the coincident hadrons. In the present work we explore the production of excited states in double hypernuclei following the micro-canonical break-up of an initially excited double hypernucleus which is created by the absorption and conversion of a stopped $\Xi^{-}$ hyperon. Generally the formati…

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Gluon polarization in the nucleon from quasi-real photoproduction of high-pT hadron pairs

Abstract We present a determination of the gluon polarization Δ G / G in the nucleon, based on the helicity asymmetry of quasi-real photoproduction events, Q 2 1 ( GeV / c ) 2 , with a pair of large transverse-momentum hadrons in the final state. The data were obtained by the COMPASS experiment at CERN using a 160 GeV polarized muon beam scattered on a polarized 6 LiD target. The helicity asymmetry for the selected events is 〈 A ∥ / D 〉 = 0.002 ± 0.019 ( stat ) ± 0.003 ( syst ) . From this value, we obtain in a leading-order QCD analysis Δ G / G = 0.024 ± 0.089 ( stat ) ± 0.057 ( syst ) at x g = 0.095 and μ 2 ≃ 3 ( GeV / c ) 2 .

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Sn108studied with intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation

The unstable neutron-deficient Sn-108 isotope has been studied in inverse kinematics by intermediate-energy Coulomb excitation using the RISING/FRS experimental setup at GSI. This is the highest Z nucleus studied so far with this method. Its reduced transition probability B (E2;0(g.s.)(+)-> 2(1)(+)) has been measured for the first time. The extracted B(E2) value of 0.230(57)e(2) b(2) has been determined relative to the known value in the stable Sn-112 isotope. The result is discussed in the framework of recent large-scale shell model calculations performed with realistic effective interactions. The roles of particle-hole excitations of the Sn-100 core and of the Z=50 shell gap for the E2 po…

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Future hypernuclear physics at MAMI-C and PANDA-GSI

Hypernuclei represent the first steps towards an extension of the periodic system into the sector of strangeness and thus add a third dimension to our evolving picture of nuclei. They provide a large variety of new and exciting perspectives ranging from new dynamical symmetries in hypernuclei spectra, non-mesonic weak decays, and the interplay of the quark-exchange and meson-exchange aspects of strong baryon–baryon forces in the flavor SU(3) world. Furthermore, double hypernuclei may provide a doorway towards exotic quark states. In the near future, electroproduction experiments at TJNAF and MAMI-C will add more detailed information on the structure of single hypernuclei states. On the long…

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