José María Martí
On the convexity of Relativistic Hydrodynamics
The relativistic hydrodynamic system of equations for a perfect fluid obeying a causal equation of state is hyperbolic (Anile 1989 {\it Relativistic Fluids and Magneto-Fluids} (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press)). In this report, we derive the conditions for this system to be convex in terms of the fundamental derivative of the equation of state (Menikoff and Plohr 1989 {\it Rev. Mod. Phys.} {\bf 61} 75). The classical limit is recovered.
Stability of hydrodynamical relativistic planar jets : II. Long-term nonlinear evolution
In this paper we continue our study of the Kelvin-Helmholtz (KH) instability in relativistic planar jets following the long-term evolution of the numerical simulations which were introduced in Paper I. The models have been classified into four classes (I to IV) with regard to their evolution in the nonlinear phase, characterized by the process of jet/ambient mixing and momentum transfer. Models undergoing qualitatively different non-linear evolution are clearly grouped in well-separated regions in a jet Lorentz factor/jet-to-ambient enthalpy diagram. Jets with a low Lorentz factor and small enthalpy ratio are disrupted by a strong shock after saturation. Those with a large Lorentz factor an…
Numerical Hydrodynamics in Special Relativity
This review is concerned with a discussion of numerical methods for the solution of the equations of special relativistic hydrodynamics (SRHD). Particular emphasis is put on a comprehensive review of the application of high-resolution shock-capturing methods in SRHD. Results obtained with different numerical SRHD methods are compared, and two astrophysical applications of SRHD flows are discussed. An evaluation of the various numerical methods is given and future developments are analyzed.
Intracluster Medium reheating by relativistic jets
Galactic jets are powerful energy sources reheating the intra-cluster medium in galaxy clusters. Their crucial role in the cosmic puzzle, motivated by observations, has been established by a great number of numerical simulations missing the relativistic nature of these jets. We present the first relativistic simulations of the very long term evolution of realistic galactic jets. Unexpectedly, our results show no buoyant bubbles, but large cocoon regions compatible with the observed X-ray cavities. The reheating is more efficient and faster than in previous scenarios, and it is produced by the shock wave driven by the jet, that survives for several hundreds of Myrs. Therefore, the X-ray cavi…
Influence of Internal Energy on the Stability of Relativistic Flows
A set of simulations concerning the influence of internal energy on the stability of relativistic jets is presented. Results show that perturbations saturate when the amplitude of the velocity perturbation approaches the speed of light limit. Also, contrary to what predicted by linear stability theory, jets with higher specific internal energy appear to be more stable.
Total and linearly polarized synchrotron emission from overpressured magnetized relativistic jets
We present relativistic magnetohydrodynamic (RMHD) simulations of stationary overpressured magnetized relativistic jets, which are characterized by their dominant type of energy: internal, kinetic, or magnetic. Each model is threaded by a helical magnetic field with a pitch angle of 45° and features a series of recollimation shocks produced by the initial pressure mismatch, whose strength and number varies as a function of the dominant type of energy. We perform a study of the polarization signatures from these models by integrating the radiative transfer equations for synchrotron radiation using as inputs the RMHD solutions. These simulations show a top-down emission asymmetry produced by …
Physical Parameters in the Hot Spots and Jets of Compact Symmetric Objects
We present a model to determine the physical parameters of jets and hot spots of a sample of CSOs under very basic assumptions like synchrotron emission and minimum energy conditions. Based on this model we propose a simple evolutionary scenario for these sources assuming that they evolve in ram pressure equilibrium with the external medium and constant jet power. The parameters of our model are constrained from fits of observational data (radio luminosity, hot spot radius and hot spot advance speed) versus projected linear size. From these plots we conclude that CSOs evolve self-similarly and that their radio luminosity increases with linear size along the first kiloparsec. Assuming that t…
Stability of hydrodynamical relativistic planar jets
The effects of relativistic dynamics and thermodynamics in the development of Kelvin-Helmholtz instabilities in planar, relativistic jets along the early phases (namely linear and saturation phases) of evolution has been studied by a combination of linear stability analysis and high-resolution numerical simulations for the most unstable first reflection modes in the temporal approach. Three different values of the jet Lorentz factor (5, 10 and 20) and a few different values of specific internal energy of the jet matter (from 0.08 to $60.0 c^2$) have been considered. Figures illustrating the evolution of the perturbations are also shown.
Nonlinear stability of relativistic sheared planar jets
The linear and non-linear stability of sheared, relativistic planar jets is studied by means of linear stability analysis and numerical hydrodynamical simulations. Our results extend the previous Kelvin-Hemlholtz stability studies for relativistic, planar jets in the vortex sheet approximation performed by Perucho et al. (2004a,b) by including a shear layer between the jet and the external medium and more general perturbations. The models considered span a wide range of Lorentz factors ($2.5-20$) and internal energies ($0.08 c^2-60 c^2$) and are classified into three classes according to the main characteristics of their long-term, non-linear evolution. We observe a clear separation of thes…
Long-term simulations of extragalactic jets: cavities and feedback
AbstractWe present long-term numerical simulations of powerful extragalactic relativistic jets in two dimensions. The jets are injected in a realistic atmosphere with powers 1044, 1045 and 1046 erg/s, during tens of Myrs. After this time, the jet injection is switched off. We follow the evolution of the jets and associated shocks from 1 kpc to hundreds of kiloparsecs during more than 100 Myrs. The 1045 erg/s jet was simulated with leptonic and baryonic composition. Our results show that, for powerful jets, the main heating mechanisms are the driving shock-wave and mixing. We discuss the implications that these results have in the frame of cooling flows in clusters.
Grid-based Methods in Relativistic Hydrodynamics and Magnetohydrodynamics
An overview of grid-based numerical methods used in relativistic hydrodynamics (RHD) and magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) is presented. Special emphasis is put on a comprehensive review of the application of high-resolution shock-capturing methods. Results of a set of demanding test bench simulations obtained with different numerical methods are compared in an attempt to assess the present capabilities and limits of the various numerical strategies. Applications to three astrophysical phenomena are briefly discussed to motivate the need for and to demonstrate the success of RHD and RMHD simulations in their understanding. The review further provides FORTRAN programs to compute the exact solution…
On the deceleration of Fanaroff-Riley Class I jets: mass loading of magnetized jets by stellar winds.
In this paper we present steady-state RMHD simulations that include a mass-load term to study the process of jet deceleration. The mass-load mimics the injection of a proton-electron plasma from stellar winds within the host galaxy into initially pair plasma jets, with mean stellar mass-losses ranging from $10^{-14}$ to $10^{-9}\,{M_\odot\,yr^{-1}}$. The spatial jet evolution covers $\sim 500\,{\rm pc}$ from jet injection in the grid at 10~pc from the jet nozzle. Our simulations use a relativistic gas equation of state and a pressure profile for the ambient medium. We compare these simulations with previous dynamical simulations of relativistic, non-magnetised jets. Our results show that to…